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Banned for a stupid reason


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no he got banned because he CONSTANTLY killed the same grp of LOWBIES (they cant' fight back) ....


this isnt' PVP, this is harashment


you do realize that this situation could be resolved through pvp. if the "lowbies" dont have friends high enough to come help, well, sucks to be them.



assuming this is the entire story this falls right in line with the warning when you pick a pvp server.

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I can come here and claim that I was banned for X reasons, that's fine.


But don't ask me to post the reason I got banned from the email I received cause that would be violating the forum policy.


Misinforming the player base and talking about a 'ban' is fine though!


And really, for the love of God, it is a suspension. I can't drive for a year because my drivers licence was SUSPENDED vs I can't ever go back to McDonalds because I was BAN from the establishment.

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no he got banned because he CONSTANTLY killed the same grp of LOWBIES (they cant' fight back) ....


this isnt' PVP, this is harashment


I agree. I'd like to know how many times he killed them, because camping a group that can't possibly fight back for hours, which means they can't play or enjoy the game IS harassment. Again, kill them and move on.

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Fact is u Ganked the wrong people and they worded a complaint in the right way. You could have killed these guys all day and avoided a ban. However, you took this into a sexual harassment trajectory and created a threat to Biowares bottom line. You are a fool. Never threaten the all mighty dollar. BTW, this ban will most likely not be rescinded or challenge-able. You are 100% in the wrong. Read TOS. Edited by Qishari
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On a PvP server, ganking is not harassment regardless of level.


Ganking is harassment even on a PvP server; especially if you continue to gank the same people. Try and take on someone who isn't A (either already engaged in mob fight and unable to survive) or B (attacking low level toons with a high level toon because they have no chance of surviving.)


That said why would you want to? You get no brownie points for it. All you'd do it for is completely out of a reason to "harass" lower lever players?


You need to rethink your definition of harassment.

Edited by Daeborn
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I doubt ganking is bannable, though corpse-camping (if it happened) could be seen as harrassment. Repeatedly sitting on people is something that does seem to be a violation of the Terms of Use, though. Pretty inappropriate given the player base here. Edited by Qishari
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There is no such thing as harrasement on a PVP server.


The lowbies could easily go elsewhere if they wanted.


Bioware should be ashamed if the OP is telling the truth. Too many carebears playing PVP nowadays - its pathetic.

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Ganking is not harassment. Again, pvp servers make this clear when you join them. He got banned for harassment of a sexual nature. While u might dislike ganking, think it is repulsive, it is part of the game and it is legal. Read the TOS.
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no he got banned because he CONSTANTLY killed the same grp of LOWBIES (they cant' fight back) ....


this isnt' PVP, this is harashment



Thats a slippery slope that I don't think is in anyone's best interest

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It don't *********** matter I mean I gank all the time and I also repeatedly sitting on in warzones and that seemed fine but now its a problem I honestly don't know I ganked the people only like 5 or 6 times then move on I don't sit there for hours. Edited by Qishari
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