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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

We Hate Huttball


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On behalf of no one in particular, I would request that you developers find some way for us to screen the PvP warzones so that we can opt OUT of Huttball. Hate it. HAAAATTTEEE it. :mad: Take a page from Rift, let us pick what PvP warzones we want to play.
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You're playing Empire. 80% of the players on your server are playing empire.


If you opt out of it you'll get to go to a warzone once very hour.


There's a way to fix this... can you think of what it could be?

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On behalf of no one in particular, I would request that you developers find some way for us to screen the PvP warzones so that we can opt OUT of Huttball. Hate it. HAAAATTTEEE it. :mad: Take a page from Rift, let us pick what PvP warzones we want to play.


Agreed, I hate huttball as well.


My idea is that they add a "Settings" option to the warzone queuing screen. In that settings tab it lists all warzones with check boxes beside them. Then you simply uncheck the ones you dont want and click queue and it queues you randomly for whatever warzones you have checked.




Then I would never need to do huttball again.

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Huttball is freaking awesome. I'm not surprised that so many people hate it. What a fresh innovation to what has been a pretty stagnant area of online RPG development. Thank you, BW, for coming up with something new, challenging and fun.
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I play republic, so I don't see huttball that often, but I also hate it and would like to have the option not to play it.


Of course, my character is not force sensitive, so I actually have to move slow when I have the ball, and look to pass it as soon as possible to someone who can force run, so that might be part of what makes it suck for me.



I did roll an imp the other day, just to try something new, and was a little surprised at how much huttball there really is. I only got to about 12, cause I started PvP'ing at 10 and it was like 80% hutball. I can't enjoy that, because hutball sucks. I don't know how you imps do it. You must really really love it.


Honestly, if you don't like huttball, and you like warzones, you have no business being imperial. Huttball is for imps. Welcome to imperial PvP.

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I play republic, so I don't see huttball that often, but I also hate it and would like to have the option not to play it.


Of course, my character is not force sensitive, so I actually have to move slow when I have the ball, and look to pass it as soon as possible to someone who can force run, so that might be part of what makes it suck for me.



I did roll an imp the other day, just to try something new, and was a little surprised at how much huttball there really is. I only got to about 12, cause I started PvP'ing at 10 and it was like 80% hutball. I can't enjoy that, because hutball sucks. I don't know how you imps do it. You must really really love it.


Honestly, if you don't like huttball, and you like warzones, you have no business being imperial. Huttball is for imps. Welcome to imperial PvP.


Huttball is awesome. At first I hated it, but the meta evolved. Its no longer a huge massive blob of death moving slowly toward the goal. If you have a decent meta, then you'll notice that there will be people who absolutely understand what their class is supposed to do in the game. There's defensive classes (sins, PTs, snipers), ball retrievers (dps), offensive classes (juggs, sins, sorcs) that hopefully work together to score a goal.

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The OP isn't saying he hates Hutball, he's saying "I like winning, and I win more often when playing the Republic therefore I don't want to play Hutball because I'm more likely to lose there."


I actually find Civil War the hardest to win in a meta that isn't developed. Mainly because it snowballs pretty damn fast and turns into a lemming blender. Once you breakup the initial pack, everyone just goes into the grinder 1by1 to gets slaughtered again. Whereas in huttball and voidstar, 2-3 people that know what they are doing can win the game.

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I actually find Civil War the hardest to win in a meta that isn't developed. Mainly because it snowballs pretty damn fast and turns into a lemming blender. Once you breakup the initial pack, everyone just goes into the grinder 1by1 to gets slaughtered again. Whereas in huttball and voidstar, 2-3 people that know what they are doing can win the game.


Actually all you need on Voidstar is one operative with a good sense of timing :)

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