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Why this game will end up like rift.


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1- NPC conversations in quests: this starts as a nice feature where a player would enjoy the story and feel part of the game, however, after level 20 it gets tedious, uninteresting and very tiring to skip though, especially after the 100th quest you do, bioware shouldn't have put a conversation in every quest, just the important ones.


Pressing spacebar is tiring? This is perhaps the silliest thing I've ever heard.


2- Waiting for players in quest conversations: again the same thing, it gets nice in the beginning, but then really really tiring later on. not that social items are any good, but when you quest with people and you do want to do that part, and then someone wants to listen to everything the NPC says...it burns my nerves.


You can start quest/continue quest/turn in quest without allowing other players to join your conversation if it is really bothering you that much. This is just another point where you are complaining for the sake of complaining. There is such a simple solution.


1- No Dual Spec: when Rift was released, we could have 4 different character specs, then they added the 5th. When this game was released we have only one character spec, this has got to be the biggest joke from bio-ware, even a free to play games have dual specs now.


Self entitled matter of opinion. There is not NEED for a dual spec. You just want a dual spec.


2- Flashpoints: Flashpoints are a joke, once you die at a boss fight, you do not get to loot anything. Of course now some boss fights are rediculously strong for a same-level group, especially if you get a noob tank.


I had to stop here because of your use of the word 'rediculously.' Man, I wish these forums had a spell check.


The rest of your 'points' are just opinionated drivel with some bugs like the looting issue tied in to help get your opinion across. Let me tell you what you are.


You are a member of the vocal minority.


Let me tell you what you aren't.


You aren't a game developer and you certainly are qualified to track trends, predict a game's lifespan, or give a 'review' of a game.

Edited by Yuuj
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First I'd like to make it clear that my intention of this post is not to bash the game, but to state the obvious, and maybe things that players are not aware of.


I've been playing the game for like 7 days now, my character is level 36 at the moment. having finished all quests of Darmund Kaas, Tatooine, and many quests here and there, completed my legacy quest line and going further with the story quest line.


Having said this, it is clear that I have played the game, and my judgement is not out of nothing.


Secondly, I would like to mention what is good about this game, and why this good part turns really bad later on:


1- NPC conversations in quests: this starts as a nice feature where a player would enjoy the story and feel part of the game, however, after level 20 it gets tedious, uninteresting and very tiring to skip though, especially after the 100th quest you do, bioware shouldn't have put a conversation in every quest, just the important ones.


2- Waiting for players in quest conversations: again the same thing, it gets nice in the beginning, but then really really tiring later on. not that social items are any good, but when you quest with people and you do want to do that part, and then someone wants to listen to everything the NPC says...it burns my nerves.


Lastly, what really is very bad about this game:


1- No Dual Spec: when Rift was released, we could have 4 different character specs, then they added the 5th. When this game was released we have only one character spec, this has got to be the biggest joke from bio-ware, even a free to play games have dual specs now.


2- Flashpoints: Flashpoints are a joke, once you die at a boss fight, you do not get to loot anything. Of course now some boss fights are rediculously strong for a same-level group, especially if you get a noob tank.


3-PVP: PVP in swotr is only 8v8 in all battlegrounds, all classes have 5 kinds of crowd control abilities, so basically the team that uses their CCs last wins. Not to mention in the ball arena, Jedi and Sith are completely ridiculous with their push backs, and they're the only ones who carry the ball anyway.


4- companions: useless at level 50 and in flashpoints. Can't do quests without them, so you have to keep at least one companion with you. Having five companions that you need to gear, work on their affection, just to turn out useless end game is kinda of...useless I say.


5- Crafting (Crew-Skill): super, duper useless, the epics you craft are bound on pickup, you basically cannot sell anything useful. Non-profitable crafting, recipes drop rate is very rare, missions take too long to finish beyond 260 points of skill. So far I've sold only one crafted item out of like 10, so I didn't bother at all, since all crafted gear is literally useless even when leveling up, since you can get really better gear just by doing quests.


6- Walking: all the unnecessary walking this game has, from spaceport to ship, from ship to ship controls, then back out of the ship, to the elevator to the spaceport to outside, not to mention all the useless uninteresting cut scenes that pop every time the ship flies. Why can't we just hit one button from the spaceport and enter the ship? why do I have to WALK, not even use the mount to do it?


7- Content: the content is a joke, people have already finished everything in 15 days of game play, one WoW expansion has more content than this entire game, not to mention the file size difference.


8- Targetting issues, Lag, super bugs: all of these just sway the players from continueing to play the game, in my opinion I should not continue subscribing to this game anymore, in fact I'm going to cancel now.


ADDED (edited):

9- No macroing: I'm already at a stage where I have only 3 or 4 empty slots in the quickbar, and still did not reach lvl 50, not to mention that not all of them are bound to a key, oh and i'm talking about my 4 quickbars.

(finished Editing)


All of this sums up at how bad this game really is, story lines? good finished in 15 days...then what?


Bioware could have done something better with this game, but no. I believe they should have made this a single player game, in fact, this game is an exact copy of Knights of the old Republic games, it is just that now you have other people playing around you, and you can see them and play with them.


Now let me ask a final question...What is an MMO? a massive multiplayer online game right? where on earth does SWTOR fit that description if groups are made out of 4 players, PVP of 8, and the biggest raid is only 16 players...how can this be massively multiplayer online game? where's the massive in a maximum of 16 players playing together? and of 4 questing together? and of 8 PVPing together? where? even battlefield has more player count than this...this is just the biggest joke on earth.


And this concludes my whining.


That's all you had to say... besides its a wall of blah blah QQ I'm sure... move along.

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LOL Rift is still going strong and has a decent player base...I hope the game ends up like Rift tbh...We get rid of all the annoying WoW kiddie whiners, and we get a good community...seems like a win win in my book.


Also love how people think Rift failed, when it is still going pretty strong. It may not have 13 million sperging *******, but it does have a solid community, and it is a great game.

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Was talking to Asuka, who said wow:cata's content finished in 2 days, which is not true, because the fastest person to ding 85 took 2 days.





I don't know if that has been linked yet but he was the world first 85. So much for your all-knowing WoW source. He hit 85 in 5 hours.


If you want some anecdotal evidence I was able to go hit 85 in about 2.5 days PLAYED (Key word) over a week's worth of real time. I am also NO hardcore player, I'm sure a fast paced hardcore player could run through the Cata storyline in much less time.


OP I do agree with you on some points. There are some bugs, conversations get SOMEWHAT boring (but still maintain their appeal), and pvp needs some tweaking. But for someone who has only hit 36 you sure pretend to know a lot about end game. I seriously doubt anyone has cleared all the content in this game yet. If you want to cite Vanilla WoW (Which I played) as an example, the only reason people didn't clear THAT content in less time was because of the endless grind factor. You've no idea how long it took to gather 40 people who had run strat, LBRS and UBRS about 30 times each and how all were competent enough to meet the barriers of separate encounters.


While you raise some good points... your argument quickly degrades in a rant. I don't think anyway can please you at this point. If the game sucks so bad. Stop playing. Don't play a game that you don't have fun with.


The key problem with your posts (and reason why everyone is attacking you so aggressively) is because you offer no way to remedy the problems you presented. Instead you just decided this game will fail and there is no way of stopping it.


You didn't present an authentic appeal to better this game, you presented a whiny WoW fanboy rant. Even if you didn't mean to, it sure came across that way.

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Is it? Why are they decomming servers then?


There are still tons of servers with good pops, and tons of people playing. Tons of guilds still raiding, and tons of fans still making blogs and fan sites.


I have not heard anything about them shutting down any servers atm. Nothing official from Trion themselves. So not too sure where you are getting your info from.


Besides, even if they did, it wouldn't be an issue, because their servers are too numerous for the amount of players they have. It will only help the remaining community if they collapse a few of them. I think they are still rocking about 500k subscribers, which is still a fair amount at the end of the day.


As long as a few servers are still up and they are making a profit enough to still churn out content it's good enough for me.


I still raid in Rift, and it's end game currently kills WoWs end game.

Edited by Azyurel
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First I'd like to make it clear that my intention of this post is not to bash the game, but to state the obvious, and maybe things that players are not aware of.




3-PVP: PVP in swotr is only 8v8 in all battlegrounds, all classes have 5 kinds of crowd control abilities, so basically the team that uses their CCs last wins. Not to mention in the ball arena, Jedi and Sith are completely ridiculous with their push backs, and they're the only ones who carry the ball anyway




And this concludes my whining.




Um, another PvP player just realised SW:TOR is not PvP Centric? :eek:

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This has to be a troll post. It's actually quite hilarious. Especially since it's title suggests Rift was a fail game, and yet in one of his examples of how SWTOR could be improved, he uses Rift as an example. Almost every sentence was finely crafted to give the impression of a twelve year old WoW player having a difficult time adjusting to a game that is not by design a loot vending machine.


Kudos, OP. Keep trolling!

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This has to be a troll post. It's actually quite hilarious. Especially since it's title suggests Rift was a fail game, and yet in one of his examples of how SWTOR could be improved, he uses Rift as an example. Almost every sentence was finely crafted to give the impression of a twelve year old WoW player having a difficult time adjusting to a game that is not by design a loot vending machine.


Kudos, OP. Keep trolling!

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I just skip the dialogue on most quests, except the class quests. So I don't really see the tedium, unless you're just getting mad over something that doesn't matter just to get mad.


That kinda misses the whole point of a full-voiced MMORPG. It also means that you burn through quests faster which means you run out of content sooner.


Not to mention that you miss out on the story aspects of the game that Bioware is so famous for doing well. (Imagine playing Mass Effect while skipping all the dialogues. The game would make zero sense)


Anyway, sorry that you aren't enjoying the game as much as I.

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7- Content: the content is a joke, people have already finished everything in 15 days of game play, one WoW expansion has more content than this entire game, not to mention the file size difference.


It's literally impossible to take you seriously when you say something this stupid.


Name the WoW expansion that has 50 levels of questings, instances, and gear. PLUS has 8 classes(an additional 8 that are different cosmetically), full voice acting with dialogue choices, a space combat minigame, 3 PvP battlegrounds, etc.


You can't do it. It's impossible.

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The number of arrogant posters in this thread is remarkable. They're talking as if this game has been out for months. There hasn't even been a major patch yet and you guys are already complaining about the mass number of bugs. Every MMO launch to date has had bugs and problems and SWTOR is no exception.


I feel a lot of people complaining about this game never played a MMO besides WoW and a bunch of f2p games, and probably NONE of them played EQ before it got overhauled. If they did then I see no reason as to why such comments are popping up about SWTOR.


Stop showing your ages with such childish remarks. SWTOR will prosper once the bugs and problems are sorted out in time, and if you don't like the game as it is now then go back to your dying WoW, we wont miss you one bit.

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I just find these posts hilarious. The fact that people would actually compare one of the most valuable IP's in the world run by one of the biggest gaming companies in the world to a mickey mouse developer like Trion is beyond belief.


I hate to break it to ya but most people never even heard of Rift. That game was never even a thought to EA/Bioware/Lucas Arts. They are looking at much bigger, proven successful companies like Blizzard, S.O.E. and maybe CCP.


And I can pretty much guarantee you most people playing this game disagree with nearly every point in your post.


Yeah, I played Rift since it came out, put tons of hours into it. Reached max gear in the game on 2 different toons. Played on 4 or 5 different PvP servers. Got all the warfront achieves, etc. I know Rift inside and out, and it is nowhere as good as this game on so many levels.


SWTOR is massive in comparison to Rift's small zones. One planet in this game will literally be the size of IPP, Stillmoor, and Shimmersand in Rift. In other words, 2 planets in this game are about the size of the entire Rift world map. And there's, what, 15 planets in this game?


The ONLY thing Rift has that TOR doesn't is a much better UI. It also has macros (a hot topic I admit -- I don't want this game having Rift macros -- they are way too easy mode). Lastly, it has 5 role specs you can buy. That's it. Those are the things Rift has that I like better. But as for the game and its sheer scope, Rift can't compete with SWTOR. Period.

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The number of arrogant posters in this thread is remarkable. They're talking as if this game has been out for months. There hasn't even been a major patch yet and you guys are already complaining about the mass number of bugs. Every MMO launch to date has had bugs and problems and SWTOR is no exception.


I feel a lot of people complaining about this game never played a MMO besides WoW and a bunch of f2p games, and probably NONE of them played EQ before it got overhauled. If they did then I see no reason as to why such comments are popping up about SWTOR.


Stop showing your ages with such childish remarks. SWTOR will prosper once the bugs and problems are sorted out in time, and if you don't like the game as it is now then go back to your dying WoW, we wont miss you one bit.


Pretty much the way I look at it. I understand people want something they buy to be 100% what they like and with 0 faults. Unfortunately that's not always the case with video games.


I've played a large number of the MMOs that have been released, and all launches are similar it seems. It all looks like this:


Kids whine because they can't get or didn't get what they want


Kids flame and troll the forums once they are gone


Game finally finds its player base 3 months or so after launch


Community plays the MMO and are better off without all the whiners


We just have to wait out the spergy WoW kiddies and all will be well.

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