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How do people level to 50 in 4-5 days?!?!?


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A lot of people had time off during the Christmas break. I did as I work for a school district. I did hit spacebar a lot...doing barrel rolls. I like the space battles so sue me. Still, it took longer than 5 days for me. Did finish the story and its great.
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Yep, then come here and complain about the game after that....


5 days and 10 hours of total play time. Did not even skip a SINGLE line of dialogue till ~40. Did skip some on some side quests after I've finished reading the text.


I'm such a bad person. I didn't enjoy the game at all and just hate it!

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6 days /played for me to hit 50. Watched the voice acting for class story and the main story line for each planet, tended to skip through the 'oh mighty jedi, find me 4 of x' extra missions. Did not rush to 50, did some pvp, did some space combat, did every flashpoint up to red reaper (only do them when my tank friend is online at same time)


As to how i got 6 days played out of the 19 since I had access to game, on the days I had nothing to do, i would spend most of the day playing it, other days over the period i did not log on at all.


My first char in wow (started that game day 1) took me 12 days /played, my second char 7 days.

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I hit 50 in just over 5 days, never skipped any side quests or used "space bar" once (absolutely guarantee this), did all the planet bonus quests also. The only area I did not focus on was crafting which I levelled once I hit 50 (all maxed now btw).


Efficient levelling is definitely not the least fun way to play, its just means you have used your time effectively.

Edited by Coolits
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It took me almost exactly 7 days of play time to hit 50, and I definitely feel like I rushed things a little bit, but not much. In retrospect, my first WoW character ever (in Vanilla) took 20 days to get to 60.


There's nothing wrong with it taking longer at all. It depends on your comfort with MMO gameplay for one thing, and how efficiently you follow mission chains for another. SWTOR has been really great about not making you run back and forth, back and forth turning things in and picking up new missions...doing everything in my log in the area before heading back to town was definitely the most efficient way for me to get through each planet.

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I hit 50 in just over 5 days, never skipped any side quests or used "space bar" once (absolutely guarantee this), did all the planet bonus quests also. The only area I did not focus on was crafting which I levelled once I hit 50 (all maxed now btw).


Efficient levelling is definitely not the least fun way to play, its just means you have used your time effectively.


Wow, I never expected someone to say something about efficient and effectively in a game. My boss wants me to be efficient, that's fine, he pays me money for it, but in a game all I want is entertainment. I don't care if I get 50 in 5 days or 50 days, as long as I enjoy it.

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Well, I have been on Christmas Vacation for school (don't go back til the 12th.) So I imagine the fact that the game launched in the Christmas season had a lot to do with it. People generally didn't have to work - they had LOTS of time to play.


Even still, it's not difficult. You can basically level to 50 in a few days with PvP, which, I wager is the fastest way to do it. I really don't think people spammed through the story content. The running around alone would have kept them at a certain pace. Even still, the first 30 or so levels go pretty fast.


I should also say that leveling goes way faster when you are soloing. I've been playing with my bro this whole time. We work pretty well together, but there are times when I know I am slowing him down, and times when he is slowing me down. But, for us... it really doesn't matter. We aren't letting other people dictate the game we are playing. We enjoy this game a lot, because we took our time to enjoy it.

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Took me approximately 8 days total time played or roughly 200 hours to hit level 50. I certainly didn't rush and I can't imagine how people did it faster than that. Would be such a waste of missed content.


Just a question, it took you 8 days or 200 hours,


200/8= 25 so you play 25/24h (illogic)? or even 21h per day? it is tooooo much no?

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CAN you actually skip the cutscenes? I have an alt I'm leveling and while I think the cut scenes are one of the most innovative and best parts of the game, I don't need to run through them all twice.


If you can skip them, how are your light/dark choices handled? Do you just come out neutral on skipped cutscenes?

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They basically find the least fun way to play the game.


Not up to you to say what other people find fun. I find the constant sniping at other players on these boards disgusting. Suprisingly the majority is coming from the casual audience, who I exoected to be more mature than the Hardcore crowd, who are all apparently immature children.

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You can power level to 85 in WoW waay faster than you can hit 50 in SWTOR. 85 levels in WoW takes less than 72 hrs if you know what you're doing. Can't say the same for SWTOR. :)


Hate to burst your bubble, but 50 can be hit in ~60 hours in TOR.

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I'm only level 33 and my job affords me quite a bit of free time to play online. I can see 4-5 days to get to level 50 if it is in /played time. If you space bar'd through all the dialogue I can see 4-5 days IRL.


I have to admit I have spacebar'd through some dialogue. Alien languages. Argh.

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CAN you actually skip the cutscenes? I have an alt I'm leveling and while I think the cut scenes are one of the most innovative and best parts of the game, I don't need to run through them all twice.


If you can skip them, how are your light/dark choices handled? Do you just come out neutral on skipped cutscenes?

You can skip all the blalbla but you cannot skip the dialog choices. Press spacebar, and 1 or 2 or 3, as if you were in combat.

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CAN you actually skip the cutscenes? I have an alt I'm leveling and while I think the cut scenes are one of the most innovative and best parts of the game, I don't need to run through them all twice.


If you can skip them, how are your light/dark choices handled? Do you just come out neutral on skipped cutscenes?


You can only skip to the convo choices. When you hit space bar it just interrupts the scripted recorded line as a whole. You will not miss any light/dark side choices.

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You will have about 4-6days /played on your character when you hit 50 too, and no that doesn't mean you've skipped all the cutscenes. I hit 50 and didn't skip them, but I did make good use of my time. Making sure you're doing quests together in one area and getting them all done to minimize travel times, and just being generally efficient. Admittedly I skipped the heroics and didn't do any flashpoints, but that wouldn't really impact time spent as you get decent xp and rewards to help you kill things faster by doing them.


It also does not mean I've ruined the experience. You may be doing things at 35 that I am now doing at 50 because I left them for later. I've just done things in a different order.

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Because most 50's started the 13th or the 14th ? that gives them what 20 orso days ? Almost a month now. It takes maybe 5 - 6 days ingame time to make it to 50 if you dont spend hours on hours doing nothing ofc. I'd say it's quite reasonable people are lvl 50 by now. I am not btw so dont jump on me accusing me of being lvl 50 and how horrible i am for being lvl 50. IF your in school youve had whole christmas break to game i mean that starts like the 21 december so.. Edited by Icecrypt
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