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Farewell and a message to the players here.


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Canceled my sub last night and lost the motivation to finish up my last 7 levels before my sub ends in 17 days. I literally hadn't seen another person running around since I left Dromund Kass on my "standard population" server. Game just doesn't have a MMO feel, and simply isn't up to modern standards when it comes to personal requirements for a monthly charge.


To the fans - don't belittle players that complain and ask for changes. They're paying customers just like you are and without them there aren't enough of you to keep the game going.

To the players asking for changes and complaining about bugs - don't belittle the fans. They're just having knee jerk reactions to all of the anger and frustration directed towards a product they happen to enjoy and without them there aren't enough of you to keep the game going.


To the irritating brat that will ask - no you can't have my stuff because I deleted the toon last night prior to uninstalling.


Good luck to those that stick with it, I hope Bioware can keep enough players happy to keep the servers up (I think they mentioned they needed 500k consistent subscribers for profit).

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i call BS - i'm on a standard pop server.... level 27... plenty of people around - on Tattoine now - never had to wait more than 5 minutes to get a group for a flashpoint/heroic yet - and i do plenty of these....


OP made a respectful post - why do you feel the need to respond so rudely?

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Sad to see you go m8, I have to say i feel the same way about the game. (the lack of MMO feeling you describe) but will continue to enjoy it for a long time before i get bored with the game. And thats asuming no content is added.
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OP made a respectful post - why do you feel the need to respond so rudely?


respectfull? didnt he say he didnt see ONE person once he left lvl 15 planet on standard server? it's a blatant exagerration


let me reiterate: OP states he didnt see another player from level 16 till 43...hehe

Edited by CptKloss
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OP made a respectful post - why do you feel the need to respond so rudely?


Because hes a angry kid that has followed this game for years and defends it because he is so angry inside that this game is such garbage

Edited by DjVybz
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i call BS - i'm on a standard pop server.... level 27... plenty of people around - on Tattoine now - never had to wait more than 5 minutes to get a group for a flashpoint/heroic yet - and i do plenty of these....


After tatt, the players drop substantially

When you go to alderan, there will be hardly anyone around. And even going to hoth and such, you will have a 0000.1% chance of being in the same questing area as another player

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You're probably use to Wow and its mass of players. A 7 year old game with 11 million subs vs a 3 week old game with 1 million subs. Your expectations are too high IMO.


1 million subs?




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OP made a respectful post - why do you feel the need to respond so rudely?


These "Goodbye and this is why I cancelled" threads are never respectful, they encourage trolling on both sides; in fact the topic itself is effectively a troll.


If someone needs to tell strangers they left the game then it just looks like a cry for attention.


OP needs to tell his guildmates and any contacts he's made ingame, and write a little blurb in the "Why did you leave our game" questionnaire SWTOR will probably send him, and that's that.

Edited by lollie
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Because hes a angry kid that has followed this game for years and defends it because is so angry inside that this game is such garbage


I love how you continue to call others kids when your own disregard for the English language puts you at around a 4th grade level. That aside, as I've said before, when you reach the age to work, you will see that your opinion is not everyone else's, so please stop stating them as if they are.

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If you run ahead of the pack of course it'll be lonely at the top. I love the game.... what worries me most is the on rails space shooter. If they give us a proper exciting space battle system with free flight and with more interesting mechanics than choosing whether or not to push the left or the right mouse button (I want to handle shields and power distribution and have my team mates man my turrets) then I will truly be hooked to this game.


It has so much potential.


Anyway. Take care, bye bye, I don't want your stuffs but I'll keep playing because I'm having a blast for the time being.

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Because hes a angry kid that has followed this game for years and defends it because he is so angry inside that this game is such garbage


game is not "garbage" it has some serious flaws - like... (and that should be OPs point) - i havent seen ONE "enemy" player yet, in open world...and i'm on a PvP server....


still, there's no better (overall) MMO on the market now (doesn't say much since all the rest are either nearing their natural end of life (WoW) or are utter crap (Rift)... or are geek-hive (eve)

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It is a tad quiet most place I've been to level. I run into one or two people in areas at a time. It's like levelling in a long running MMO where most of the population is at max.


It would be nicer if the servers were a little less phased and we saw a little more of other players.


I'm not leaving the game but I can see where you care coming from and I think everyone is entitled to their views and opinions.

Edited by Xerda
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love how you continue to call others kids when your own disregard for the English language puts you at around a 4th grade level. That aside, as I've said before, when you reach the age to work, you will see that your opinion is not everyone else's, so please stop stating them as if they are. .


Foaming at the mouth yet bro? I think so

Edited by DjVybz
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If you run ahead of the pack of course it'll be lonely at the top. I love the game.... what worries me most is the on rails space shooter. If they give us a proper exciting space battle system with free flight and with more interesting mechanics than choosing whether or not to push the left or the right mouse button (I want to handle shields and power distribution and have my team mates man my turrets) then I will truly be hooked to this game.


It has so much potential.


Anyway. Take care, bye bye, I don't want your stuffs but I'll keep playing because I'm having a blast for the time being.




now there is a word associated with every piece of trash i have ever played

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It is a tad quiet most place I've been to level. I run into one or two people in areas at a time. It's like levelling in a long running MMO where most of the population is at max.


It would be nicer if the servers were a little less phased and we saw a little more of other players.


I'm not leaving the game but I can see where you care coming from and I think everyone is entitled to their views and opinions.


Yeah agreed that the phasing could be abit better but i think it is a work in progress :p


And i defiently not going to leave this game basicly have left the rest for long time ago when they went MMOFPS instead of MMORPG.

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You're probably use to Wow and its mass of players. A 7 year old game with 11 million subs vs a 3 week old game with 1 million subs. Your expectations are too high IMO.


Hmm I rarely see people outside SW or Org in WoW, at least in the 1-68 areas....

And yeah, OP just wanted his post to sound more melodramatic, I wish he was right, but I still have to compete for mobs and wait for respawns....

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now there is a word associated with every piece of trash i have ever played


lol... that's so true.... last game with "great potential" i played was Warhammer (while true, game had (theoretical) potential, it was fatally flawed from the get go...

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