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Everything posted by Zythaera

  1. Unfortunately unless i see a frog-dog shirt (maybe even in a hoody), i shan't be buying myself a 'Tee. Cmon BW...you make us play huttball constantly, yet you wont give us a huttball-esque shirt. FOR SHAAAME.
  2. Yeah, EVE support become the best. They really do care. I wish BW cared as much.
  3. I got it to work on Ubuntu 11.10 once last week. After that, it wouldn't connect to the server(s). The client uses to many unnecessary threads to communicate with the server. When its looking up the server list, it'll sometimes find it-- when it finds the list, and you try connecting, it sends a query, waits for a response, the response is received but never acknowledged... so it can never finish the connection sequence. That's about as much I gathered from online sources.
  4. I wonder what we could do to pressure them into dealing with Wine [in]directly.
  5. Except that this would be easily done in SWTOR as long as your main class doesn't change. Its just a value in a database that determines your advanced class.
  6. This thread turned out to be such a laugh. Have any of you tried updating your hardware? This isn't 2004 anymore, nor is this WoW. So the older hardware setups wont work the same way. I have no issues playing on my optimized gaming rig, nor do i have issues playing the game on my OEM rig from Best Buy of 2006. Might I be lucky? Sure. Do I have texture problems? Yes. I lose my characters eyes when doing cut-scenes... That's about it. But please, please do keep on complaining, I've got a bowl of popcorn ready!
  7. Where in his post does it say 'ethernet'? Two different engines for two different game genres. FROSTBITE is an FPS engine. HeroEngine ,until recently lacked FPS support, so you could argue that back then it was a MMO engine. I say we just blame it all on EA since EA had the funds necessary to develop a proper engine for such a big-name game. Instead, the picked an engine that's got a free license for up to 99 developers and when it makes money they take 30% of the profits. Now i doubt this is the case, and that BW/EA bought a license. Whoever suggested HeroEngine should be shot.
  8. If crafting gear was as good as or better then raid gear, then why would anyone raid for raid gear? Oh wait, BW made it so that you had to raid to obtain the mats to create gear that compares, closely, to raid gear.. You guys realize that the games only been live for 5 days now right? They'll be adding more content and items soon enough. Like next month.
  9. I read your post. I've also done those missions, and the failure rate is based off of chance plus the difficulty rating based on mission level vs your current skill level. Some days i'll do 10 missions and none will fail, other times they'll all succeed. I'd rather have a higher chance of failure then success then a 100% success rate, because then it means something more.
  10. What he said. Don't constantly go for the orange/red missions. Stick to yellow/green and you'll have a near 75% success rate on missions. Well at least I do.
  11. Im pretty sure Luke told Han that he was bluffing about having other plans.
  12. They said it's in the works and I for one would be grateful for an Android App.
  13. Before the servers went down, i had fun on tatooine. Had a group of 15 jedi chasing me all over the place for 90 minutes. Who knew being a sith assassin could be so much fun. World PVP is very much... alive.
  14. Um, in the extended universe, they do that constantly (the jedi). The universal rule is: don't get caught.
  15. if your empire, its the Imperial Fleet Ship. Bottom middle in the inner circle. Thats where I found mine.
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