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The 21/2/18 ST/Pyro PvP Build


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Can anyone give any insight on this build? I have been doing the 30/11 ST/ADV but saw some nice benefits in PvP for the hybrid build. Can someone post the cookie cutter build and also state which gas cylinder would be best to use with this build? Thanks!
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^ My personal take on it. Some of the points in the ST tree obviously can be moved around for personal preference. If you want a good understanding of how the build works, read through the talents and look at what they add to the overall build. I personally use Ion Gas Cylinder, don't know what other people use.

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That is what i'm rolling with.

The two points in Infrared Sensors (Pyrotech Tier 3) could be replaced into Degauss, it just boils down to personal preference.


You also want to use Ion Gas Cylinder all the time.


I'd advise against putting Supercharged Ion Gas, because until it gets fixed (That's if it's fixed, we might just have the wrong tooltip), it just hits far too low to be worth a talent point.

It's actually hitting for roughly 30% of what it states it does, which is very low.


Because of this, i've also tried to avoid putting points into Ion Overload, but you need to place at least one point either on that or Combust to get into the next tier, combust would probably be a better choice though.

Edited by CLASSlFlED
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That is what i'm rolling with.

The two points in Infrared Sensors (Pyrotech Tier 3) could be replaced into Degauss, it just boils down to personal preference.


You also want to use Ion Gas Cylinder all the time.


I'd advise against putting Supercharged Ion Gas, because until it gets fixed (That's if it's fixed, we might just have the wrong tooltip), it just hits far too low to be worth a talent point.

It's actually hitting for roughly 30% of what it states it does, which is very low.


Because of this, i've also tried to avoid putting points into Ion Overload, but you need to place at least one point either on that or Combust to get into the next tier, combust would probably be a better choice though.


Thanks for the heads up about Supercharged Ion Gas, gonna tweak my build slightly now. I still like having Ion Overload as it makes Rocket Punch a snare which is very valuable in PvP imo.

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I've tried many specs and configurations always bother me with gas cylinder to use but came back to ion. I may go with Degauss as ES has always helped even better with a little extra boost, but I think it is a one time ordeal and not a total snare immune for the entire duration of the shield.
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Is more armor ignore on rail shot really better than crit damage on rocket punch and flame sweep?


Ehh. The core talents for this build are Flame Shield and Prototype Particle Accelerator. If you're bothering to spec into refreshing Rail Shot, you may as well make it as good as you can. Otherwise, you're better off not going as deep into Pyro, because there are a lot of junk talents (ones that are purely filler because they rely on CGC).

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Is more armor ignore on rail shot really better than crit damage on rocket punch and flame sweep?


If you have a respectable crit rating -- Absolutely.


If you're in full tank gear I think the extra damage on the one ability you have that will crit is better personally.


I stick puncture regardless of which gear set I'm using however. I switch between a high dps set and a tank set depending on my mood.


Ehh. The core talents for this build are Flame Shield and Prototype Particle Accelerator. If you're bothering to spec into refreshing Rail Shot, you may as well make it as good as you can. Otherwise, you're better off not going as deep into Pyro, because there are a lot of junk talents (ones that are purely filler because they rely on CGC).


You go in there for free rail shots which vent heat. They're useful whether or not you've got the armor pen really. The spec provides the steady pressure full ST or StormGut can't. Railshot is going to hit decent regardless really.

Edited by chainsawsamurai
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Personally I don't understand the 2 points in puncture.


Flame Surge? 23/0/18 is what I'm rolling.


With Combat Tech you achieve a 45% increase on crit to your Rocket Punch, With an additional 30% to Flame Sweep. Flame Sweep is an AOE, therefore you can potentially multiply that versus several opponents, respectively.

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Personally I don't understand the 2 points in puncture.


Flame Surge? 23/0/18 is what I'm rolling.


With Combat Tech you achieve a 45% increase on crit to your Rocket Punch, With an additional 30% to Flame Sweep. Flame Sweep is an AOE, therefore you can potentially multiply that versus several opponents, respectively.


Do you switch cylinders during a fight?

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Personally I don't understand the 2 points in puncture.


Flame Surge? 23/0/18 is what I'm rolling.


With Combat Tech you achieve a 45% increase on crit to your Rocket Punch, With an additional 30% to Flame Sweep. Flame Sweep is an AOE, therefore you can potentially multiply that versus several opponents, respectively.


Flame Sweep is only good for preventing multiple enemies from capping, spreading Combust, or going down in blaze of glory as you're about to die. You're better spending those heat to focus one down and taunt/cc to help your team (or Carbonite, pop cds, and DFA their whole team).

Edited by Trungalung
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That's all I have to say haha.


Still, I prefer Flame Surge.


Also, Paired with the Combat Tech Gear, the 3second Carbonite allows for 3 Flame Sweeps, with the 30% bonus on 3-4 Targets, that's massive. Especially when the Huttball carrier is getting swarmed. That is a little more important to me. We have plenty of single target abilities, but we could use more strong AOE's.

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That's all I have to say haha.


Still, I prefer Flame Surge.


Also, Paired with the Combat Tech Gear, the 3second Carbonite allows for 3 Flame Sweeps, with the 30% bonus on 3-4 Targets, that's massive. Especially when the Huttball carrier is getting swarmed. That is a little more important to me. We have plenty of single target abilities, but we could use more strong AOE's.


Ya but damage all opponents while you could have finished one (three flame sweep alone is 75 heat) or apply even more CC like Carbonite, run out and grapple one, then jet charge another, and finish with a eletro dart on the 3rd guy. My point is that flame sweep damage/utility is not justified for its heat cost. On a different note, Flame Surge is perfectly fined for a ST/Pyro build, it's just matter of preference.

Edited by Trungalung
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I'm so confused by all the builds in this thread. No big deal wasting 3 points on Combust Cylinder? If you're going to go Ion, you should just go most of the way. IMO this build is far more useful. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301GRGbdMboRZMsMroZb.1


Even still, I'm not sure where people are going with the Ion cell. If you're doing that, you should be going after shield chance, and thus 30 points into the left tree. No point in wasting 3 points in the right tree. If you're trying to maximize your damage, go with something like this. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301uZMsMroZfhMrdhMM.1

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I'm so confused by all the builds in this thread. No big deal wasting 3 points on Combust Cylinder? If you're going to go Ion, you should just go most of the way. IMO this build is far more useful. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301GRGbdMboRZMsMroZb.1


Even still, I'm not sure where people are going with the Ion cell. If you're doing that, you should be going after shield chance, and thus 30 points into the left tree. No point in wasting 3 points in the right tree. If you're trying to maximize your damage, go with something like this. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301uZMsMroZfhMrdhMM.1


The talents are there since that is how my build works. Your main damage is Rail Shot, and Rocket Punch. You're "wasting" the 3 points in Pyro for Super Heated Rail(Rail Shot ignores 30% armor along with 8 heat venting) and PPA (Rocket Punch has a 45%, Flame Burst a 30% chance, to reset the CD on Rail Shot)


Regretting ever posting the build if people can't read the talents and synergy of it :( Ion Cell for more survival and to proc your talents when attacked. 10% shield chance means nothing due to the internal cool downs from talents.

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The talents are there since that is how my build works. Your main damage is Rail Shot, and Rocket Punch. You're "wasting" the 3 points in Pyro for Super Heated Rail(Rail Shot ignores 30% armor along with 8 heat venting) and PPA (Rocket Punch has a 45%, Flame Burst a 30% chance, to reset the CD on Rail Shot)


Regretting ever posting the build if people can't read the talents and synergy of it :( Ion Cell for more survival and to proc your talents when attacked. 10% shield chance means nothing due to the internal cool downs from talents.


Amen to this.

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The talents are there since that is how my build works. Your main damage is Rail Shot, and Rocket Punch. You're "wasting" the 3 points in Pyro for Super Heated Rail(Rail Shot ignores 30% armor along with 8 heat venting) and PPA (Rocket Punch has a 45%, Flame Burst a 30% chance, to reset the CD on Rail Shot)


Regretting ever posting the build if people can't read the talents and synergy of it :( Ion Cell for more survival and to proc your talents when attacked. 10% shield chance means nothing due to the internal cool downs from talents.


Agreed, ppl srsly need to L2R and understand feats before commenting. This build may suffer in the more difficult PvE encounters but until that is obivious I will be rocking something very similar to it.

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Agreed, ppl srsly need to L2R and understand feats before commenting. This build may suffer in the more difficult PvE encounters but until that is obivious I will be rocking something very similar to it.


Haven't done raids, but done all the 4 mans, even the really hard last boss in BP/Revan (although we didn't beat revan, that unlimited shielding thing, haven't figured it out). My healer says he felt it was actually easier to heal me in the ST/Pyro hybrid because stuff was dying faster.

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You reckon it wouldn't work well for leveling those last 2 levels? I'm just going to have to give it a go!


Works great for those last 2 levels. I just don't recommend it before 48.


My healer says he felt it was actually easier to heal me in the ST/Pyro hybrid because stuff was dying faster.


I get that too. With undergeared DPS Enrage timers are much less of a problem as well. It's like taking 2.75 dps to do the Flashpoint.


With lucky procs you might actually out damage some of your DPS because of the nonstop onslaught you're capable of putting out. I know me and my GF are capable of pulling aggro from my Jugg friend (I'm full Pyro when I dps and I pull aggro a LOT, thank god for Heavy Armor) but no one, no one, pulls aggro from me.

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The talents are there since that is how my build works. Your main damage is Rail Shot, and Rocket Punch. You're "wasting" the 3 points in Pyro for Super Heated Rail(Rail Shot ignores 30% armor along with 8 heat venting) and PPA (Rocket Punch has a 45%, Flame Burst a 30% chance, to reset the CD on Rail Shot)


Regretting ever posting the build if people can't read the talents and synergy of it :( Ion Cell for more survival and to proc your talents when attacked. 10% shield chance means nothing due to the internal cool downs from talents.


I understood it just fine. You hit them with IM first, pop them with rail shot, and then hit them RP. Thus putting a good amount of burst damage and some decent dot damage. Keeping the ion cell for survivability. But your tech crit chance is quite low, and your FB (most common attack at close range, and what you use to try and refresh your attacks) is rather weak compared a lot of other possible builds. Is the build viable, yes, it's hard put serious effort into making a build, and it not be useful. It's just that you're not going to maximize your burst, nor are you going to have good sustained damage without some luckier refreshes. Switching over to comb cell lets your FB do good damage, along with good dot damage.


However, that being said, looking back at the build, it's not bad at all. It definitely has advantages. You'd be a great hit and run build, and you have a lot of durability. I may have been.. over zealous(?) on my first response. Why I do still disagree with some things, the build isn't bad, I just don't think it's anything to put a big fuss over. I apologize if I was being overly harsh with my first comment on it.

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The survivability of using Ion Gas Cylinder build as oppose to others is very noticeable. I went deep pyro with CGC, and I melt as soon as 2 or more jumped on me. As ST/Pyro, I can have 4-5 guys pounding on me and last a good amount time, enough to drag the ball to the goal line.
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