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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

**PLEASE** Allow 8 Man Premade Groups!


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Not one of these people that are so much in favor of 8 man pre-made have come out and said:


"YES! Let us fight other 8man pre-made and we'll be so happy!"


Why do you think that is? It's because they are not looking for a fair fight, they are not looking only to play with friends, they want epics, they want to own, they want higher valor rank, and they want it now.


Everyone that has played any BG/WZ MMO and been in or faced pre-mades knows what it's all about, EASY MATCHES, nothing else.


TBH this thread was over when the first person said "Fine just let them face other pre-mades"


Agreed 100%. Let pre's que for pre matches. keep em out of so =lo que's and everything would be fine

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I would much rather a guild of 8 stomp me while in a pug, than go through another Huttball with 4 guildies on one side and 4 on the other with the gm.


I can't tell you how many times I have watched a player stand 10 feet from capping the ball in huttball just to wait for a guildie on the other team to run up from across the map and kill him and take it..

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I am all for these 8 man premades. In fact there are so many of us wanting this that there should be no problem at all incorporating this into the game by making us face other 8 man groups, and yet keeping q times down and the game fun and challenging. Please let us have this and make sure the system only pairs us against other coordinated say 6+ man group so we don't just get bored and rofl stomp pugs because that is not fun at all and that is not what we want. We want to play with friends while keeping it fair and nothing like facing other groups of friends just hanging with friends to keep it fun challenging and fair for everyone even the pugs. Edited by Taurenizer
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for all of you who think anyone who wants to run in a group with 8 of their guild-mates only wishes to farm pugs and not to just have fun and enjoy the game with friends , I feel bad for you. Not everyone is out to farm warzones and grind gear for the hell of it. some people just like playing as a group, and not relying on people who won't listen.


This does usually entail facerolling a win against pugs though lol. I'm fairly certain that if what you say were the only case, going against another premade and losing every game because they play better than you would be equally (or just as) fun as winning them. Again, assuming your goal and means of enjoyment was simply to spend time pvping with your fellow group members.

Edited by Notsensible
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Ranked Warzones are already in the works. They will HAVE to allow 8 man premades.


Source: http://www.swtor.com/blog/new-year%E2%80%99s-pvp-update


Stop telling people who Queue solo to Group or join Guilds. It's foolish. A lot of people ARE in Guilds but not everyone wants to do the same thing at the same time.


FULL Premades should be limited to Ranked Play only seeing as how Grinding Warzones leads directly to Gear.


This entire thread is unnecessary.

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I agree with OP. 8-man groups are needed. I really don't care who they make you play against. As long as we can play with our friends and guild mates. Sure we want to win, who doesn't? Who in there right mind wants to play a game to lose? Here's an idea, make the 8-man groups only on pvp servers that way the carebears have nothing to fear.
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You can have this once we have level 50 only ranked competitive games that are for full premades only. Otherwise, don't even think about it.


Why does it have to be ranked? Some people have more that 8 friends and just want to have fun. Maybe make it where non-ranked game rewards are cut in half or something. People who believe that everyone only plays to steamroll pugs need to open their eyes, it's a GAME. Why do most people play games? To have FUN! Not everyone is so narrow minded and some people are not as socially challenged and have a lot of friends. People on this forum our making it out to be a crime to have more than 4 friends. Geez!

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As the OP, I feel I must explain my situation:


First of all, I am a level 43 (NOT 50) Trooper (Republic, of course, NOT SITH) My guild only has 4 level 50 toons. (One of which does not PvP often) When we que in PvP, we que with our own players ranging from level 14 - 50. The problem is, we have to leave people out sometimes and its not fair to them.

Our time in Battlegrounds has generated mixed results. Sometimes we can go all night without a victory, which is fine, because its still FUN and we still generate the various rewards, just not as many of them.


The point is, we are the class of player who gets 'steamrolled by 8 level 50 sith' sometimes. Guess what? I have absolutly NO PROBLEM WITH THAT! As a matter of fact, I would fight against 12 level 50 fully geared out Sith if you let me bring 8 of my own guys (of various levels) into the fight.



Frankly, my guild enjoys being the underdogs. We just prefer to be the underdogs TOGETHER.


As for that argument AGAINST where 'I want an 8 man group just to steamroll pugs'


well... I would PREFER if I WASNT playing against pugs. As a matter of fact, I would love the ability to contact the guild leaders of my adversary guilds, in game and coordinate Guild vs Guild battlegrounds and Huttball matches.



I cant see others from PvP servers being against 8 man groups, so I will excuse the people from the PvE and RP servers where PvP is probably more casual and relies heavily on PuGs. In that case, I agree, keep the system the way it is.



Now, if you are from a PvP server and are arguing against 8 man groups... what the hell are you doing on a PvP server in the first place!?!?!?!? You guys don't have a legitimate argument. I am on a PvP server with my Guild. I want to PvP with my Guild... period.


Do you guys cry in open world PvP too? I've gotten killed by 4 man gank squads on Hoth, they made it a point to guard my quest objective so I couldnt complete my mission. Personally, I thought that was the coolest part about being on a PvP server. I didnt 'cry' it just forced me to rethink my strategy.

Edited by Aceho
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I own a guild, actually.


Competition is NOT, by nature, team based. There's no correlation. The concept of "Competition" can either be between one entity or multiple entities. Flawed statement is flawed.



That said... yes, warzone's are team based in nature. However, allowing 8 man premades to roll PuG's just proves how godawful LOL you are at PvP. I pity your guild for being so bad.


Really, it's not your fault though. They just need to pair premades against premades, problem solved. Then again, you'll probably hate it when you find out how bad you are on an even playing field... lawls...


Ahem, competition in this game (at least in Warzones) IS team-based.


By the way, there was a lot of built-up angst in that post, might wanna revise it...

Edited by slapslapslap
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You can have this once we have level 50 only ranked competitive games that are for full premades only. Otherwise, don't even think about it.


why? I'm not level 50 and most of my guild is not level 50. So basically, you are saying I have to wait until I myself and 7 of my guildmates reach level 50 before I can even THINK about playing in an 8 man group with them???


I'm sorry, I'm on a PvP server... I want to PvP NOW and I want to do it with my friends.


Silly... just silly.


I am assuming the negative, PuGs-loving carebears posting here are from RP servers, not PvP servers.

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No. No no no.


You'll just get a large group of overly-geared *****holes who have too much time on their hands who form a group together and take over the PVP so no one wants to play anymore.




Have you played any matches recently, that's exactly how it is... every round.

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