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Community Blog Post Discussion: A Word on Bugs from James Ohlen


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Is there any time frame for the Ability Lag Bug thats being reported by a large number of players?


Will you be agressivly attempting to balance classes/specs in PvP?


I would rather they fix gamebreaking bugs first before pulling out the nerf bat... There are some people who simply can't play, or can't complete their class missions, that should take priority, imo

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I'll be happy when I'm able to close the game without my computer taking a dump for 5-10 minutes, lol. I've asked a bunch of people, and I'm not the only one who has that problem. 3/4 of the time, whenever I try to close out, I have to ctrl+alt+delete because the game goes nonresponsive. Less than 1/4 of the time, it closes almost instantly, just like any other program. I've no idea what's different then, but it'd be nice if it did that all the time.


The only other annoying bug I've come across has been random deselection of targets. I target a mob, spam abilities, and it'll deselect it all by itself, and since I have to watch my bars for procs and whatnot, I'll miss noticing that I'm not actually attacking anything anymore for a bit.


These aren't bugs, but I can't wait for them to get in-game, either:


-Proc notifications


-Target of Target, which I assume will be a display option once the updated UI options are released


-Guild Description really needs to be enlarged; as it is now, there's not even enough room to input complete vent info, much less anything else, such as an actual description

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Bugfixes are nice. But what about an option to turn on chat bubbles? The lack of them prevent roleplayers and socializers from playing the game with other players. We were told they were a high priority before, yet you haven't even mentioned them ever since.


The lack of chat bubbles doesn't prevent socializing in any way. Overstating things isn't helping your case. Sure, it may make it easier to have bubbles (and I think even that's debatable), but not having them certainly doesn't prevent anything at all.


I get that you want them, but there are so many more important things to handle first.

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Well you guys sure haven't fixed the Kira Carsen Romance line for Jedi Knights, any ETA on when that's going to be fixed MR. OHLEN? Would be nice if you could give us an estimate on when that SEVERELY DETRIMENTAL STORY BREAKING BUG would be fixed MR. OHLEN.
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And you don't think the FPS and Performance issues that are all over the Customer Service forum constitute as a top priority? This is stopping players from playing and is causing people to cancel their subscriptions.


How many DXDIAG files will it take for someone to provide real details on what is being done to correct this to the community? Such as "Hey, we are finding this is caused by XYZ and are doing ABC to fix it."


None of this, "We are aware and looking into it" crap.





How many DXDIAG files will it take for someone to provide real details on what is being done to correct this to the community? Such as "Hey, we are finding this is caused by XYZ and are doing ABC to fix it."

Agreed fix it danm it

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I still have the "Stuck in Taris" bug. One of my characters has 0 frames per second and I have absolutely no control. I can't use the /stuck or use quick travel as a work around. After multiple quality tickets, I still have him stuck. (Yes, I do have all current patches, including the one that says this was fixed.)


Is this character ruined or is there still some hope for him?

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He writes: "So here are some more details on the topic."; however, no details are given in this blog.


People really want to know which bugs are being currently addressed internally, regardless of the timeline of having them fixed. There are some bugs that are game breaking to many folks and if you don't come out and provide a LIST of things that are being looked at right now, you're going to lose folks.


I'd rather they spend their time on actually fixing bugs than maintaining list of bugs...just sayin'

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There are absolutely always going to be some small bugs in a game that need to be fixed. Thats fine.


What we are dealing with are some pretty major bugs that effect the quality of the game for the majority of people. Broken heroics, class quest bugs, cut scenes that arent completed (the sith inquisitor story line often had the light saber off when it should be on, or on when it should be off, also times where force lightning should be coming out and it isnt. Not sure if its happening for other classes as well).


I have played from launch to level cap in all of the major mmos except aion since Ultima Online and this stands out as one of the more buggy experiences. its really unfortunate but I honestly do feel like I am using my 30 free days of game time to complete the beta testing of this game.

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please see the horrid FPS http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=114363&page=92&highlight=horrid+fps


that is the 3rd thread created because it has reached max posts twice in a row, just because YOU are one of the few who have no issues does not mean no one does, i have done my research and i know ALOT of people have this issue.


Million+ players (going by sales/pre-order numbers) =/= handful of players on the forums. The vast majority of any MMO community doesn't post on the forums. They will get to it when they get to it.

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He basically said there are bugs, we are fixing them, it takes time. Why is everyone complaining while they clearly care about fixing the game and are taking steps to improve it?


Because people are idiots and have no clue about the development of games. They also expect everything to be perfect from day one.


Idiots are idiots.


I'm positive that QA are finding issues are reporting them, they're professionals and know what they're doing.


EA have some of the best training when it comes to QA and finding these issues, and regressing them.

Edited by Mountainrock
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