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No love for the "Light Side" players...


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What would light sided changes be? Blonde hair and blue eyes? A halo? Perfect white teeth?


None of them really fit in with Star Wars. A Fable game yes but not Star Wars. Speaking of Fable after seeing the good morphs in Fable 3 I'm not sure I ever want to see a game do good morphs again. Pale white skin and loss of eyebrows is not a good look.

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The other day, I saw this Commando standing at the Trade Center and went WOAH! "Look at that dudes face!!!!" He looked pure evil!


So, I had this discussion with some guys at work about "dark side corruption". Basically, every character starts out on a level playing field. Alignment = 0.


As a character progresses towards the Dark Side, their physical appearance CHANGES. Pale skinned... exposed viens.... dark red eyes...

What some players might think of as a "cool factor", while other may go "ewwww" (me, I go ewwww).



That said, Here's the problem.



What about us players who progress towards the "Light Side"?? Why do we get no physical appearance change????


Doesn't really seem fair.


I can walk by a player and just KNOW by looking at them they are Dark Side... I have NO IDEA if a player is Light Side unless I inspect them, and find them wearing gear that "requires Light 3" or something.



I am patitioning that Light Side characters receive some sort of physical appearance change as we progress towards the Light!


Maybe instead of "Dark Red" eyes, our eyes have a Glow to them?

Maybe instead of "Pale" skin, our skin has a shimmer to it?


No, I don't want a Halo. LOL.




But.... Something, please?




How about some Love for the Light Side players? :hope_06:





No lore behind it. If they go in and give some light side players some feature like that, then it wouldn't feel like Star Wars.

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What I'd find more reasonable would be having the Siths start off with a more darkside looks, so instead of them looking more corrupted as they venture further into the darkside they could go back to a more normal appearance by doing the lightside choices.


To be honest I feel that the scale should've been a bit different all together, considering the way a flatout darkside jedi looks now. There is no way he'd actually be a jedi and be accepted as one. Personally I'd prefer if it was more like a very kind sith could be slightly 'lighter' then a very bad jedi.


Something like this.


<----------|Jedi scale|------------>



<------------|Sith scale|---------->



Both starting in their center with 0, so 1000 dark as sith would be essentially more then 1000 dark as jedi in terms of how corrupt, and appearance would follow.


I really don't feel a jedi should be able to have more then redish eyes and slightly paling skin before he would obviously actually turn or at least be cast out of the Jedi order.



But that's just my way of seeing things, everyone want different things.

Edited by Marbak
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I think it'd be sweet if Light Side people gained a little hovering. Not like flying like 6ft off the ground, but showing they were so in tune with the force they could use it on a natural basis. Isn't the light side about the natural state of the force? Let the force naturally float me. It'd be nice. And would trump red eyes. I'd also like to add that the glow effects for meditation/seethe/channel hatred etc. should change color based on side. If my light side sith gathered light around them, I'd spaz. :)
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Didn't one of the KoToR games have subtle appearance changes for Light Side? It doesn't have to be crazy like glowing eyes or shiny halos.


The background of the character sheet changed to blue and your character's stance became more Stoic. But their physical appearance didn't change.

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Theres no lore supporting non force users getting "sith corruption" but they still get it in game. Therefore the argument of no lore supporting it is nullified.

I personally dont care if there is a light side effect or not. Just my two cents

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Doesn't really seem fair.

but its sctrictly cannon, while your idea is not


dark side corruption has a physical component to it. light side doesnt.

it all boils down to that.



email papa Lucas and ask him to change this, BioWare cannot do something like that without his approval.

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Theres no lore supporting non force users getting "sith corruption" but they still get it in game. Therefore the argument of no lore supporting it is nullified.

I personally dont care if there is a light side effect or not. Just my two cents


I do agree that none force using classes should not get "sith corruption".

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there would be an option to turn it off just as there is now to turn off dark side corruption .. what's the big deal? if you don't like it .. turn it off


Does that turn off the display of ALL dark side corruption on ALL characters, but only for yourself?


Or, does that turn off the display of YOUR dark side corruption for ALL players, including yourself?

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I'm with the " it's not in the lore so does not need to be there"


And I mingle with the " the corrupting effects should only be attached to force users."


Lightside- you are normal and healthy


Darkside: the worse you are, and allowing yourself to be consumed ( being consumed by the dark side does not mean the exact same as using the DS ) the more like a strung out junkie you look to be


that is pretty much how it runs in the SW universe.



My pure blood inquisitor already gets grief by...less than bright individuals... who think I hack or something because I've wielded a blue lightsaber from the time I got my first doublebladed, and tends to wear only white.


I can only imagine her looking like a disney Princess with birds fluttering about her.


Khem is already one step from killing me as is I'm sure, I don't need adorable woodland creatures or a obnoxious aura to put him over the edge.

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