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1/2 Hate This Game for One Reason, 1/2 For Another


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I noticed this about those that say they don't like this game. Each have their own reasons, one or another, but the split is mutually funny.



1/2 don't like this game for it's newness. In particular, they hate the story. They say that adding a story element to an MMO was a mistake and should never have been done. Apparently having a story is not what an MMO is about. However, this is something that Bioware said from Day #1 that this game would be about.


This same group wants fast leveling content, speed through quests, and tons of raid content in which they can play the game exactly like other games (biggest reference point being WoW). They don't care about anything in the game except what they want their way.


--There must be PvP designed their way: there cannot be CC's except for their class.

--There has to be 2-3 raids with 6 or 7 bosses each, no point to the bosses other than to kill them for their loots.

--Duel specing is a must, because their character's definition and development doesn't matter ("nobody cares about character story").

--The Galactic Trade Network must be a copy-n'-paste from WoW's Auction House (even though it's not an auction house at all).

--Where's the flying mounts? There must be flying mounts!!!!

--Who forgot to add arenas? Oh, that's fail if you don't have arenas.

--Must have UI add-ons. They need their super specific, number crunching UI that allows them to only look at numbers and ability icons. Who needs to look at the character?



The other 1/2 don't like this game for it being too similar to WoW. They say that there's not enough differences and unique features. Their argument stands that why play this when you can play WoW and it'd be the same thing.


--This game has an ability bar with keys 1-0? WoW copy!

--There's mounts? WoW copy!

--There are healer, DPS, and tank classes? WoW copy!

--Levels 1-50? It copies WoW!


I'll stop there, there's honestly too many comparisons there as those are really standardized features from the UO and EQ1 era that are across most MMORPG's.



So, both groups have something in common, what is it? It's that they don't like or completely neglect the story and it's significance in the game. The one group saying it gets in their way of playing the game, the other group ignoring it's importance or play of the story in the game.



The other thing that both groups have in common? They represent 1-5% of the playerbase of the game (number pulled out of the sky). From which nobody should really care about those opinions anyways.

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Great post. I think there is so much hate-posting from WoW players because they need an excuse not to leave WoW. In all honesty, it's that kind of attitude that made me leave WoW for good last year: the hate within the community.


Now watch the examples come rolling in...

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I don't like this game because it's just another unfinished product or a buggy mess and i don't like paying for being a beta tester.


In the end, i think it's not the game i dislike but the bunch of peole behind this game, there's no communication between them and the user base and it often means the death of a game. They're not correcting bugs nor communicating on them either, customer service is god awful, looks like they just wants players money and that's it, hopefully keeping that pace, it won't be long before this game fails.

Edited by Fufy
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Great post. I think there is so much hate-posting from WoW players because they need an excuse not to leave WoW. In all honesty, it's that kind of attitude that made me leave WoW for good last year: the hate within the community.


Now watch the examples come rolling in...


Bolded key elements of agreement.


I like this game BECAUSE of the story. Then again, I'm a Star Wars fan, and am thoroughly impressed at HOW MUCH story development went into this game and HOW it was executed.


I play WoW too and I also play WoW for the story, go figure. Lots of people complained about WoW's emphasis on story towards the end and how that will be the focus for Mists of Pandaria. I say, let them complain...those haters. If it forces them out, we'll have a better community of gamers left in the game.


You know what's funny...despite the hate and the complaints both WoW and TOR receive...the whiners will never leave. They haven't. And those who troll the forums of both games with vituperations of "this is why I left the game" and "I just canceled my sub" and some such nonsense are mostly likely still playing the games they claim to have ditched.


This is why the developers continue on with their mission taking only with a grain of salt what is said on these forums. Some people just spread hate because they can...makes you wonder about the nature of people when it comes to who they choose to be when everyone is veiled in the anonymity of the internet. They choose to be a d*ck, means they probably are, and probably don't have one (by this I mean, they have one and it probably sees little action outside Rosie Palms).


TL;DR - enjoy the game because you enjoy it, not because others do or agree (or not) with you. If you don't enjoy this game or WoW or any other....YOU have the option to do something else.

Edited by aramisx
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The thing that I don't get is: would all these people be happier if the game was released in a years with the bugs fixed?

I find no bug game breaking so far so I'm happy to live with the one left because it means I can actually play the game!

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I don't like this game because it's just another unfinished product or a buggy mess and i don't like paying for being a beta tester.


In the end, i think it's not the game i dislike but the bunch of peole behind this game, there's no communication between them and the user base and it often means the death of a game. They're not correcting bugs nor communicating on them either, customer service is god awful, looks like they just wants players money and that's it, hopefully keeping that pace, it won't be long before this game fails.


Newsflash, the servers are currently down and they're fixing a number of major bugs, and it's the second week worth of patches with bug fixes :rolleyes:


If you want a game with no bugs I honestly think you need to find a new genre.

Edited by VicSkimmr
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I hate all the black and white, love it or leave it attitudes.


Personally, I'm enjoying the game, but, I'm also aware it's got a LOT of bugs, and a lot of basic things that need improvement.


Doesn't mean I don't have fun, or that I'm leaving, or that I want it to be like something else.


But my eyes aren't closed either. It's a massive game and new. Of course it's gonna be bugged, and imbalanced, and need a lot of work. Which MMO hasn't?

Edited by Spynnal
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Buggy mess? I've come across hardly any bugs, and a few are just minor ones.


Try to lvl 50 before anything else.


And if you're already 50, then you're just lucky.


It's been 2 weeks i reported my character can't see nor talk on the guild channel, i got an automatic response.


Now they correct the Darth Title for the inquisitor, but i still have all my pvp titles after duelist bugged, reported and still the same automatic response, no help whatsoever.


Reported a skill bug from the healing sorcerer tree (Fadeout), still automatic response.


I was stuck in Taris for 2 days and they just closed both my tickets without helping nor answering them....hopefully they fix that damn bugs 7 days after it being reported.


I won't talk about raid frames not updating making healing unplayable and broken, nor the camera bug, the instance bug with bosses unkillable, the mobs evading bug, there's so much bugs i'm litteraly drowning in them.

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I don't like this game because it's just another unfinished product or a buggy mess and i don't like paying for being a beta tester.


In the end, i think it's not the game i dislike but the bunch of peole behind this game, there's no communication between them and the user base and it often means the death of a game. They're not correcting bugs nor communicating on them either, customer service is god awful, looks like they just wants players money and that's it, hopefully keeping that pace, it won't be long before this game fails.


As if Blizzard would ever do such a thing!


















hint: they do.

Edited by Andjalis
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I don't like this game because it's just another unfinished product or a buggy mess and i don't like paying for being a beta tester.


In the end, i think it's not the game i dislike but the bunch of peole behind this game, there's no communication between them and the user base and it often means the death of a game. They're not correcting bugs nor communicating on them either, customer service is god awful, looks like they just wants players money and that's it, hopefully keeping that pace, it won't be long before this game fails.


Have you followed their Dev tracker, and Tweets? At least they have that. Blizzard/WoW didn't have ANY of that in the beginning (not sure if they do now) and barely any, if at all, communication with the user base. They only answers they gave to people asking when things will be fixed is, "Soon".


And if WoW could become that successful having NO customer support, I think this game is going to be fine, considering they have SOME customer support.

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--Who forgot to add arenas? Oh, that's fail if you don't have arenas.


^That makes me lol every time I've seen it. There is such a disconnect between people requesting this and reality that it's just silly; that's the least implemented feature (across all other recent subscription MMOs) that WoW implimented (in an expansion), and they think that it's a glaring flaw that it didn't appear in TOR, haha.


(Let me frame my use of 'they' by stating that I'm referring to 'unrealistic WoW players' and not WoW players in general, of which I am formerly, heh).

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Try to lvl 50 before anything else.


And if you're already 50, then you're just lucky.


It's been 2 weeks i reported my character can't see nor talk on the guild channel, i got an automatic response.


Now they correct the Darth Title for the inquisitor, but i still have all my pvp titles after duelist bugged, reported and still the same automatic response, no help whatsoever.


Reported a skill bug from the healing sorcerer tree (Fadeout), still automatic response.


I was stuck in Taris for 2 days and they just closed both my tickets without helping nor answering them....hopefully they fix that damn bugs 7 days after it being reported.


I won't talk about raid frames not updating making healing unplayable and broken, nor the camera bug, the instance bug with bosses unkillable, the mobs evading bug, there's so much bugs i'm litteraly drowning in them.


So did you expect all the bugs you reported to be magically fixed and addressed in a week or two? I'm curious what your expectations are because you clearly have no idea how software development works.


And they have said they're addressing the Taris issue. What else do you want? Another case of impatience?

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It's genuinely frustrating having to read garbage like this in so many threads. Yes, I know I'm feeding the troll. Sigh. For some reason I feel moved to. I came here to read others' opinions on things and to offer constructive criticism on elements of the game that I feel could be improved.


The AH (it's an AH in the way its come to be meant in MMO terms, just live with it) has a GUI that is not as user friendly as many other examples from this game space. OMG IM A WOW FANBOY LOL.


The UI takes up a lot of room yet somehow doesn't allow me to fit all of my skills in neatly. If only I could use an addon to tidy it up a little and make it to my personal taste. OMG WOW FANBOY.




It's getting pretty old now. There are plenty of people who like and enjoy both games and who offer suggestions to Bioware not to QQ or because they want to hate on it but because they actually want both to remain successful because they enjoy both. It's not a difficult concept, really. Please stop with all this nonsense.

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They only answers they gave to people asking when things will be fixed is, "Soon".


Haha I remember those days, I thought they were going to trademark the word "soon".


Loving SWTOR though. It's unique and has work yet to be done, but no game is in perfect condition this soon after launch. I think some people are expecting too much too soon.

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