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SWTOR More Active Players than WoW!


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Not only China, but don't forget the other Asian markets of Japan and Korea, the Oceanic realms with Australia and NZ, and the South American Realms as well. WoW is global. There are 1B people in NA and EU, 6+B in the rest of the world so it should be no surprise that Most of WoWs accounts are outside the US and EU.


Recently WoW lost 1.8 M subs, from the last shareholder meeting it was said the majority were from the Asian markets and a hefty amount of those were banned accounts.


Nobody cares about China, because no one in EU/NA can talk to them, play with them... etc etc.


Atleast they don't fill up dead servers in EU & NA servers... dead servers blizzard just wont merge... Wierd..

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As opposed to people standing around in a capitol city waiting for a queue and bouncing around in circles, talking trash and spamming An** [Ability] in trade chat?


Yeah...That looks a LOT more like people having fun than SW:TOR



If you don't like it, leave and quit spewing your garbage on our forums.


Because TOR is immune to a childish community and people who are bored at level cap.

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Blizzard's definition of "active subscriber" is surprisingly narrow, imo. It does count the hourly subscribers in China/Korea as well as those in their first 30 days of free game time, but does NOT include trial accounts and the like. But yes, "active subscribers" =/= active players. Here it is, as well as a link to an article that is quite relevant to the discussion at hand:



World of Warcraft’s Subscriber Definition


World of Warcraft® subscribers include individuals who have paid a subscription fee or have an active prepaid card to play World of Warcraft, as well as those who have purchased the game and are within their free month of access. Internet Game Room players who have accessed the game over the last thirty days are also counted as subscribers. The above definition excludes all players under free promotional subscriptions, expired or cancelled subscriptions, and expired prepaid cards. Subscribers in licensees’ territories are defined along the same rules.


from a good (slightly old) article posted here:


& part 2



it's from last winter, so the numbers are a bit different now, but the general principles apply (to Bioware's numbers as well as Blizzard's...or any subscription based service, tbqh). It's quite interesting.

Edited by liquidken
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World Of Warcraft:

World of Warcraft has total of 266435 players weekly average logged on peak hours in US and EU regions combined.

Link: http://www.warcraftrealms.com/weeklyfactionactivity.php


Star Wars The Old Republic:

The firm estimates that TOR has approximately 350,000 peak concurrent users spread across 215 servers.

Link: http://massively.joystiq.com/2012/01/03/research-firm-swtor-has-350-000-peak-concurrent-users/


Source: http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/1057141-SWTOR-has-more-active-players-than-WOW-atm-in-US-and-EU-regions


Just found it, take it for what it is. But kinda neat anyway, if it's true ofcourse.

I don't care about either, as long as BioWare gets enough money to give us expansions and me a new car, boat & house.




Yeah this isn't the most enlightening of threads...


Skyrim is a good example of a game which had over 250,000 people playing it on pc in the weeks following launch and now that number is significantly lower. This kind of statement can't be said for SWTOR yet.


Way too soon to say this game as more active players.

Edited by SnoopyDoo
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Yeah this isn't the most enlightening of threads...


Skyrim is a good example of a game which had over 250,000 people playing it on pc in the weeks following launch and now that number is significantly lower. This kind of statement can't be said for SWTOR yet.


Way too soon to say this game as more active players.


This is an MMO. Skyrim is not, Bit of a difference dont you think? Oh and i dont even think you can consider skyrim as a "Launch" lol.

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This is kinda like Apple vs Microsoft.


At some point we can hope that people understand that for SWTOR to have succes, it is NOT needed that WoW fail.


For SWTOR to have succes imo, mainly whats needed is customer support from Bioware.

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This is kinda like Apple vs Microsoft.


At some point we can hope that people understand that for SWTOR to have succes, it is NOT needed that WoW fail.


For SWTOR to have succes imo, mainly whats needed is customer support from Bioware.


It is except your analogy fits better if you compare Apple/Microsoft vs adobe...


Also /signed on customer support for consumers of this game.

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It is except your analogy fits better if you compare Apple/Microsoft vs adobe...


Nahh Apple vs Microsoft fits perfect.



and see Steve Jobs and Bill Gates talk about it. Very interesting, also considering its from 2007, and they talk about what they think world will look like in 2012
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New games tend to have larger than normal populations in their first month, typically because that month is included in the cost of buying the game and gives the feel of "playing for free". You will not be able to get a real feel until months down the road.
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these figure do nothing other than promote fanboys to gimp on about thier respective games as "1337est title ever on planet earth"....


1. Dont post them now because your gonna look pretty silly when the free month is up and half the games population goes back to playing their previous MMO because they dont have the patience to wait for the bugs and teething issues to be fixed (if they are).


2. Dont compare peak with average again it makes you look uniformed and the stats lose credibility


3. DOES IT MATTER? Game A has been around for years and is relatively stable and and has a commited and huge base of players, Some of which may indeed have come to try new game B along with those who have never even played an MMO before. They will either stay or go once the free time runs out. IT DOES NOT MATTER! Game A fans will play Game A, Game B fans will play Game B. Some will play both some will never play an MMO again...


there are lies, damn lies and statistics...

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so then, you want ALL of those games to be exactly like the other, repeating the same pattern.


why the hell are you playing more than one game then ? just play wow ?


or, are you here on hiatus until next wow exp/content patch comes out and therefore seeing the liberty of demanding swtor to be turned to wow for your temporary enjoyment ?


repeat that a few times to yourself.


the upsetting part comes from the fact that self-focused, self-involved people have turned wow into a hardcore grindfest with their demands. the problem is, they are demanding that other games to be made as such too.


your enjoyment cant precede my enjoyment. therefore, your demands are harmful to others.




if its 'just a game', then play it, by the way ? what's the problem with 'endgame that works' ? so, you did not enjoy the entire 1 to 50 journey then.


that was the point where i decided you would be happier back to wow.


HARDCORE GRIDFEST OMG <rolls eyes> its easier than it has ever been please dont say things that are untrue....!

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HARDCORE GRIDFEST OMG <rolls eyes> its easier than it has ever been please dont say things that are untrue....!


'hardcore grindfest' != stuff that hard.


grinding the same 4 hour 20 man instance two times a week for 0.5% chance drops, is a grindfest.


it is hardcore, since, one needs to be really 'hard'core to actually enjoy doing the same 4 hour long thing 20 times just to further the stats on his/her gear with 5%.

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