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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Gotta love people cancelling their accounts SOLELY because of PvP.


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This Game has the most clunky PVP in any MMO i have ever played. No Mouseover macros for healing? Makes healing a chore. CC is total garbage,no DR is trash. i play games to PVP sorry. I do enjoy the story but i have never watched a star wars movie in my life so i really dont know the lore. I will admit tho its top knotch best voice overs i ever seen but its mostly FLUFF. i skip over the stuff i seen before in flash points and such.


I do not know how people dont understand PVP is a HUGH part of MMO"s. i log into rift and its seemless,granted some classes are OP ( my rank 8 mage for instance with relics) but when i cast a DOT it hits instantly. No server lag,nothing. This game its just so slow.

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Space combat. Hardmodes. Operations. Ilum dailies. Crafting. 7 other characters each with their own unique storyline. Sitting in fleet all day chatting with friends.


All of that is repetitive grinds. Nothing new whatsoever. This is fun for you?


Pretty much this.


It get's old fast if you have done similar content for years. PvP is a compelling reason to play assuming Bioware get it right soon.

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MMO's don't launch finished or with all their intended content... This is a historical FACT of MMO's... Stomping your feet and screaming that it's not fair will NOT change the way the world of MMO production runs... Finding a way to entertain yourself with world pvp and ganking or simply uninstalling and canceling your subscription are about your only options.


And the tragedy is that I'm slowly being forced to cancel and believe me, I don't want to. Not after waiting for this gamve for over 3 years. But it seems like it's going nowhere.


Come on, do you honestly expect people just to give up, or say nothing about the **** state this game is in.


Yeah I agree, games never come out finished and polished. But when Bioware avoided even posting the release date assuring us it's coming and it's coming out polished, yeah, I'm gonna make a big deal out of it.

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Bioware never stated that this was going to be a PvP-emphasized game. You guys set the bar too high and you'll always be disappointed.


They've repeatedly stated that PVP content as viable and substantal endgame was one of the MAIN focuses.


So, no the bar isnt set too high... expecting PVP on the "standard" level of (much less an emphasized level) isnt outrageous.

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Bioware never stated that this was going to be a PvP-emphasized game. So I really don't see why so many people are quitting, making the claim that they got it ONLY for the PvP, when Bioware never stated that PvP was their primary focus. They've said it numerous times, the STORY is what they're all about, not the PvP content.


You guys set the bar too high and you'll always be disappointed.


Just face it,


The people on here threatening to quit are intraverted nerds, probably ages 13-17 who have nothing else in their lives but to play video games, make empty threats to quit b/c they got owned, then logon the next day. Good riddance, maybe we can see less of all these idiotic posts.

Edited by Nosaj
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Space combat. Hardmodes. Operations. Ilum dailies. Crafting. 7 other characters each with their own unique storyline. Sitting in fleet all day chatting with friends.


People do what they enjoy. I don't enjoy the things you've listed. I enjoy PVP. I just follow the dopamine, as do you.

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I actually really like the PvP in this game. I play on a PvE server so I don't think there are a ton of super-hardcore PvPers, but the Warzones are usually pretty good and just earlier tonight we had a decent 12 vs 12 skirmish on Ilum (although it was kinda laggy). I think if the devs can iron out some of the known exploits and keep building and fine-tuning it could be really awesome.
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Until world of warcraft, PVP wasn't included in every MMO... In fact EverQuest had PVP that was just open world free for all with little meaning.. They had a lot of other options, but there was no true method to the madness... To many Modern Warfare 3 players jump in MMO's, then assume they will be gunning and running like John Woo...


You don't need battlegrounds, war zones or illum type areas for PVP... Get your speeder, a small group and go ganking... Its what we did in EverQuest and what we did in WOW before there was anything even called a battleground.


Haha. Maybe EQ didn't have Battlegrounds, but plenty of MMORPG's before WoW came with the promise and expectations of organized PvP. I can personally attest to DAoC and GW. Not sure what games you played, but some of us have been PvP'ing (not ganking) well before WoW spoon fed it to us.


I've also never played a modern FPS (multi-player). So don't assume things. It makes you look silly.


I had a certain expectation of BioWare and so far, they've dropped the ball. Big time. I certainly don't expect it to be as flush as other games, but the current PvP is freaking pathetic. There is nothing new or interesting about it.

Edited by Stigas
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Space combat. Hardmodes. Operations. Ilum dailies. Crafting. 7 other characters each with their own unique storyline. Sitting in fleet all day chatting with friends.


Space combat - boring is boring like hell. After doing all daili missions during leveling I know exacly when, what and from wher something will come out. Harder missions are just the same tunnels with tougher enemies.


Hardmodes - mostly bugged.


Operations - on normal You get Columi witch is also dropped in harmode flashpoints ;/ Where is the logic in that ? Plus bugs that requier reseting operation from time to time. Wierd level of dificulty like for exaplr Karagga Palace. First boss is quite hard, next two are a joke, fourth was actualt a lot of fun for me but last one is easier then the first one.


Illum/Belsavis dailis - no point of doing those when you'r geared.


Crafting - what crafting ? I wouldn't call getting rakata stim, adrenal and medpack a crafting.



Other characters - well mabey, but to be honest after leveling My first toon I'm not that intrested in other stories. All are preaty predictible and I prefer warzones.


To be honest I was expecting a great PvP game like Warhammer was. You have a perfect setting for it.

It woul dbe awesome to fight for control over planets and pushing warfront toward your enemy homeworld. Fights over space stations and fights between whole fleets.


Instead we got some shallow storylines, tunnel shooter, pointles Illum PvP and Huttball....

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renewed a week ago, to play with friends, friends quit. I have 17 days left. I play 4-5 hours a week now. Some of us like real pvp not kill trading in Illum battleground. or botting an exploiting BGs for shinys. All we here is I want shinys!! why cant I get shiny faster. it isn't fair Ive opened 5 bags an I dont have all my shinys. Clueless wow players who have never played an MMO.
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Space combat. - dont like it

Hardmodes - PVE ? no thanks..

Operations - PVE? no thanks..

Ilum dailies - done in 20 mins.. whats next?

Crafting - serious? I have all the rakata potions.. what else should i have?

7 other characters each with their own unique storyline. - no way im not going to lvl up next character - even it was fun and the story is nice. But apart from class quest, everything else is same. Sorry.. but no way

Sitting in fleet all day chatting with friends. - i prefer ventrilo / TS and in fact i do not need star wars and my 15$monthly fee to do that.


so my comments.. and basically this game DO NOT HAVE ENDGAME content.. even for Pvp or PVE.. so people will leave..

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renewed a week ago, to play with friends, friends quit. I have 17 days left. I play 4-5 hours a week now. Some of us like real pvp not kill trading in Illum battleground. or botting an exploiting BGs for shinys. All we here is I want shinys!! why cant I get shiny faster. it isn't fair Ive opened 5 bags an I dont have all my shinys. Clueless wow players who have never played an MMO.


LOL +1 )))) Carebear WOW players want ALL AND FAST !!! THEY WANT SHINYS FAST !!!

After they got their shinys fast they got owned by other players that also got their shinys FAST (at this moment their logic DEADLOCKS) and cry "WHY I CANT OWN THEM LIKE RMBO, I GOT ALL SHINYS" ... Well noob if you can get your shinys Fast then guess what ...OTHERS CAN IT TOOOO HAHAHAHAHA

Edited by Tamernator
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You know, it's sad, on every character, in -any- of the warzones, at -any level- I have played I usually get top awards for damage, kills, and objectives now that I'm playing republic. I think we have to stop and consider that part of the problem with PVP is just that the players on the republic side really, really fail at PVP. Nothing Bio can do about that.
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Sorry but Mythic are responable due to the fact that open world PvP (Ilum) sucks


wrong. the only problems with ilum are population balance and game instability, which are lucas/BW design problems. mythic didnt make the crappy stuttering engine that plays poorly on even the best machines, and they didnt make the population imbalance. stable gameplay, more equal populations (or 3 factions instead of 2) and ilum would be terrific.


its already pretty awesome on heddar soogn, plenty of full ops vs full ops clashes, and plenty of 4v4/8v8.

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bioware never stated that this was going to be a pvp-emphasized game. So i really don't see why so many people are quitting, making the claim that they got it only for the pvp, when bioware never stated that pvp was their primary focus. They've said it numerous times, the story is what they're all about, not the pvp content.


You guys set the bar too high and you'll always be disappointed.


carebear alert

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If enough people cancel subs or avoid games because of sub par pvp, MMO devs will start fixing their pvp. So while I went into this game expecting much worse pvp than I actually got, I'm glad there are people who quit over it because I'm hoping that will make things better. Me, I'm in it until the pve gets stale, and it will get stale less quickly because I do pvp a lot. Being able to mix it up while leveling is a good thing.
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Everyone who has hit 50 in my guild has pretty much had the same experience at PVP. They hit 50, there is a horrible grind-fest of getting killed over and over and over with ZERO chance of survival against someone in PVP gear and then they say **** it, I'm just not going to PVP. So we just sit around the fleet or do dailies which is REALLY boring. I kinda wish SWTOR had waited another year to launch. Maybe it would have been actual fun if they had spent more time testing it.
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You know, it's sad, on every character, in -any- of the warzones, at -any level- I have played I usually get top awards for damage, kills, and objectives now that I'm playing republic. I think we have to stop and consider that part of the problem with PVP is just that the players on the republic side really, really fail at PVP. Nothing Bio can do about that.




lolz why is it that just cause you fail at pvp while playing rep the rep doesn't know how to pvp

perhaps its cause were out geared and out classed by our mirrors don't always assume the worst in people.

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lolz why is it that just cause you fail at pvp while playing rep the rep doesn't know how to pvp

perhaps its cause were out geared and out classed by our mirrors don't always assume the worst in people.


No, I mean the Rep are REALLY stupid. Running the wrong way with the huttball to our own goal line while people are telling them in ops chat they are going the wrong way, stupid. Standing in the acid to cast a heal stupid. I mean, some times I wonder if they are bots.

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