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Comparison with facts


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The longevity of an MMO is going to be defined by how long you can keep people hooked at max level, and not how many times you can push people through the start of the game over and over again.


I agree with this, and I'm sure Bioware's live team is quite aware of this, evidenced by the fact that the next content patch is focused on end-game. It's a matter of "wait and see" if it's going to be good enough to keep people hooked, but grabbing an MMO at day one and lamenting the state of end-game is a flawed outlook. (Not directed at anything you've said, just a statement in general.) WoW's first raids weren't added until launch day. There were no BGs at launch. But, over time, it fleshed out. Bioware is on the right track.


Any MMO will have people that love to make alts, the self proclaimed "altoholics". I like to dabble a bit myself. What TOR provides is an incentive to make that experience more fun, through unique class stories and the upcoming legacy additions, for the people that like to do it. That isn't to say that that should be the only option for end-game, and it's not.


TOR has the potential to grow into a massive beast to become the only true competition for WoW, but it requires patience and time for the devs to root out the nastiest bugs and add content. I hope the general populace in this game has that patience because that competition would be great for both games. The respective live teams would be kept on their toes by the competition rather than getting lazy and resting on their laurels. I wish both games success, truly. My choice is TOR, but like any opinion, it's only valid for the person that speaks it.

Edited by princey
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Of COURSE you've READ tons of complaints. Had you actually tried to become the expert you admit to not being... you would have formed your own opinion!


Which is probably where you are getting your opinion about everything else about this game - from READING TONS OF COMPLAINTS instead of forming you own.... by playing the game. Spend less time on these forums - spend more time in the game. Your entire perspective will change - I promise.


This right here- seems like most complainers haven't played the game but have instead just read what other complainers who haven't played the game have said before complaining themselves.

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Why this again and again. And again it's a worthles comparison. Year's aside. The stupidity of it all is absurd. Sure let's compare 2012 to 2012.



Comaprions = doesn't matter.


Why. Because people who want to play Star Wars are playing to Play Star Wars.

People who are playing because they wan't fantasy are playing WoW because it's fantasy


MMO gamers who are want a well polished MMO to play with. Should go play WOW becuase it's had good number of years to polish.


Comparison outside of that. Is meaningless. No one cares except the MMO gamer who are whining because they want WoW in space

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didn't play wow.


Comparing it to eq2, tor is wanting.

Comparing it to swg, tor is wanting.

Comparing it to ac2, tor is wanting.

Comparing it to vanguard, tor is wanting.

Comparing it to aion, tor is wanting.



just saying...

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*** Landmass of WOW compared to landmass of SWTOR - let's ignore the openess of the maps and the all corridor-type travel in SWTOR - let's look just at the size of it all.


swtor is at least as big as wow is now, if not bigger. only problem most people have is that you cant hop on a flight path and go grab a sandwich while the game takes you to the otherside of world.


*** Number of quests


i loved all the pointless "kill x because i need em for no good reason" quests in wow, quadrupled the number of quests it had, because lets face it, its about quantity not quality.... wait... i might have that wrong.


*** Number of dungeons


has just as many as wow had at before its fist expansion, plus heroic AND nightmare which wow still doesnt have.


cant really comment on the rest because i havent pvp'd and im not 50.

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but we can compare a game that has been in the making for 4 years. And has turned out nothing like what was promised

Now please go


In your opinion. It is what I expected. WoW was in the making for at least 3 years so, go?

Where would you like us to go? To dreamland with you? Go back to WoW if you like it so much. This is SW:TOR, and I don't need some half-brained simpleton telling me what i should think of a game. if it's 'that' bad, it'll speak for itself, without the help of you doomsayers.


So, really... I guess you should go back to WoW, and post your complaints there.

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The longevity of an MMO is going to be defined by how long you can keep people hooked at max level, and not how many times you can push people through the start of the game over and over again.




And how does WoW keep people hooked at max level?


Doing 1 to 5 raids or 1 to 5 PvP zones over and over......


Currently ToR has i think 3 rades and 3 PvP zones.


so not far off..... less..... yes but not that far away and if it is true that BioWare is releasing 3 more raids and a couple more PvP zones they might have more.


Not saying ToR's is better. My point is why do we want that as end game. I want something other than that and i am hoping ToR is that.


I am having a lot of fun with ToR but i have not played it long enougf to say i will be playing 6 months from now or even 3 months. But what i can say is so far i am having fun and that is all that matters to me.

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Some facts just because people like throwing them around randomly...


- There are 15 flashpoints in SWTOR. 9 general and 3 side specific. Of the 12 flashpoints available to you, 6 have a hard mode. (Flashpoints do not have a nightmare mode).

- Wow in vanilla had (and still has) 20 instances (and this is counting SM as a single instance). However, only 4 of those were for max level (at launch).

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  • 3 weeks later...
I was gonna reply untill i read that line.


You cannot compare a game that is live for 7 years against one that is live for 2 weeks either.


In short.. STOP COMPARING WOW TO SWTOR! It's not a valid comparison no mather how you look at it.


Just enjoy swtor for the game that it is. If you cannot do that, just cancell your subscribtion.


Yes you can, they are competing products, comparison is not only valid, but expected.

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I hate doing this sort of stuff and same flame always proceeds, but look at it this way.


Content scale of a newly released game, compared to content scale of a game that has been releasing content for 7 years. You have to be an idiot not to see that the comparison is gonna be unfair however you look at it. Content scale is the only real thing that has to have "release comparisons" as no game is gonna release with 7 years worth of content put into it.


The most amazing MMO ever could be released tommorow, but I can guarantee you, it will have less content scale than WoW.


This is the worst "SW:TOR sucks thread" of them all.


(I am coming from a completely un-bias opinion here, and if you point out a logical problem with the game in a constructive manner I will gladly agree with you.


And the guy below me speaks truth.

Edited by Hahkil
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Even if the WoW world is much larger, how much of it is actually used?


Not a whole lot, I haven't set a foot in places like Silithus for years now, and there's many other areas just like that. It's nothing but empty areas, where in Swtor, surpringly, all of them are in use.


And OP, don't give us the ******** argument that we cannot compare 2004 to 2012. Sure we can, if anything it's the only thing we can. Comparing a new fresh game with still limited content, to a game that has been built on for 7 years - no, just no.


If you really dislike this game so much, I suggest you piss off and go back and idle your 12 hours in Orgrimmar or Stormwind (which is for the record, the only thing WoW really got left.. a capital and some portals to easily travel to the raids in that "huge" world).

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