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Anyone not 50 yet?


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Been playing since EGA and highest lvl is 18 or 19 I think. I can only stand playing the game for maximum 1-2hrs/day before I get sick of the cutscenes and spacebarring.


Weird enough during the time before I get bored I'm having a blast and I will continue my sub.

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I don't get this argument. I'll admit that I have a lot of free time at the moment since I'm currently unemployed(Though I am going to a trade school). But I have thoroughly enjoyed my time leveling to 50. Haven't spacebared any quests, have done most of the flashpoints, discovered all the datacrons up to Quesh, pvp'd a little and have done every space mission available to me. So I'm not really sure how I haven't "fully enjoyed all the game has to offer"


They're referencing the dolts who complain about nothing to do at 50, since the vast, vast majority are not yet 50. The folks who have hit 50 and don't complain, well you're reasonable, rational people.

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I am not 50.


Been playing since EGA day 1. Have been playing the game overall for over a year, started playing November '10 and was in every test phase thereafter.


I rushed enough in testing. Always rushing to content cap, always rushing to finish everything available to us.


My main is now 41, my alts are 35, 24, 16 and 12. I had a bug cost me a level 34 character, so I also have a lost 34 levels in there.


I am enjoying myself immensely. My Merc main will hit 50 in 2-3 days, then I will work on my Ptech, after that my IA and last my SW and SI.


I have all the time I could want to enjoy the game, why rush?






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I got a late start. I've got a 28 scoundrel and a 16 sentinel. I'm in no hurry.





As far as the game's polish, there are a few bugs which annoy me (non-interactable nodes have been a scourge for me. Literally around half the nodes I've found, I couldn't gather, also all of Tattooine,) but I'm hoping they'll use tomorrow's ridiculous amount of downtime to address them.


Seriously. If it's down for eight hours and all the nodes are still bugged, I'm going to scream.

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I got EGA on the 13th (third wave!), and promptly leveled a Consular to 38. However, I disliked my appearance because I chose Miraluka dark side. Then found out that Sith Corruption feature doesn't work so well on characters without eyes lol. I also accidentaly killed off my romance option with Tharan, and made lots of mistakes as well.


So I started a new Jedi again Q_Q. Currently she is 28. I would have already been 50 by now if I stuck by my first character, but the game is still not a month old, so I don't think I am too late or something LOL. But some of my friends are already 50, and I want to do operations with them Q_Q.

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Just so we are clear, people who do not rush are the guys who hit lvl50 in 2013, right?


Not 2013...but I would say 2 months real world time is about average to get to 50 for an average player.


That is you look around, admire planet design, listen to what people are saying, try a little bit of everything....


if your brain is thinking, but this activity does not produce max exp/hour....there's the problem. What level you are does not matter, really...its the journey to it that does.


I do understand that it is hard to enjoy the journey, when some have been conditioned to skip mediocre low/mid level range game because all that matter is at top level. Kinda renders the game useless...especially an RPG, where it is ALL about the journey and interaction with the world.

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Well the game has been officially released for 2 weeks now sow even with early access that is less than 3 weeks. No I am not lvl 50 in fact my "main" is only lvl 21. Unlike most people playing this game (at least it seems) I have a busy life and I can't even always play every day. I am lucky if when I do get to play it is for more than 3 hours. Plus I enjoy taking my time, exploring and doing the story line.
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In since day one of early access, have 5 days 10 hours worth of playtime on my main who is level 27 and a day of playtime on my alt who is level 12. I also have not seen many bugs. The only 2 I have seen were nodes not able to be harvested, but since the last patch I have seen a grand total of 2 which I could not interact with and they seem to be buried under something, and the ability bug on my sentinel with regards to a coupe of abilities.


Going to be playing for a long while as I am absolutely loving it. :D

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This thread is for all the people that, like me, have been playing since the first few days of EGA and are still not 50.


I play a few hours a day at most, and I'm still level 28. This game never bores me! It's incredible. I've never felt so fullfilled only with so little leveling done, and I really don't understand how people call this game boring or unfinished whilst they literally rushed to 50.


I think the finishing is impeccable for a launch title MMO. The ONLY gripe I have is that the instances shouldn't even exist, or have at least 100 people before making a second instance, but other than that and the fixable bugs, the game is amazing.


Good Job, and let's have fun! I'm already even making alts lol >_>


Rushing to level 50 is thier own loss, im in no hurry im enjoying this game!

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Got in on the 14th. My highest toon is 26 (consular). with a smug at 13 and a Sith War at 11.


This can be blamed on having fun exploring, my add new toon syndrome, and my parent's internet being so crappy that when my dad needs it, i have to get off.


edit: My parents arnt crappy, but their internet is. Ooops. Sorry Dad!

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