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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Gotta love people cancelling their accounts SOLELY because of PvP.


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I agree with OP! I mean, it took me a week to hit 50 with aggressive play. People need to relax and take months to hit max. It's not biowares fault that you enjoy PVP and they made a PVP system based on RNG and severe imbalances. It's YOUR fault you don't enjoy that in a game that touts PVP. I mean, just because the game says it supports good quality PVP doesn't mean you should expect good quality PVP.


That's what you get for getting your hopes up.

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PvP is a mess, nobody questions that, gear scales ludicrously well, class imbalances, randomness on your chance of loot.


10-49 is a different ballgame and fun for all so most are just staying in the 10-49 Wz's.


Yes 50 pvp needs to improved somewhat or it'll simply die a horrible death (the pvp not the game)


I too doubt the "honesty" of these account cancelations, afterall in order to post you need to have an active subscription, this was made clear to us before the site overhaul.


So to those that keep saying "I cancelled, my account ran out, I uninstalled"


Please stop lying, it makes you look a complete tool.


I have cancelled mate honestly and I can still post here until my playtime is up at the end of the month.

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I see a lot of people quitting too. People who did not even post on these forums. Most of the people quitting are 50's because they say they are bored. Apparently 3 guys decked out in rakata gear and BM quit due to boredom. I question if this game will be able to survive for 2 years...
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Bioware never stated that this was going to be a PvP-emphasized game. So I really don't see why so many people are quitting, making the claim that they got it ONLY for the PvP, when Bioware never stated that PvP was their primary focus. They've said it numerous times, the STORY is what they're all about, not the PvP content.


You guys set the bar too high and you'll always be disappointed.


So, if they're not enjoying the game, they shouldn't quit? I'm not sure what you're saying. Would you have preferred those players never to have purchased the game at all, further weakening Biowares financials?

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that's only true in pvp situations, and in situations where pvp loot is easily accessible. Right now for many republic players columi gear is starting to be more accessible than Champion gear, and I'm not exaggerating.


The randomness factor of the champion gear makes this worse.


Rakata gear is , except the weapon, on par with battlemaster gear while columi is with champion.


That may be right, but you forget one important thing. With PvP gear you can both PvP and PvE fine, but with PvE gear you can't really compete in PvP because of lack of expertise.


So.. PvP gear > PvE gear

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That may be right, but you forget one important thing. With PvP gear you can both PvP and PvE fine, but with PvE gear you can't really compete in PvP because of lack of expertise.


So.. PvP gear > PvE gear


Not so true either. While Expertise is a very important component, when you are out of options Columi gear should be the way to go to avoid total crushing in pvp. Or you suck it up and keep earning defeats in warzones until 800 commendations only to find an empty bag with 3 centurion comms.


And also PVP gear remains lackluster compared to PVE gear in PVE content. Champion gear is behind Columi in PVE and Battlemaster behind Rakata. Not to mention through doing PVE and earning PVE gear you learn how to pve as well. If you pvp your way to gear up until Battlemaster and suddenly decide to do EV HM+ you'll find that you are behind in experience.


I see your point, but that is ideal in a Empire POV. For a republic POV PVE content is starting to become a better source for gear.

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Bioware never stated that this was going to be a PvP-emphasized game. So I really don't see why so many people are quitting, making the claim that they got it ONLY for the PvP, when Bioware never stated that PvP was their primary focus. They've said it numerous times, the STORY is what they're all about, not the PvP content.


You guys set the bar too high and you'll always be disappointed.


Just because a game is PvE "focused" doesn't mean that their PvP team should be this bad. They do have a PvP team, you know. There are people working exclusively on this stuff and we've gotten nothing good out of it.


Not everyone wants to prompt follow and stand around circle jerking against mobs that do the same thing every time in PvE. People want PvP because it's dynamic. PvP is in the game because people enjoy it and an MMO cannot survive these days without it. It needs to be good. End of story.

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Just because a game is PvE "focused" doesn't mean that their PvP team should be this bad. They do have a PvP team, you know. There are people working exclusively on this stuff and we've gotten nothing good out of it.


Not everyone wants to prompt follow and stand around circle jerking against mobs that do the same thing every time in PvE. People want PvP because it's dynamic. PvP is in the game because people enjoy it and an MMO cannot survive these days without it. It needs to be good. End of story.


Well Said

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maybe people like pvp and star wars (sci fi) and are sick of the fairy wings and fantasy mmos :eek:



I like pvp a lot more than pve and am apprently one of the few that enjoys the pvp in this game. Yea it could be better but game has only been out a little over a month ffs


Cant rember where I read it but somewhere on this site they said they were going to focus on pvp content update sometime within next 3 or 4 months.

Edited by Cobrarocks
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Just because a game is PvE "focused" doesn't mean that their PvP team should be this bad. They do have a PvP team, you know. There are people working exclusively on this stuff and we've gotten nothing good out of it.


Not everyone wants to prompt follow and stand around circle jerking against mobs that do the same thing every time in PvE. People want PvP because it's dynamic. PvP is in the game because people enjoy it and an MMO cannot survive these days without it. It needs to be good. End of story.


That's my biggest gripe.


The release version of pvp in this game is so bad. There's cannot be even 1 member of their pvp team who has played pvp seriously in any other game, or their team leader is shooting down all their ideas, because the pvp system in this game, and how it's implemented (not the micro pvp stuff like class vs class) but overall like loot systems, ilum, warzones is so below par.


If they listen to ANY serious pvper for 5 minutes, they would fix 90% of their problems in pvp. That's why their pvp dev team sucks.

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I too doubt the "honesty" of these account cancelations, afterall in order to post you need to have an active subscription, this was made clear to us before the site overhaul.


So to those that keep saying "I cancelled, my account ran out, I uninstalled"


Please stop lying, it makes you look a complete tool.


Hello, tool, I cancelled on the 19th, and I can still post here.



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Hello, tool, I cancelled on the 19th, and I can still post here.




Obviously you paid for another month, therefore you are not a "no longer subscribed" account now are you?


+ we can easily call you out for BS for the simple factor of "Forums require an active subscription to post" therefore you still maintain an active subscription, until your time runs out, you are still a subscriber.

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Well, I mainly solo PvE or play with my brother. We don't raid and we've already got 2 classes to 50. PvP offers a challenge and supposedly is fun.


SWTOR's (current) PvP state is atrocious. As we all know, balance, 3 WZ's, Illum, etc. are all borked so bad. I cancelled my sub last week, without telling my brother, as I didn't want to influence his experience, and he told me today he's had it and un-subbed as well.


We both have experience with many differing MMO's including WarHammer Online and this game's PvP is c r a p.



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pvp was a large focus on the game. It was the only thing demo'd at the last convention prior to release.


pvp was hyped up by alot of reviewers, and alot of competitive pvp'ers are playing this only for the pvp.


i am one of those people. I do not care about dodging the same fire bomb from the same mob every night, while some guy is yelling at people for not downing some hard mode mob.


pvp can be great in swtor, they have to iron out some things. There are some very broken mechanics in pvp that need to be addresssed.


If pvp remains the same 2or3 months down the road, you'll see a much larger population drop than you can imagine.

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I got it out of curiosity, I saw it had a bit of PvP and I wanted to try it. So far the PvP has been a bit of a let down and the mechanics in the game aren't really designed to work on PvP combat, atleast now what I'm used to (DAOC).


I haven't cancelled yet, although my subscription runs out on the 20th of feb (I missed the Jan cut off point), so if it doesn't catch my interest I will be cancelling by then.


I have no interest in leveling, 7 days /played it took me to level my sorc spacebaring most of it. I should have looked into the game and seen what it was about, but I enjoy Star Wars and thought it's worth a shot.

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Whether you want to take off the fanboi hat or not, pvp in this game is pretty terrible. Illum has no apparent plan or point, as far as anyone can see. It's not like Illum is a new addition either...


Even more disturbing is how poorly the engine runs currently for large scale pvp -- that doesn't exactly bode well for the future.


I always knew SWTOR would be a 1-2 month sub based on the stories alone. I guess Bioware has 3 more weeks from me to pull out some super secret awesome pvp patch. Pretty sure that ain't happening :rolleyes:

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And Vindianajones hit the nail on the head.


PvE content is static, you know exactly what every encounter will do and what you need to do to counter it or to win. How anyone can find this fun for more than 3 attempts is beyond me.


PvP is dynamic, it's rare that any 2 fights are the same, or any 2 players react the same. DAOC excelled at this, with the 3 realm, 45 classes. But I was hoping that PvP would be better than it is.


The Ilum change to me, put doubt into my head about the competancy of the PvP team. Knowing the imbalances between the factions how 30 kills was even a good idea, or the Armaments, which are like 2 spawns at a time which are player only not ops/group counting?


Ilum itself, shouldn't have been changed at all, until the population imbalances were addressed.

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Bioware never stated that this was going to be a PvP-emphasized game. So I really don't see why so many people are quitting.


It should be obvious.


1. These people like PvP

2. There is PvP in this game

3. The PvP does not live up to their standards

4. They cancel and move on


Should they stay here for your sake?

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I too doubt the "honesty" of these account cancelations, afterall in order to post you need to have an active subscription, this was made clear to us before the site overhaul.


So to those that keep saying "I cancelled, my account ran out, I uninstalled"


Please stop lying, it makes you look a complete tool.


funny, because i cant login to play right now, because i unsubbed 2 weeks ago


Obviously you paid for another month, therefore you are not a "no longer subscribed" account now are you?


+ we can easily call you out for BS for the simple factor of "Forums require an active subscription to post" therefore you still maintain an active subscription, until your time runs out, you are still a subscriber.


my time ran out on the 23rd. thats when my free month ended.


oh wait, maybe im bugged, like everything else in this 5hitastic game

Edited by -micah-
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