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Why are a "select few" getting to play , when we purchased the same thing?


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I said the same section. Sections of seating are priced the same - at least in my city for baseball, football, and hockey.


So I can sit 15-20 rows closer than you, and pay the exact same amount, because I purchase earlier.


First Come - First Served.


but what you forget is this....you are sitting closer...great..I will sit 20 rows back behind you but guess what...the SAME game is being played in my seat as yours!! Also I get the beer man 1st cause he will start from the back or middle *lol*

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OK so when you preordered the game from the shop , did the salesman tell you , if you dont preorder first you will not be getting in first?



So basically what you're getting at is it's everyone's fault but your own for not reading.

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I wonder how much bioware is handling all this rage, did they expect it to be this bad


Pretty sure they did and just by reading the boards over the last few months with "I'm cancelling" here and "I'm cancelling" there.


Wouldn't matter if they opened the floodgates. The boards would be overwhelmed with angry posts of "I couldn't get in" "My video card isn't supported" "The UI stinks"... it is... afterall... an mmo.

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OK so when you preordered the game from the shop , did the salesman tell you , if you dont preorder first you will not be getting in first?


Not the stores responsibility to be 100% informative. They buy their product from the distributor and then resell it to you. Because someone in their 3rd party resale wasn't informed is now BW's problem? It was spewed all over this site for DAYS that you aren't guaranteed access and priority is by how you enter your number. Also, no one has bought **** yet since the payment doesn't go thru until they actually release the game.

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as title says.


Discrimination much?


add in the other problems, lvl issues , especially on pvp servers, economies ruined , players having clear advantages.I could go on and on, there are millions of problems with this staggered launch, its mindblowing that nobody in any of these companies didnt realize the problem this was going to create.



You will find alot of people no longer buy things from the companies assiocated with this game, i know that for a fact, because i already have friends who refuse to play anything EA has there name on, which is this, even though its star wars and they like it, they wont play due to EA, now, all i can say is WOW, way to go with this latest debarcle.



this is Coming from a very pissed of customer


because we took action while you did not?


QQ hehehe just had to stop by as I logged Im dualing some red and blue sabers they are hot.

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Pretty sure they did and just by reading the boards over the last few months with "I'm cancelling" here and "I'm cancelling" there.


Wouldn't matter if they opened the floodgates. The boards would be overwhelmed with angry posts of "I couldn't get in" "My video card isn't supported" "The UI stinks"... it is... afterall... an mmo.


Agreed. People's empty threats have been echoing through these boards since 08.

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OK so when you preordered the game from the shop , did the salesman tell you , if you dont preorder first you will not be getting in first?


did you go to the shop on the first day of preorders? Even still, thats really the salesman dropping the ball if he said you are going to get the full early access, it has been on the website ever since they announced the preorders.

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Timetables are a terrible idea.


Whats wrong with time tables? It gives me an excuse to leave the forums for a while (stopping my incessant complaining) and doesn't leave me feeling like I'll miss out on something important until it says I should come back. Besides everyone loves getting things earlier then they are told, so give horrible day late estimates to everyone and I'll be thrilled to get to play Friday if I was told Saturday instead of feeling like I'm lost in the dark this whole week wondering when I'll get a chance to play.

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We very well can complain and it's really none of your damn business what we do. Fact is I acted on an advertisement that read,"pre-order to gain early access." Not,"pre-order and you may gain early access." In the end that's false advertisement and I don't care if it was tattooed on the BW CEO'S butt as,"may." Every advertisement should have made it self explicitly clear on how early access works.


Except you'll still be getting early access, just like the ad said. It never said you'd be the first one in. You'll be getting in before the 20th, which is when the game launches, which means you'll have your early access.

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People that think its right just don't argue at all, the only thing they scream at the people that think it isnt right is : ''LOL SHUT UP NOOBZ MAN UP GET OVER IT LOLOL QQ MUCH (Q.Q)''



If you think it is that much of a good idea to do a staggered release well tell us why i'm sure people can take it if it is a good reason they're not dumb. Most of the arguments have been destroyed tho as for: Healthy servers (doesnt change the fact that at release it will still probably crash like hell) -- Not having ''ghost towns'' servers. (you think? if they were a bit smart like i think they are they should check their sales and put some servers according to a close estimation of the numbers of players) and on and on.


I'll say it again tho the ''groceries'' exemple or ''disney'' exemples doesnt apply to MMO video games. A ''race/competition'' or ''mountain climbing'' IS a good exemple. Sadly thats how MMO are, they are games but people compete in it for all kind of reasons.


Now I'll say it again I don't care if I get in now or at launch even tho i pre-ordered. I'm just happy that it's finally going to come out ;).


Here's a good reason.


You won't have 500 people competing for your low level quest mobs. Tons of players will have already been through those quests. You won't have to wait in line for a blue to reactivate, you shouldn't have to endure staggering lag as every member entering the server for the first time is a level 1 n00b.


Staggering is like putting people on a ride. You don't allow everyone in line to jump into the rollercoaster cars until no one else is in line. An MMO launch is typically, exactly like everyone cramming into one car to go to a funeral or a wedding.


This will undoubtedly be the smoothest MMO launch to date despite the number of people irritated about having to wait in line. Hardly a novel idea.

Edited by Krookid
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Agreed. People's empty threats have been echoing through these boards since 08.


It would be interesting to see a graph representing the ratio of people who claim to be cancelling on the forums in relation to the growth over time of actual reserved purchases.






Previously of "Xenosaga" forums

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it is a trick by the developers to find out who the QQing useless idiots are right at the start so that when they contact CS they get put straight into the "your call is in a queue and will be answered in approximately 32 hours" and all the reasonable people get straight through to a representative.
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just because some people are stupid enough not to preorder when they went out everywhere saying that you need to preorder for early access and the sooner you do the more time you will get doesn't mean bioware will go ok, srry we thought we told everyone but i guess not. Lets give them access anyway and watch the servers explode.


Stop whining you have to wait a few more days, so what!? It was your decision to not preorder as fast as possible, and if you were shafted then that sucks but life is a slap in the face most of the time, deal with it.

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Reading what? show me were it says on the box, that who preorders first gets to play first?


I see, lose the argument, and wallow in semantics. You know you're wrong, just admit to it. There is no box. There wasn't a box when pre-orders started. The website, where pre-orders were announced, and the emails that went out, and hundreds of dev posts since have all made clear how this was going to work.

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Whats wrong with time tables? It gives me an excuse to leave the forums for a while (stopping my incessant complaining) and doesn't leave me feeling like I'll miss out on something important until it says I should come back. Besides everyone loves getting things earlier then they are told, so give horrible day late estimates to everyone and I'll be thrilled to get to play Friday if I was told Saturday instead of feeling like I'm lost in the dark this whole week wondering when I'll get a chance to play.


Here's what'll happen:


Since the rollout is DYNAMIC and NOT SCHEDULED, the best they could do is a rough guestimate. Say they gave you one and emphasized THIS IS JUST TENTATIVE. 90% of these forums would take it as gospel and the INSTANT it was inaccurate (which a guestimate is SURE to be) lo and behold the nerd rage to follow.


They CAN'T GIVE YOU A GOOD TIMETABLE. So why give one at all?? Just to make these forums worse??

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OK so when you preordered the game from the shop , did the salesman tell you , if you dont preorder first you will not be getting in first?


I actually did the digital deluxe edition the last week of August. I may be a Star Wars fanboy, but not financially able to justify the extra cost for the Collector's Edition.


But... before that, at Game Stop, I recall an advertisement saying "pre-order for early access". I honestly didn't wonder whether I was getting in after others or at the same time. Shoot, I assumed that people in the beta might get to play live before me, and that was before I knew about and got into the beta.


I am just not worried that others get in before me and, for me, anything before the 20th would be great.


I may get in tomorrow due to my pre-order date. I really, really want to get in. But I might not. Anger over it will only hurt me.


All the angry posts today did not get us another wave. I sure asked. I tried Mr. Reid via Twitter and during the Best Buy chat. Didn't get an answer.

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Here's a good reason.


You won't have 500 people competing for your low level quest mobs. Tons of players will have already been through those quests. You won't have to wait in line for a blue to reactivate, you shouldn't have to endure staggering lag as every member entering the server for the first time is a level 1 n00b.


Staggering is like putting people on a ride. You don't allow everyone in line to jump into the rollercoaster cars until no one else is in line. An MMO launch is typically, exactly like everyone cramming into one car to go to a funeral or a wedding.


If everyone was cramming into one car, I can guarantee that they'd all be attending at least one funeral.



Previously of "Xenosaga" forums

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It would be interesting to see a graph representing the ratio of people who claim to be cancelling on the forums in relation to the growth over time of actual reserved purchases.






Previously of "Xenosaga" forums


Yeah, what was it, roughly 16 to 30 thousand new pre-orders per week.

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as title says.


Discrimination much?


add in the other problems, lvl issues , especially on pvp servers, economies ruined , players having clear advantages.I could go on and on, there are millions of problems with this staggered launch, its mindblowing that nobody in any of these companies didnt realize the problem this was going to create.



You will find alot of people no longer buy things from the companies assiocated with this game, i know that for a fact, because i already have friends who refuse to play anything EA has there name on, which is this, even though its star wars and they like it, they wont play due to EA, now, all i can say is WOW, way to go with this latest debarcle.



this is Coming from a very pissed of customer


you've learned a hard lesson on this day, life isn't fair.


one person who is probably a great person can be completely stomped on while a complete jerk can be exalted to great heights, these type of things occur all over and very much in time.


look at how a video of lady gaga or rebecca black gets like 20 million views on youtube but mazzy star or dot allison gets like 2k.


life sucks, at least you learned this lesson and are a bit wiser on this day.

Edited by teambff
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Here's a good reason.


You won't have 500 people competing for your low level quest mobs. Tons of players will have already been through those quests. You won't have to wait in line for a blue to reactivate, you shouldn't have to endure staggering lag as every member entering the server for the first time is a level 1 n00b.


Staggering is like putting people on a ride. You don't allow everyone in line to jump into the rollercoaster cars until no one else is in line. An MMO launch is typically, exactly like everyone cramming into one car to go to a funeral or a wedding.


stop feeding us this ******** excuse, you shard the goddamn starting areas just like every other mmo. just like ea/bw shards the class zones and group quest zones and firepoints. the not waiting for a mob is a giant red herring you've swallowed like a first mmo game playing noob.

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