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10 Good
  1. I don't understand why you have to be the leader. If you were a droid, you could be exposed to the intel because of your master, and regardless of whether or not they were with you, they could use you to communicate with people you interact with. How about the idea that if you pick your class to be a smuggler, you're a smuggler's property, and recieve your commands from them. It'd be similar to having a jedi master constantly telling you what to do, and their exploits would back you as a diplomat or a fierce fighter. People wouldn't say "It's that droid" they'd say "It's his/her droid" and fear you because of who you belong to! And as a legacy feature, you could be a droid of your own character! That's how you could implement this feature in a less drastic way. That way you don't change the property lore, but you do change the playability. It'd be a more inticing plot if you were playing the unnoticed star instead of the obvious star. I mean, of course the jedi gets famous. Duh. But you would be the key to that jedi's success! You'd be the one who went on a diplomatic mission securing them or who stopped an invasion in their name. I hope this makes sense. I like the idea.
  2. I think it'd be sweet if Light Side people gained a little hovering. Not like flying like 6ft off the ground, but showing they were so in tune with the force they could use it on a natural basis. Isn't the light side about the natural state of the force? Let the force naturally float me. It'd be nice. And would trump red eyes. I'd also like to add that the glow effects for meditation/seethe/channel hatred etc. should change color based on side. If my light side sith gathered light around them, I'd spaz.
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