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SWTOR More Active Players than WoW!


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I'm going to put emphasis on #2. Why? Because I came into this game as a WoW fanboi who really wasn't interested at all. I remember my first beta weekend invite. I said, "well, that's nice ... I'll try it out but I know I won't like it."


Today, all my WoW accounts are closed, I have 3 Collector's Editions, my wife is addicted worse than I am (she despises MMO games) and I cannot be more happy with this product. Sure, there's bugs and little mishaps here and there, but it's to be expected. This is a huge release and it's still young. Give it time.


I came into it thinking it would suck and today I can't play anything else. NOTHING else. I never thought I would see the day when I would leave all the 7+ years of emphasis placed on my character die because of a new game.


SWTOR has delivered for me and my family ... and it's still in Vanilla. ;)


Good to hear that, people are afraid of trying new stuff.

Will never understand why on earth people only play one game out of loyalty to one company, when the company itself rarely cares about them.


I am also enyoing myself, and my girlfriend is too.

And this is her first mmorpg, it will take some time for her to learn it.

And yes.. Patience is a virtue.

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And out of the left comes,


World of Tanks, 18+ million players, and to put the swtor servers to shame, holding the world record of 250.000+ concurrent players on a single server shard. None of these 200 players per shard nonsense.

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From the linked article.


"How successful is Star Wars: The Old Republic? That's hard to say definitively, but according to Baird Equity Research, BioWare's maiden massively multiplayer voyage is doing just fine. "We view the early success of Star Wars as an indication of a healthy MMO market," said Baird spokesman Colin Sebastian. The firm estimates that TOR has approximately 350,000 peak concurrent users spread across 215 servers (124 in America and 91 in Europe).


That's a far cry from the 491 servers currently in use by World of Warcraft players, and though some analysts and fans expected TOR to compete with Blizzard's subscription king, Cowen and Company says the new title has had "minimal apparent impact" on the market leader."

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For a perspective;


When they were reporting 11 million subs, the Chinese were 50-60% of their total subs. Those subs amounted to a mere 6% of their total revenues from WoW subscriptions.


marketing at it's best .. no matter what blizzard tries to make you believe .. WoW NEVER had 11 million concurrent active subs .. that number was total activations since day one of release


at the time wotlk was released, less than 3 million copies sold upon release, but 11 million people playing? YEA, RRRRRRRRIGHT!!!!!!!


Legally they got away with it because the exact words were " 11 million subscriptions world wide" did not state active subs and as you have seen even with star wars early access how many people could not comprehend that and twisted it all around

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o game will ever top WoW because their rabid drones will do all they can to tear down anything that comes out.


^ This! That has to be the best one line solution to all of TOR's issues. The rabid drones from WOW made the crummy UI!

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World Of Warcraft:

World of Warcraft has total of 266435 players weekly average logged on peak hours in US and EU regions combined.

Link: http://www.warcraftrealms.com/weeklyfactionactivity.php


Star Wars The Old Republic:

The firm estimates that TOR has approximately 350,000 peak concurrent users spread across 215 servers.

Link: http://massively.joystiq.com/2012/01/03/research-firm-swtor-has-350-000-peak-concurrent-users/


Source: http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/1057141-SWTOR-has-more-active-players-than-WOW-atm-in-US-and-EU-regions


Just found it, take it for what it is. But kinda neat anyway, if it's true ofcourse.

I don't care about either, as long as BioWare gets enough money to give us expansions and me a new car, boat & house.




One of these days people will realize this isn't a competition. World of Warcraft is for fantasy people, Star Wars is for fantasy/sci-fi people, and the two can co-exist quite peacefully.


This said, I wouldn't count too much on information from Warcraft Realms. Their information depends on the census add-on, which depends on people actually allowing it to submit realm information. Not everyone does, and I wouldn't even hazard a guess that something even approaching half of the users on a given realm even use the add-on. It takes up memory for something that's of practically no use to them: how many other people are on a server. All that tells them is whether they're going to be laggy in the orc city or human city, to be honest.


Blizzard and BioWare aren't in the habit of releasing their moment-to-moment population numbers, much less number trends. They have that information, but there's no reason to release it to us. If the regular posters in the General forum here are any indication, it would be massively misunderstood and used as trollbait anyway.


Let Azeroth do Azeroth. We'll do a Galaxy Far, Far Away, and many of us will also do Azeroth. All is well with the world.

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Not only China, but don't forget the other Asian markets of Japan and Korea, the Oceanic realms with Australia and NZ, and the South American Realms as well. WoW is global. There are 1B people in NA and EU, 6+B in the rest of the world so it should be no surprise that Most of WoWs accounts are outside the US and EU.


Recently WoW lost 1.8 M subs, from the last shareholder meeting it was said the majority were from the Asian markets and a hefty amount of those were banned accounts.

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One of these days people will realize this isn't a competition. World of Warcraft is for fantasy people, Star Wars is for fantasy/sci-fi people, and the two can co-exist quite peacefully.


This said, I wouldn't count too much on information from Warcraft Realms. Their information depends on the census add-on, which depends on people actually allowing it to submit realm information. Not everyone does, and I wouldn't even hazard a guess that something even approaching half of the users on a given realm even use the add-on. It takes up memory for something that's of practically no use to them: how many other people are on a server. All that tells them is whether they're going to be laggy in the orc city or human city, to be honest.


Blizzard and BioWare aren't in the habit of releasing their moment-to-moment population numbers, much less number trends. They have that information, but there's no reason to release it to us. If the regular posters in the General forum here are any indication, it would be massively misunderstood and used as trollbait anyway.


Let Azeroth do Azeroth. We'll do a Galaxy Far, Far Away, and many of us will also do Azeroth. All is well with the world.





This x 100000.


Who cares? Right? Why are some of you so obsessed with WoW. WoW failing or even on here hoping TOR will fail? Just play the game. Some of you remind me of this bus trip I was on in school many many years ago. I was in the back making out with my GF of the time when I heard some one yelling "do you have to do that right in front of me where I can see?" Of course she was at the front of the buss staring at us being all jealous instead of having fun like everyone else was.

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I've just started as a Sith Inquisitor and played up to level nine. I look forward more to the consequences of my story actions than getting more gear.

I really like the storyline so far and praise Bioware and Lucasarts for their work!

Can't wait to try the others!

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World Of Warcraft:

World of Warcraft has total of 266435 players weekly average logged on peak hours in US and EU regions combined.

Link: http://www.warcraftrealms.com/weeklyfactionactivity.php


Star Wars The Old Republic:

The firm estimates that TOR has approximately 350,000 peak concurrent users spread across 215 servers.

Link: http://massively.joystiq.com/2012/01/03/research-firm-swtor-has-350-000-peak-concurrent-users/


Source: http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/1057141-SWTOR-has-more-active-players-than-WOW-atm-in-US-and-EU-regions


Just found it, take it for what it is. But kinda neat anyway, if it's true ofcourse.

I don't care about either, as long as BioWare gets enough money to give us expansions and me a new car, boat & house.





I wouldn't really count my chickens before they hatch.


I'm not hateboy, I happen to enjoy the game immensely despite it's current state. But I am patient and I understand how MMOs are at launch, so it's not a problem. I can wait for things to be fixed and still enjoy the game.


But making these claims right now doesn't mean anything until the first month runs out and all the freebies go bye bye.


In the meantime I would suggest all the negative posters on this forum take some time to read the community articles at the top of the page before they continue to complain about how SWTOR doesn't have this or that or another thing, because A LOT of those things I see continuously complained about on these forums are in there, for THIS MONTH.


We have patches, we're going to have patches almost every week apparently.


Yes some things that need to be fixed haven't been yet.


But here's how things work.


Some things are EASIER and take LESS TIME than other things to fix.

Those harder things CAN and ARE still being worked on while the smaller stuff is being fixed as well.

You just happen to see the smaller things that you might think are insignificant first because, well they were easier to fix and were.

It does not mean in any case that the bigger issues are being ignored.

So stop being ignorant and learn something for a change before you open your mouths.

Those bigger issues also often take much more testing time than just a week, when they are fixed.

Sometimes when you fix one thing you break something else.

Sometimes when you think you've fixed something, and it goes well on a test server it might not do so well when transfered to a live server where a much greater population is playing in comparison to a test server.

Sometimes that thing you thought you fixed was in fact caused by multiple reasons, and while you may have snuffed one reason out the other pop up and the fix still appears to be broken.

An MMO doesn't have to have millions of players to be successful, most don't even need a million. SWTOR is no exception.


Why? Because MMOs are built to run over extensive periods of time. Money comes in much more slowly than in other venues in most cases. MMOs are something that are successful over time, not immediately. WoW was no different as most MMOs are no different. WoW is only different in that it's long term success was significantly more than other titles both past and present.


Patience is a virtue, and a necessity when it comes to MMOs. In fact if you do not have patience, you are in the wrong genre of gaming son.


Yes perhaps some things carried over from beta that were known about a long time ago. But developers have a lot on their plates pre-launch and everything can't always be addressed. Every MMO ever launched has had carry-over issues that didn't get fixed in beta, every MMO every to be launched will probably be no different. Learn to live with that fact.


Likewise no one is perfect, not YOU not ME, not Bioware, Not even God as is obvious that if he created man then he created imperfection. So remember that next time you want to criticize someone elses work.


An MMO does not need to be incredibly innovative to be enjoyable. It only needs one key feature. Enjoyment.


If you don't like the game stop playing and leave. Trust me you coming on here and giving a list of why you're unsubbing and aren't goin to play anymore won't be saying anything that hasn't already been said. Bioware is aware, even if they don't personally send you a handwritten letter letting you know that they know. Things will be fixed, it will take time. If you are that impatient then it's probably best you do leave.


MMOs are first and foremost about fun, if you are having fun, then stop worrying about analyzing it. If you sit and critically analyze anything in this life you will always find that something lacking in some department. This is a sure fire way to never enjoy anything. That's not to say just put blinders on and ignore everything, but make you point be known and move on. Beating a dead horse with a stick still leaves it just as dead as it was before you picked up the stick.


Lastly, if you don't know how something is done, it might just be best not to comment on it. I promise you the majority of people that are continually, constantly complaining haven't the slightest clue how development, patches and fixes go for any kind of application, let alone an MMO. And before anyone asks, yes I do, I've been there.


Fixing things take time. No MMO is perfect from launch, Everquest wasn't, WoW wasn't, Rift wasn't SWTOR isn't, Guildwars 2 won't be, no MMo in the future will be. It's as certain as death an taxes. NO MMO EVER WILL LAUNCH WITH EVERY FEATURE AND FUNCTION YOU PERSONALLY THINK IT SHOULD HAVE.


Why? because a launch build is just a foundation to a much larger building, a building that most gamers never have full view of.


tl;dr Too bad! Learn to read you're on a gosh darn forum made of TEXT, if you didn't want to read you shouldn't have come here.

Edited by HavenAE
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Well I play the game and I dont see these players enjoying themselves. I see people spaming to find a group for some activity and failing. I see a handfull of insular guilds some of whom dont seem to support their own members. I see a game for misanthropes to feel better about themselves.


As opposed to people standing around in a capitol city waiting for a queue and bouncing around in circles, talking trash and spamming An** [Ability] in trade chat?


Yeah...That looks a LOT more like people having fun than SW:TOR



If you don't like it, leave and quit spewing your garbage on our forums.

Edited by DarthNethus
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It's never been fair to compare WoW subscriptions to other games because of their huge China base. Those people might have what some would call subscriptions, but they pay by the hour so you could have a million people that play only a couple of days a month or they could play every day. You could still claim millions of subscriptions, but it's apples and oranges.


If one person in China signs on and plays a couple of hours in a month, that counts as a subscription even though it earns Blizzard no money at all and isn't what I call a subscription. Subscriptions have to be renewed. Paying by the hour does not.


this. years ago it was already proven that Blizzards 11 million subs is a myth created for a better marketing, since they count every logging person during 1 month period as an active sub, even from inet cafe where you just bought 2 hours of playtime - its already a subscription.


Comparing EU/US subs of WoW and SWTOR i have to say SWTOR has impressive start, and now it all comes down to how Bioware handles it.


I also start to think that part of marketing strategy of Blizzard is organizing a full scale forum pressure on SWTOR. and i am not kidding. if i was Blizzard, i would do anything to drag people back to my game. And whats happening now on forums is an absolutely hysterical nonsense that i cant believe is natural.



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