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Why this game will end up like rift.


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Just gotta point out that 1 day is 24 hours.


If your friend did it in 25 hours it took him 2 days.


Oh, so 25 hours = 48 hours (2 days). Thanks for the heads up. My math skills must not be up to par anymore these days ;)

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First I'd like to make it clear that my intention of this post is not to bash the game, but to state the obvious, and maybe things that players are not aware of.


I've been playing the game for like 7 days now, my character is level 36 at the moment. having finished all quests of Darmund Kaas, Tatooine, and many quests here and there, completed my legacy quest line and going further with the story quest line.


Having said this, it is clear that I have played the game, and my judgement is not out of nothing.


Secondly, I would like to mention what is good about this game, and why this good part turns really bad later on:


1- NPC conversations in quests: this starts as a nice feature where a player would enjoy the story and feel part of the game, however, after level 20 it gets tedious, uninteresting and very tiring to skip though, especially after the 100th quest you do, bioware shouldn't have put a conversation in every quest, just the important ones. Tedious for you, I quie enjoy them.


2- Waiting for players in quest conversations: again the same thing, it gets nice in the beginning, but then really really tiring later on. not that social items are any good, but when you quest with people and you do want to do that part, and then someone wants to listen to everything the NPC says...it burns my nerves. The don't group. I like to see what my fellow players are going to do.


Lastly, what really is very bad about this game:


1- No Dual Spec: when Rift was released, we could have 4 different character specs, then they added the 5th. When this game was released we have only one character spec, this has got to be the biggest joke from bio-ware, even a free to play games have dual specs now. Whilst I wouldn't mind it it's not a deal breaker for me.


2- Flashpoints: Flashpoints are a joke, once you die at a boss fight, you do not get to loot anything. Of course now some boss fights are rediculously strong for a same-level group, especially if you get a noob tank.

I've died in boss fights and never had an issue looting.

3-PVP: PVP in swotr is only 8v8 in all battlegrounds, all classes have 5 kinds of crowd control abilities, so basically the team that uses their CCs last wins. Not to mention in the ball arena, Jedi and Sith are completely ridiculous with their push backs, and they're the only ones who carry the ball anyway.Haven't done any pvp so no comment.


4- companions: useless at level 50 and in flashpoints. Can't do quests without them, so you have to keep at least one companion with you. Having five companions that you need to gear, work on their affection, just to turn out useless end game is kinda of...useless I say.Not having any issues with this so I can't agree.


5- Crafting (Crew-Skill): super, duper useless, the epics you craft are bound on pickup, you basically cannot sell anything useful. Non-profitable crafting, recipes drop rate is very rare, missions take too long to finish beyond 260 points of skill. So far I've sold only one crafted item out of like 10, so I didn't bother at all, since all crafted gear is literally useless even when leveling up, since you can get really better gear just by doing quests.I'm getting money and items off my crafting so I disagree with this.


6- Walking: all the unnecessary walking this game has, from spaceport to ship, from ship to ship controls, then back out of the ship, to the elevator to the spaceport to outside, not to mention all the useless uninteresting cut scenes that pop every time the ship flies. Why can't we just hit one button from the spaceport and enter the ship? why do I have to WALK, not even use the mount to do it?This just suggests a short attention span to me.


7- Content: the content is a joke, people have already finished everything in 15 days of game play, one WoW expansion has more content than this entire game, not to mention the file size difference.This is nonsensical. People rushed to 50 and wonder why it's loney at the top. I'll repeat for the short attention span crowd: it's abrand new game, give it time. If you have the atention span of a gnat then that's your fault, not that of BW.


8- Targetting issues, Lag, super bugs: all of these just sway the players from continueing to play the game, in my opinion I should not continue subscribing to this game anymore, in fact I'm going to cancel now.

Sorry you're unhappy but this is for the best.

ADDED (edited):

9- No macroing: I'm already at a stage where I have only 3 or 4 empty slots in the quickbar, and still did not reach lvl 50, not to mention that not all of them are bound to a key, oh and i'm talking about my 4 quickbars.I imagine macros are coming. Basically you can't one button push your way to victory so you're upset.

(finished Editing)


All of this sums up at how bad this game really is, story lines? good finished in 15 days...then what? No, this sums up why you're unhappy. I'm pleased as punch and enjoying every minute.


Bioware could have done something better with this game, but no. I believe they should have made this a single player game, in fact, this game is an exact copy of Knights of the old Republic games, it is just that now you have other people playing around you, and you can see them and play with them.


Now let me ask a final question...What is an MMO? a massive multiplayer online game right? where on earth does SWTOR fit that description if groups are made out of 4 players, PVP of 8, and the biggest raid is only 16 players...how can this be massively multiplayer online game? where's the massive in a maximum of 16 players playing together? and of 4 questing together? and of 8 PVPing together? where? even battlefield has more player count than this...this is just the biggest joke on earth.Looks like an mmo to me. I've grouped more in three weeks here then I did my whole time in Rift which I started playing one month to the day after launch and played up until ToR came out.


And this concludes my whining.


Well goodbye and good luck. I can't say you'll be missed. All people like you do is add negativity to the game and the boards.

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Wrong. Rift is losing pop all the time. I was last there about two weeks ago (I left for SWTOR) and people were complaining about how Sanctum and Meridian are ghost towns. There are even threads on the forums with people asking for server mergers.


There are only 3 PvP servers that have any activity at all (Deepstrike, Seastone and Dayblind). All the rest are complete ghost towns. The PvE servers probably aren't much better.


Some of the best PvP guilds in rift completely left the game for SWTOR. That's one of the reasons I came over -- I didn't want to be doing warfronts against total noobs or people I had never heard of. I dunno if they are still here or left or what, but Rift is losing pop.


PvP servers are usually the first to die...

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First I'd like to make it clear that my intention of this post is not to bash the game, but to state the obvious, and maybe things that players are not aware of


So you start off with a lie. You say you are not going to bash the game, yet you pretty much just bash the game. Saying something is a joke is not constructive feedback.

Edited by Baizak
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people like me jump from crap to crap till finding a game that is worth a damn

guess I will jump from this crap too


Except the point is that you never do find anything "worth a damn", you just blow into each game in turn and ruin it for those who do enjoy those games by whinging the loudest on the forums, until either the devs listen to you and change stuff and you leave anyway, or because you turn the forum into a pile of barely-legible trash that's a real pain to read through.


So yes, please, "jump from this crap", as soon as possible, and don't feel the need to spend the remainder of your free month on the forums either.

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Ahh the fanbois, I like how you guys react to reality, calling me stupid and everything without realizing I have played like 8 MMOs.




So you jump from MMO to MMO and never find anything worth your play time....ever stop to think for 2 seconds that MMO's might not be for you? probably not..thinking is hard.

Edited by Nidien
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First I'd like to make it clear that my intention of this post is not to bash the game, but to state the obvious, and maybe things that players are not aware of.


...........And this concludes my whining.


:eek: Soooooo.........no bashing.... just a lot of whining, right?



All the stuff in between (the details and substance of the things that displease you).... I pretty much disagree with you on all points. ;)


I get that you don't like the game. That's fine, no game is right for everyone. But I don't really enjoy the lecturing tone of your post.


PS: I gather from the title that you don't like Rift either. So.....what MMO does meet with your favor? I'm genuinely curious, since you set the context.

Edited by Andryah
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Seriously, they could have saved a ton of money by only voice acting class quests and flashpoints/ops(maybe Heroic quests also). I'm bringing up an alt and skip through pretty much everything that isn't class related since I've already seen it.
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First I'd like to make it clear that my intention of this post is not to bash the game, but to state the obvious, and maybe things that players are not aware of.


I've been playing the game for like 7 days now, my character is level 36 at the moment. having finished all quests of Darmund Kaas, Tatooine, and many quests here and there, completed my legacy quest line and going further with the story quest line.


Having said this, it is clear that I have played the game, and my judgement is not out of nothing.


Secondly, I would like to mention what is good about this game, and why this good part turns really bad later on:


1- NPC conversations in quests: this starts as a nice feature where a player would enjoy the story and feel part of the game, however, after level 20 it gets tedious, uninteresting and very tiring to skip though, especially after the 100th quest you do, bioware shouldn't have put a conversation in every quest, just the important ones.


2- Waiting for players in quest conversations: again the same thing, it gets nice in the beginning, but then really really tiring later on. not that social items are any good, but when you quest with people and you do want to do that part, and then someone wants to listen to everything the NPC says...it burns my nerves.


Lastly, what really is very bad about this game:


1- No Dual Spec: when Rift was released, we could have 4 different character specs, then they added the 5th. When this game was released we have only one character spec, this has got to be the biggest joke from bio-ware, even a free to play games have dual specs now.


2- Flashpoints: Flashpoints are a joke, once you die at a boss fight, you do not get to loot anything. Of course now some boss fights are rediculously strong for a same-level group, especially if you get a noob tank.


3-PVP: PVP in swotr is only 8v8 in all battlegrounds, all classes have 5 kinds of crowd control abilities, so basically the team that uses their CCs last wins. Not to mention in the ball arena, Jedi and Sith are completely ridiculous with their push backs, and they're the only ones who carry the ball anyway.


4- companions: useless at level 50 and in flashpoints. Can't do quests without them, so you have to keep at least one companion with you. Having five companions that you need to gear, work on their affection, just to turn out useless end game is kinda of...useless I say.


5- Crafting (Crew-Skill): super, duper useless, the epics you craft are bound on pickup, you basically cannot sell anything useful. Non-profitable crafting, recipes drop rate is very rare, missions take too long to finish beyond 260 points of skill. So far I've sold only one crafted item out of like 10, so I didn't bother at all, since all crafted gear is literally useless even when leveling up, since you can get really better gear just by doing quests.


6- Walking: all the unnecessary walking this game has, from spaceport to ship, from ship to ship controls, then back out of the ship, to the elevator to the spaceport to outside, not to mention all the useless uninteresting cut scenes that pop every time the ship flies. Why can't we just hit one button from the spaceport and enter the ship? why do I have to WALK, not even use the mount to do it?


7- Content: the content is a joke, people have already finished everything in 15 days of game play, one WoW expansion has more content than this entire game, not to mention the file size difference.


8- Targetting issues, Lag, super bugs: all of these just sway the players from continueing to play the game, in my opinion I should not continue subscribing to this game anymore, in fact I'm going to cancel now.


ADDED (edited):

9- No macroing: I'm already at a stage where I have only 3 or 4 empty slots in the quickbar, and still did not reach lvl 50, not to mention that not all of them are bound to a key, oh and i'm talking about my 4 quickbars.

(finished Editing)


All of this sums up at how bad this game really is, story lines? good finished in 15 days...then what?


Bioware could have done something better with this game, but no. I believe they should have made this a single player game, in fact, this game is an exact copy of Knights of the old Republic games, it is just that now you have other people playing around you, and you can see them and play with them.


Now let me ask a final question...What is an MMO? a massive multiplayer online game right? where on earth does SWTOR fit that description if groups are made out of 4 players, PVP of 8, and the biggest raid is only 16 players...how can this be massively multiplayer online game? where's the massive in a maximum of 16 players playing together? and of 4 questing together? and of 8 PVPing together? where? even battlefield has more player count than this...this is just the biggest joke on earth.


And this concludes my whining.



I agree pretty much with your entire post good job.

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Ahh the fanbois, I like how you guys react to reality, calling me stupid and everything without realizing I have played like 8 MMOs.


And so what? Just cos you are lazy means Dual Spec is needed? Make up your mind and stay with 1.

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I just find these posts hilarious. The fact that people would actually compare one of the most valuable IP's in the world run by one of the biggest gaming companies in the world to a mickey mouse developer like Trion is beyond belief.


I hate to break it to ya but most people never even heard of Rift. That game was never even a thought to EA/Bioware/Lucas Arts. They are looking at much bigger, proven successful companies like Blizzard, S.O.E. and maybe CCP.


And I can pretty much guarantee you most people playing this game disagree with nearly every point in your post.

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Thank you for your post, and your 50$+ investment to the game, hopefully after you leave, the game will get better and those of us that are enjoying it will enjoy it even more and if you return you'll enjoy it more. So Bye and remember your opinion is exactly that.
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OP, you make some good points in some of the issues imo. But then when people react to it in a way that you don't like you start calling them fanboys, effectively destroying the entire meaning of your post. You get defensive when people don't agree with you and it is clear after reading this and your other thread that you just start these things unleash your anger.

The first post was nice and structured, and then you yourself turned it into a shouting fest. To bad.

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Why do these nabs spoil MMO's for everyone...


Great post, just about sums up my feelings on the whiners. Obsessive compulsive MMO player? Go find something else to do with your time. The considerably larger casual demographic Bioware is catering to here is very pleased with the direction this game has taken.

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First I'd like to make it clear that my intention of this post is not to bash the game, but to state the obvious, and maybe things that players are not aware of.


I've been playing the game for like 7 days now, my character is level 36 at the moment. having finished all quests of Darmund Kaas, Tatooine, and many quests here and there, completed my legacy quest line and going further with the story quest line.


Having said this, it is clear that I have played the game, and my judgement is not out of nothing.


Secondly, I would like to mention what is good about this game, and why this good part turns really bad later on:


1- NPC conversations in quests: this starts as a nice feature where a player would enjoy the story and feel part of the game, however, after level 20 it gets tedious, uninteresting and very tiring to skip though, especially after the 100th quest you do, bioware shouldn't have put a conversation in every quest, just the important ones.


2- Waiting for players in quest conversations: again the same thing, it gets nice in the beginning, but then really really tiring later on. not that social items are any good, but when you quest with people and you do want to do that part, and then someone wants to listen to everything the NPC says...it burns my nerves.


Lastly, what really is very bad about this game:


1- No Dual Spec: when Rift was released, we could have 4 different character specs, then they added the 5th. When this game was released we have only one character spec, this has got to be the biggest joke from bio-ware, even a free to play games have dual specs now.


2- Flashpoints: Flashpoints are a joke, once you die at a boss fight, you do not get to loot anything. Of course now some boss fights are rediculously strong for a same-level group, especially if you get a noob tank.


3-PVP: PVP in swotr is only 8v8 in all battlegrounds, all classes have 5 kinds of crowd control abilities, so basically the team that uses their CCs last wins. Not to mention in the ball arena, Jedi and Sith are completely ridiculous with their push backs, and they're the only ones who carry the ball anyway.


4- companions: useless at level 50 and in flashpoints. Can't do quests without them, so you have to keep at least one companion with you. Having five companions that you need to gear, work on their affection, just to turn out useless end game is kinda of...useless I say.


5- Crafting (Crew-Skill): super, duper useless, the epics you craft are bound on pickup, you basically cannot sell anything useful. Non-profitable crafting, recipes drop rate is very rare, missions take too long to finish beyond 260 points of skill. So far I've sold only one crafted item out of like 10, so I didn't bother at all, since all crafted gear is literally useless even when leveling up, since you can get really better gear just by doing quests.


6- Walking: all the unnecessary walking this game has, from spaceport to ship, from ship to ship controls, then back out of the ship, to the elevator to the spaceport to outside, not to mention all the useless uninteresting cut scenes that pop every time the ship flies. Why can't we just hit one button from the spaceport and enter the ship? why do I have to WALK, not even use the mount to do it?


7- Content: the content is a joke, people have already finished everything in 15 days of game play, one WoW expansion has more content than this entire game, not to mention the file size difference.


8- Targetting issues, Lag, super bugs: all of these just sway the players from continueing to play the game, in my opinion I should not continue subscribing to this game anymore, in fact I'm going to cancel now.


ADDED (edited):

9- No macroing: I'm already at a stage where I have only 3 or 4 empty slots in the quickbar, and still did not reach lvl 50, not to mention that not all of them are bound to a key, oh and i'm talking about my 4 quickbars.

(finished Editing)


All of this sums up at how bad this game really is, story lines? good finished in 15 days...then what?


Bioware could have done something better with this game, but no. I believe they should have made this a single player game, in fact, this game is an exact copy of Knights of the old Republic games, it is just that now you have other people playing around you, and you can see them and play with them.


Now let me ask a final question...What is an MMO? a massive multiplayer online game right? where on earth does SWTOR fit that description if groups are made out of 4 players, PVP of 8, and the biggest raid is only 16 players...how can this be massively multiplayer online game? where's the massive in a maximum of 16 players playing together? and of 4 questing together? and of 8 PVPing together? where? even battlefield has more player count than this...this is just the biggest joke on earth.


And this concludes my whining.

rift is a highly successful post release game partner go lock at the stock and finacial reports trion is kicking *** and is getting alot of pressure from the market to go public.
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If I could name one game this will end up like it would be Warhammer Online. Both of these games have the Mythic brand of bugginess and unless they get to work on the patches this game becomes a ghost town. That would be a shame..
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Having said this, it is clear that I have played the game, and my judgement is not out of nothing.


Secondly, I would like to mention what is good about this game, and why this good part turns really bad later on:


1- NPC conversations in quests: this starts as a nice feature where a player would enjoy the story and feel part of the game, however, after level 20 it gets tedious, uninteresting and very tiring to skip though, especially after the 100th quest you do, bioware shouldn't have put a conversation in every quest, just the important ones.


2- Waiting for players in quest conversations: again the same thing, it gets nice in the beginning, but then really really tiring later on. not that social items are any good, but when you quest with people and you do want to do that part, and then someone wants to listen to everything the NPC says...it burns my nerves.


Lastly, what really is very bad about this game:


1- No Dual Spec: when Rift was released, we could have 4 different character specs, then they added the 5th. When this game was released we have only one character spec, this has got to be the biggest joke from bio-ware, even a free to play games have dual specs now.


2- Flashpoints: Flashpoints are a joke, once you die at a boss fight, you do not get to loot anything. Of course now some boss fights are rediculously strong for a same-level group, especially if you get a noob tank.


3-PVP: PVP in swotr is only 8v8 in all battlegrounds, all classes have 5 kinds of crowd control abilities, so basically the team that uses their CCs last wins. Not to mention in the ball arena, Jedi and Sith are completely ridiculous with their push backs, and they're the only ones who carry the ball anyway.


4- companions: useless at level 50 and in flashpoints. Can't do quests without them, so you have to keep at least one companion with you. Having five companions that you need to gear, work on their affection, just to turn out useless end game is kinda of...useless I say.


5- Crafting (Crew-Skill): super, duper useless, the epics you craft are bound on pickup, you basically cannot sell anything useful. Non-profitable crafting, recipes drop rate is very rare, missions take too long to finish beyond 260 points of skill. So far I've sold only one crafted item out of like 10, so I didn't bother at all, since all crafted gear is literally useless even when leveling up, since you can get really better gear just by doing quests.


6- Walking: all the unnecessary walking this game has, from spaceport to ship, from ship to ship controls, then back out of the ship, to the elevator to the spaceport to outside, not to mention all the useless uninteresting cut scenes that pop every time the ship flies. Why can't we just hit one button from the spaceport and enter the ship? why do I have to WALK, not even use the mount to do it?


7- Content: the content is a joke, people have already finished everything in 15 days of game play, one WoW expansion has more content than this entire game, not to mention the file size difference.


8- Targetting issues, Lag, super bugs: all of these just sway the players from continueing to play the game, in my opinion I should not continue subscribing to this game anymore, in fact I'm going to cancel now.


ADDED (edited):

9- No macroing: I'm already at a stage where I have only 3 or 4 empty slots in the quickbar, and still did not reach lvl 50, not to mention that not all of them are bound to a key, oh and i'm talking about my 4 quickbars.

(finished Editing)



I will start off by pointing out that this thread is your opinion, not fact, and because you think the game will end up failing does not make it so. I have seen hundreds of posts like this over most of the MMO's I've played. All have turned out fine.


In response to the good that turns bad:


1) This is the first fully voiced MMO. You knew this when you bought the game, and if you didn't then you should have checked that out beforehand. The voice acting in this game is on a better par than any other fully voiced game I've played before, where quite often it is just a handfull of voice actors with maybe a dozen voices between them, listening to them over and over. I've found very little repetition in the voices used so far. Personally it adds to the fun of the game for me.


2) Most conversations in this game have about 5 points to make a choice in them. When someone doesn't respond it automatically skips their choice after ~20 seconds (I haven't timed this, I must admit). Unless you are in a flashpoint there is no obligation for you to be part of the conversation, you can choose not to be part of it and have the conversation on your own and skip through it quicker. Once again, I love this aspect of the game and I think a lot of people also do. There will ofcourse be a split between the "I WANTS TO QUEST NAOW" crowd and those that like the immersion.


Onto the plain bad, in your opinion. These responses are, ofcourse, just my opinion:


1) Rift may have had multiple spec on release but many games don't and survive just fine. Dual spec is coming.


2) The only way you can be missed out on a boss loot is that your group started the loot while you were out of the room. This does not "make flashpoints a joke", it shows that most people are impatient and greedy. This has happened on many games in the past that I've played. It's a risk you take when you join up with a pug group. Ridiculously hard bosses (once again, I feel this is an opinion rather than fact, and may be down to the groups you have been in) make the sense of achievement of beating them all the sweeter, in my opinion. I've yet to have to give up on a flashpoint, and infact, to-date I've had one bad tank in this game, rather than the repeated over and over and over again wipes that I experienced on the game that shall not be named and that caused me to quit the game eventually.


3) I actually agree that the CC is a bit much in this game, but I think lag is a bigger issue in PvP. The size of the zones are just fine as are the team numbers, in my opinion anyway. I've had thoroughly fun and satisfying experiences in PvP in this game, something that cannot be said for other games I've played. And before you call me a fanboi on this comment, I actually have posted multiple videos in different threads about the issues with skill delays and animation priority. I'm well aware of the fact, but, personally I can live with it. I don't think less of someone, though, for wanting something different.


4) Can't comment on this, I've been levelling multiple characters and none are 50 yet.


5) Crafting, unlike some other games, is actually relevant to your level. Yes, it takes time, but no more time than running around gathering materials in a game that was node-based only. Yet, you can craft yourself nice gear while you're levelling. It's not hard to get blue recipes. It's a bit harder to get blue augmented recipes in a skill like Synthweaving or Armourmech, but there is the option of going cybertech and buying yourself some moddable armour. With Cybertech each item only RE's once (as far as I know) to blue and only RE's once to purple. Once again, can't comment on end game gear, but I have heard this complaint before. I'm sure it will be fixed. I also beg to differ on the "You can get better gear by levelling" comment. This is BS, either you haven't put the time into it or you are just repeating what other people are saying. With a mix of augmented and moddable gear on my characters I end up with stats FAR above what I would get from questing. Moddable gear offers higher primary stats, while crafted gear offers specialist stats like Defence rating, power, critical rating. My bounty hunter has higher health, by hundreds of points, than most tanks I encounter of the same level, purely down to me using crafted gear and moddable gear that I've specced up with cybertech.


6) Yes, there is a lot of walking back and forth from your ship. Some people like the immersion, some people don't. I don't think you're going to please everyone on this point. But, there is something that you have failed notice here, and that is how little running back and forth you do when you're levelling or doing missions. This game has the absolutely best grouped quests I've ever come across. The only returning you need to do, in my experience so far, is to do your main quest lines. There is none of this.. Run to point A, complete quest, run all the way back to the quest giver, run to point B, complete quest, run all the way back to quest giver, run BACK to point A to complete a different quest, return to quest giver, talk to quest giver next to first quest giver, run to point C, which is even further away, return..I think you get the point. WoW was terrible for this.


7) I HIGHLY doubt people have completed every bit of content in this game in 15 days. They might have made level 50 and completed their classes storyline, but I doubt they have completed one of every class, and done every quest available. On every planet I go to I find there are areas off of the beaten track that offer quests that the mass majority of people don't complete. They follow the main story line locations, see there's quest givers, go to the next storyline location, look at those quest givers. But over and over I see people missing out on rarely explored areas. Then there are datacrons, and the codex to complete as well. I also find it hard to believe that people have got every bit of Operation gear already. But...you may be right. I suspect it's very hard to tell how end game will play without having a population of max levels to get feedback from. More planets are in the pipeline, and more PvP maps. I wouldn't be suprised if some new end-game flashpoints and ops were being designed as we speak.


8) Different strokes for different folks. I won't be unsubbing any time soon. Sure, if 6 months down the line then they still haven't fixed issues and it's ruining my ability to play then I'll probably unsub. But at the moment, despite playing characters that are rather buggy, I still enjoy myself and don't find myself going *sigh*..another fight.. I like I have in so many other games in the past. This might be down to the fact that the animations for the fighting in this game are completely different to those that I've played in the past, so it's still got a shiny factor to it for me. Only time will tell.

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