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Everything posted by Menkary

  1. Lots of good discussion, but I still can't make up my mind. Are other companions majorly light or dark? Vette seems to be mostly light, how are the rest of them?
  2. I am playing a female Sith Marauder (no romance even if they write in same-sex). My basic play style so far is grey (not dark or light). Vette is still collared and I shock her every chance I get. Whenever the opportunity arises, I betray the Empire. For all my nastiness, I can be very kind even if somebody doesn't deserve it and it will cost me to be nice to them. I am not sure if I will remain grey, so can anyone give advice as to which is better, Light or dark side Jaesa Willsaam?
  3. What is the best thing to reverse engineer for agumentation kit parts? I have an armstech and a synthweaver.
  4. I mispoke. Evidently the mission thing didn't come up for me when I logged. I logged back in and got them. I guess I can do run throughs of Esseles for Social. Thanks for your reply.
  5. I did just do a run through of Esseles and got no Social for it I was hoping for about 80 or so from it. I picked up the quest from that guy who says they have arranged transport for you, ran a lowbie through it and got no social. I was very sure to check my points before and after.
  6. I am on a low population server and I have leveled past the Esseles so I can't gain any social points from it. Is there any practical way to gain social? Given that this is a low population server, questing buddies are hard to find.
  7. I still have the "Stuck in Taris" bug. One of my characters has 0 frames per second and I have absolutely no control. I can't use the /stuck or use quick travel as a work around. After multiple quality tickets, I still have him stuck. (Yes, I do have all current patches, including the one that says this was fixed.) Is this character ruined or is there still some hope for him?
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