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Community Blog Post Discussion: A Word on Bugs from James Ohlen


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Ya know I've come accross very few bugs and most of them have been fixed (like the commendations in inventory and problems with cover which were just fixed in the latest patch) other than those the only bug I've seen is the no disassemble button randomly dissapearing, so I'm not sure what everyone is on about with bugs because I certainly havent seen any...
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Cover has been broken since Beta and is an integrated part of the game as an essential class feature... I would call that a big bug that should have been fixed prior to launch. Just sayin. Tired of crouching everywhere, would like to actually use cover.


They just fixed it :D I'm sooo happy (thats if your talking about not being able to use cast time abilities fom cover and sometimes failing to even go into cover) This makes me happy because I see the problems iv been having and see they're fixing them... So I know they are fixing bugs that need to be fixed :)

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You sound like a politician. Why don't address the issues. You're player base deserve more respect than that.




For instance, expertise geared 50s are ruining pvp for everyone else. What are you plans for this? And how long do you expect people to tolerate being farmed? PvP is my driving force for this game. But as it stands right now, the experience is being crippled by the power levelers. I'm not paying you so that they can have a good time. Figure it out. You're still very much in the probationary phase.

Edited by Sowwy
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James Ohlen: "Today I am going to make a much anticipated announcement. This announcement will be concerning bugs. I will say 'we plan to fix bugs as they come up,' cause, you know, people need to know we got their backs!"


Rest of the Devs: "So are you going to let them know our course of action for fixing the multitude of bugs our players are reporting on the forums and the in-game reporter?"


James Ohlen: "lolwut? Who do you think I am, Greg Street? You guys know we won't comment on bug fixes until we have fully implemented, internally tested, externally tested, and ignored the player's feedback. Haven't you guys learned anything from our development cycle?"




Quoted for truth

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It doesn't take a novel to explain "We have identified X" and are doing "Y" to correct it. And expect to have this tested by "Z".


And the expectation is for the average person to post DXDIAG read outs? Or exit their client_config or Graphics_mirror files?




I'm guessing you have never done any programming.

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Any plans to fix the god-awful UI and um...actually allowing us to move things around, access a combat log, access the companion quickbar without covering up one of the already-limited in-number generic quickbars, add more quickbars, etc.?


Since the UI is something we have to deal with every minute of the game, I'd think this would be a priority.

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I really don't understand the complaining. They come out and say that they are working to address the issues that people have been reporting and people complain about it. Software development, of any kind, takes some time to debug, test, and release. I, for one, am glad that they are trying to get that point across to people who are throwing a fit because Bioware's first MMO --that has been out for fifteen days-- still has some dust settling.


Seriously kids. If you're going to complain that much, why don't you go to EA's jobs section and put in your application if you believe fixing bugs is so easy. Not your cup of tea? Then down a glass of patience and let the people get back to work from their holiday season and get out the *weekly* patches that they are commiting to with this blog. That sounds like a good deal to me so I don't understand all of the complaining.


-- Devs, thanks for all your hard work and long hours. Community Reps, sorry you have to put up with this level of immaturity. +1 purple heart for you.

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And you don't think the FPS and Performance issues that are all over the Customer Service forum constitute as a top priority? This is stopping players from playing and is causing people to cancel their subscriptions.


How many DXDIAG files will it take for someone to provide real details on what is being done to correct this to the community? Such as "Hey, we are finding this is caused by XYZ and are doing ABC to fix it."


None of this, "We are aware and looking into it" crap.




I was one of the MANY who had extreme graphics issues. The big patch last week cleared up most of those for me and I can now play, but I found it infuriating that there was no mention of the ACTUAL changes they made for the graphics issues. They didn't even acknowledge there WAS an issue.


I'd appreciate REAL patch notes. The ones we get are exceedingly slim and provide players with an extremely limited view into what was actually changed and how their gameplay may be affected. Skimpy patch notes lead players to believe you're hiding stuff. You should be proud of the dozens of changes you put into effect. This also makes it possible for us to troubleshoot if said changes worked or not and provide current feedback.


TLDR: Please provide legitimate, comprehensive patch notes in the future. The community would actually know what's being worked and feel heard.

Edited by jkwengert
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great post :) good to see a level headed reply to the QQ's that the trolls post,

every new game has bugs, halo, bf3, cod, gow, wow, every type of game, so be calm and play what you can, as for the fps QQ trolls most of you have not got the right set up to play the game right, like some with min spec pc's trying high gfx settings, lower the settings or upgrade your pc simple really, if your gonna post a QQ thread think about it long and hard and say to your self, am i a retard? if not then post :)

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They updated the "KNOWN ISSUES" for 'Critical Bugs' to 4 January and STILL NO MENTION OF THE MAIL PROBLEMS! I guess they don't believe it exists?


Amber Green | Live Community Coordinator

Hello everyone! We appreciate you joining us to play Star Wars™: The Old Republic™, and we hope you enjoy the game. As MMORPGs are large and complex projects, inevitably we do discover issues that may affect gameplay.We're working constantly to fix anything that will affect the player experience, but for now this is our current list of high priority in-game known issues.



STILL NO MENTION OF THE MAIL PROBLEMS! So I guess our loss of game items is not a priority and as stated by a post above they cannot verify you lost anything so you just plain screwed..


Well, if this doesn't get recognized by 18th Jan 2012, they will be missing my $40 (paying 2 subs so I can trade with Alts).

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