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Community Blog Post Discussion: A Word on Bugs from James Ohlen


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Please use this thread to discuss James Ohlen's Community Blog Post: A Word on Bugs.


Sorry Courtney, we prefer to create separate threads for each bit of hate and disdain. This way it isn't all nicely consolidated into 1 rant thread for you to manage and allows all visitors to see just how many people are angered.

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Coming out of cloak and doing Force wave does no damage 99% of the time. Resolve is non-existent for republic. Sith get their moves instantly because they have no animations while in PVP. Force wave isn't instant, a snale can avoid Force wave. FIX THIS STUFF ALREADY
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  1. Kira patch to placate those affected.
  2. Seperate PvP bracket patch which would have probably let the people crying over end-game at LEAST play PvP
  3. And fix guild listings (For real this time)
  4. And non-responsive UI bug (have to CTRL+Ux2 to fix)
  5. Or ability lag
  6. or patcher issues
  7. Or dying for no reason in ops
  8. or randomly respawning ops bosses
  9. or randomly NOT spawning ops bosses
  10. or not getting credit for daily pvp wins
  11. Add in fix unharvestable nodes (for real this time)
  12. Companions dropping dead for no reason when exiting a shuttle
  13. enemies getting stuck in the wall and you not being able to kill them but they can kill you
  14. Or companions randomly falling down and getting back up continually
  15. Or the fact they don't auto repawn after you exit a vehicle OR the fact you can't summon them once in a fight your in because you get blown off a vehicle
  16. OR the fact they have massive green random instances
  17. Only the group that gets the killing blow getting credit for mission completion in Ops
  18. Defend the shipment Imperial quest, still bugged
  19. When dead, and need/greed items are being rolled on, get rezzed, can't pick need/greed anymore
  20. People randomly crashing when zoning
  21. Foundry Last boss going immune, and not rping, and ****** the group for fun!
  22. Random Escape pod deaths in EV
  23. Item mods dissapearing
  24. Not able to Abandon bonus quests filling up your log
  25. Not getting social points in HM Flashpoints
  26. Not getting Dark/Light side points in HM Flashpoints
  27. Enter warzone? nope goto char select screen!
  28. Companions making you glow green...forever
  29. Companion says "I SUCKED @ Mission" yet bring back great rewards
  30. Companion says " I ROCK " and mission failure
  31. Diplomacy missions giving you tons of decimal spots for Dark/Light side points
  32. Security key issues
  33. Rakata items worse than columi


there's more im sure.


Yep pretty bug free. And these are moslty minor, ill keep adding to the list as they are posted :D


These, please.

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Sure it can :) I did it a few days ago with as smuggler on Bloodworthy.



I was able to use my name a few days later as well, thank you programers


ps the cargo hold stacks properly too :)


ps2, the thumbs up and the thumbs down icons below the message box, post icons area, are switched lol ( look at the description when you mouse over them)

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"We usually reserve these "emergency fixes" for bugs that are stopping players from playing the game"


What about the screen flicking ??

and I've been reporting that I'm still getting the loading screen every few mins and the game is heating my GPU's. but still no answer.


and you why wording why people angry atm ?

Edited by Dark_magic
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We usually reserve these "emergency fixes" for bugs that are stopping players from playing the game or to exploits that could unbalance the entire game if not corrected.


I guess internal and external hacking of the game to gain advantages in both PvP and PvE aren't worthy exploits. Mmkay.. I was almoooost gonna resub when I saw that the ability issue was really being taken seriously and combat was a priority. However, speed hacking, health hacking, jump hacking, wall clip hacking, these aren't really unbalancing issues at all.

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Maybe fix the armor textures look that worse then Super Nintendo games? It's very hard to get exited by a new piece of loot when it looks like 16-bit color & is super low resolution & you literally can't make out any details. I honestly haven't seen color banding on anything in over 10 years.


How is it i'm seeing this garbage in a 2012 game? Wow's textures look 100% better & that game's engine is over 8 years old? Absolutely unacceptable.

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Can someone fix this ***************** problem?


Many of players can't play!


Can someone from Bioware tell something or better do something with it?



Because if Bioware will continue ignoring the comunity this game ends as game with most cancelations in MMO world ever.





:mad: :mad:


They don't care man, they got your money already.

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I am going to organize a formal online protest and petition for refunds and a re-do of your initial free 30 days. I feel Bioware has been very disrespectful to it's players at this point. They have not addressed the issue. I feel it to be highly opportunistic to continue to charge for a game when their are MAJOR bugs such as some of the players not being able to access the game at all, while others who get in game experience a low quality game experience. If you are into PvP like I am then the fact that there are so many issues related to PvP is a real problem. I find it to be a large red flag when there are posts up near 100k in number throughout the threads related to PvP and access issues and BioWare continues to turn a blind eye and act as if they know nothing about it. I encourage you guys to discontinue your subscriptions until your voice is heard. I will be going back to:confused::mad::mad::( Lord of the Rings Online and refuse to sub up again until these issues are confirmed fixed.
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These, please.


Yeah what they said and double it!!! Like I said unsub and speak with your dollars. If you keep paying for the game regardless of the issues then they know they don't have to fix it because you will come back regardless. IF you don't agree with BioWare's handling of issues unsub and when their profits drop, they WILL feel a disturbance in the force!!!

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I am going to organize a formal online protest and petition for refunds and a re-do of your initial free 30 days. I feel Bioware has been very disrespectful to it's players at this point. They have not addressed the issue. I feel it to be highly opportunistic to continue to charge for a game when their are MAJOR bugs such as some of the players not being able to access the game at all, while others who get in game experience a low quality game experience. If you are into PvP like I am then the fact that there are so many issues related to PvP is a real problem. I find it to be a large red flag when there are posts up near 100k in number throughout the threads related to PvP and access issues and BioWare continues to turn a blind eye and act as if they know nothing about it. I encourage you guys to discontinue your subscriptions until your voice is heard. I will be going back to:confused::mad::mad::( Lord of the Rings Online and refuse to sub up again until these issues are confirmed fixed.


Good luck with that.

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This thread turned out to be such a laugh.


Have any of you tried updating your hardware? This isn't 2004 anymore, nor is this WoW. So the older hardware setups wont work the same way.


I have no issues playing on my optimized gaming rig, nor do i have issues playing the game on my OEM rig from Best Buy of 2006. Might I be lucky? Sure. Do I have texture problems? Yes. I lose my characters eyes when doing cut-scenes... That's about it.



But please, please do keep on complaining, I've got a bowl of popcorn ready!

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This thread turned out to be such a laugh.


Have any of you tried updating your hardware? This isn't 2004 anymore, nor is this WoW. So the older hardware setups wont work the same way.


I have no issues playing on my optimized gaming rig, nor do i have issues playing the game on my OEM rig from Best Buy of 2006. Might I be lucky? Sure. Do I have texture problems? Yes. I lose my characters eyes when doing cut-scenes... That's about it.



But please, please do keep on complaining, I've got a bowl of popcorn ready!



Windows 7 (64-bit)

8 GB DDR3 RAM - 1600

i5 Quad Core 3.30 GHz

GeForce GTX 460 - 1024 MB


I am running at 5 FPS on average now and when the game released was running on about 80-120 depending on where I was. So don't try to blame this on the rigs we are using. I know many more people and would be happy grabbing the quotes with better computers than me and they can't run this game smoothly.

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Just adding my feedback for Bioware and Mr. Ohlen, as a paying customer and 15+ year MMO veteran:


I feel you have done a poor job at testing and fixing bugs in your game. I want to totally love this game, but it's more of a love/hate relationship. I am more challenged by the bugs in the game vs. the content.

Edited by -Kraxis-
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Fixed an issue that could prevent players from receiving mission rewards for completing Warzones.



I played after the patch yesterday and again saw that I did not receive credit for a victory for my daily "win 3 warzone matches" and weekly "win 9 warzone matches". This bug still persists, and is extremely irritating when you have to continue playing through losses to get that last win you should have gotten 7 matches ago...


Please fix this!!!

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I would like some comment on the Animations that the Republic has to suffer through in PVP.


It is sad that the underdog, less population and under geared Republic also has to fight our own animations between abilities also.


When I fight a mirror class he is on his 4th ability and I am still on my second as the stupid animation needs to finish before I can start the next animation.


Example is bombs being thrown. Imperial does a wrist flick while the Republic goes through this long animation before I can click the next ability.


This needs to go to the top of priorities today!!!!

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