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We need something like Gearscore.


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not this again more elitism from the WoW community ............................


No! to GearScore!

No! to X-Realm LFG tool!


Go out there get a rep on your own server (good or bad) and do it how we done it in the olden days the people that behave, knew how to play or played well and were no hassle in runs. These are always the ones that were added to friends lists, re-invited back to groups even the odd poke from time to time to see how they were getting on. The ones that played like morons, acted like brats, rude and caused chaos there was a simple solution for them /ignore guild blacklist boom easy.


Make your server a community not just a huge database where you dont care who you play with have some pride where you play. Its really not hard all you need to do is act like a normal human, although for some the WoW generation has really got a grip of them and have a mememe attitude that stinks.

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so please tell me what program we have ATM that tells us anything about who has skill and who does not? right now where just trusting everybody knows what they are doing and is being all they can be


As much as some don't want it, for serious raiding / operations we do really need a combat log and a parser.


Recount was misused by many - but for serious raiding it's absolutely essential to see who is messing up, who is holding the operation back, who isn't pulling their weight. Beyond DPS meters Recount could also tell you things like who was missing interrupts or who was and wasn't dispelling, who stood in fire and who died early (and from what). Especially since operations in this game are on the smaller size in terms of number of players, it should be that at the most difficult levels every person must be doing their jobs to peak efficiency - and we need a way to see who is doing that and who is slacking off.


As a DPS you could see from your own meters if slight changes in your rotation were actually improving your damage or not - and personal improvement of damage or healing output is a huge motivator for people once they get to max level. I know some people have a pathological hatred of meters, but once you're done levelling there is no way in PvE to see if your performance is improving without a gague.


Hell, if Bioware want to add this functionality into the game themselves that would be great - maybe they could have it so that it's only viewable out of combat in retrospect - to appease the only moderately real argument people have made about meters (that idea that people pay too much attention to them in-combat and not enough attention on action). But any game which is going to have raiding in its end-game and wants that raiding to be taken seriously needs to have access to this info.


Also decent healing frames.


Gearscore, OTOH, simply lets you pre-judge people based entirely on their gear and gives you no indication of their skill. It doesn't do what you are asking for - recount/skada does that in WoW.

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Actually there is plenty of way to tell if someone is "skilled" or not. Watch how they play, watch how they handle situations, watch how they react when things are not going smoothly. If you need a meter to tell you that someone isn't carrying their weight, then you probably are not carrying you're weight either. Adding a meter does not "save time" or speed anything up. A meter isn't going to deter any "non skilled" players from joining you're group.


In fact if you can not complete 80% of the content in the game currently its probably you and not someone else. A meter will have no bearing on long term unsubbing.


Skilled or not? Hell, this game isn't all the hard to begin with. I'm a healer and I've proven time and time again that I can, in fact, heal stupid.

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Gearscore =/= skill.


Not only are they not equal, they're not even related.


I'm even one of those types who wants add-ons, and loves meters, and gear scores are just completely useless, especially in a game where you can inspect people. Anyone with a clue what he's doing knows gear scores can be rigged, and thinking that number means anything is just a sign of a bad player.

Edited by imtrick
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not this again more elitism from the WoW community ............................


No! to GearScore!

No! to X-Realm LFG tool!


Go out there get a rep on your own server (good or bad) and do it how we done it in the olden days the people that behave, knew how to play or played well and were no hassle in runs. These are always the ones that were added to friends lists, re-invited back to groups even the odd poke from time to time to see how they were getting on. The ones that played like morons, acted like brats, rude and caused chaos there was a simple solution for them /ignore guild blacklist boom easy.


Make your server a community not just a huge database where you dont care who you play with have some pride where you play. Its really not hard all you need to do is act like a normal human, although for some the WoW generation has really got a grip of them and have a mememe attitude that stinks.


If you want to play like it was done in the olden days, what keeps you from playing WoW 1.12 on a private server. There are plenty around for your likings.


However, most people want to play modern games, and those need Gearscore (next to other needed addons).

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However, most people want to play modern games, and those need Gearscore (next to other needed addons).


No, noobs need gearscore. It does not add anything. It is a fairytale for people who do not know better.

Edited by RadjezZ
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As much as some don't want it, for serious raiding / operations we do really need a combat log and a parser.


Recount was misused by many - but for serious raiding it's absolutely essential to see who is messing up, who is holding the operation back, who isn't pulling their weight. Beyond DPS meters Recount could also tell you things like who was missing interrupts or who was and wasn't dispelling, who stood in fire and who died early (and from what). Especially since operations in this game are on the smaller size in terms of number of players, it should be that at the most difficult levels every person must be doing their jobs to peak efficiency - and we need a way to see who is doing that and who is slacking off.


As a DPS you could see from your own meters if slight changes in your rotation were actually improving your damage or not - and personal improvement of damage or healing output is a huge motivator for people once they get to max level. I know some people have a pathological hatred of meters, but once you're done levelling there is no way in PvE to see if your performance is improving without a gague.


Hell, if Bioware want to add this functionality into the game themselves that would be great - maybe they could have it so that it's only viewable out of combat in retrospect - to appease the only moderately real argument people have made about meters (that idea that people pay too much attention to them in-combat and not enough attention on action). But any game which is going to have raiding in its end-game and wants that raiding to be taken seriously needs to have access to this info.


Also decent healing frames.


Gearscore, OTOH, simply lets you pre-judge people based entirely on their gear and gives you no indication of their skill. It doesn't do what you are asking for - recount/skada does that in WoW.


The funny thing is raids aren't so hard in MMO's these days that they require perfection. As long as people know what they are doing and aren't idling around, you really should be fine. And you don't need programs to tell who is just afk.

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Right now there is simply NO way to know if another player has skill or not.


Since when have we needed tools to tell us if a player is skilled or not? Don't you have eyes and a minimum amount of perception?


Do like everyone else, team up with people overtime and befriend players you like teaming with. You will have your own social network of skilled players.

Edited by Joeymtl
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If you want to play like it was done in the olden days, what keeps you from playing WoW 1.12 on a private server. There are plenty around for your likings.


However, most people want to play modern games, and those need Gearscore (next to other needed addons).


Yup just like all FPS need regening health, two weapon limits, and perks, right?

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I agree 100% with this, but unfortunately this would take alot of time since you can't know from 1 run. If you're an elite player like me, you can't waste time on testing people just to find out they're scrubs. So Gearscore would fasten that process alot.


If you judge gear by how good a player is i think its you that might be the so called 'scrub' gear has no common ground with skill in the slightest.


For example:


Player A in blues

Player B in Purples (both players are DPS)


'Player A' moves out of the AoE, knows the tactics, can pump out high DPS but has not had the same opportunity as 'Player B' who has been spoon fed at every stage of the game slow to react to AoE/incoming damage, has terrible DPS and doesn't know what side of the bread to butter when it comes to tactics. But because this player has been carried in HC's/Raids by 15 other players they have the gear.


So what your saying is because 'Player B' has PURPLES YAY \o/ this player MUST be the better player ...................... you my friend is what's wrong with the whole MMO community. You assess people with no knowledge of who they are or what they have done previously in gaming. I think ive just found the major flaw on your theory ................... ;)

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oh hell no, i'll be caving on lfd before i cave on this.


as to recount being missused it still had it's purpose and when used correctly could aid a player to improve for himself, it was also a good tool to help with competition in guilds place a few bets and such and see how it goes:)


there is good and bad in most addons but gearscore was nothing but useless one of the few that had no real purpose.

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cant believe people nowdays can be bought on a such an obvious trolling.


OP, /clap to you.


about modern mmo and stuff - the fact it wasnt before WoW doesnt mean it is something genre needs. i for one sure that gearscore is a bad concept. best yet were WoW achievements - if you have beaten hardmodes even as a carried player its still mean you at least wont spoil things too much.


Still i prefer slower paced gaming but with a closer ties to players. i did a lot of pugging on my alts, actually we were the very first Russian PUG who have beaten Professor Putricide on normal before any nerfs. I was terribly undergeared and my whole purpose was to keep sunders up. but i always find playing with a tight group of friends a way more relaxed and enjoyable process to be part of. and you do not need any gearscore like addon for that.

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