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..."once you cancel your subscription, your account will be deleted forever"...wha?!


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This can't be right can it?


full post:



snippet of message:


I am Protocol Droid U3-M6 of Human-Cyborg Relations...


I have received your transmission.


We apologize for the delay in responding. We regret to inform you that once you cancel your subscription, your account will be deleted forever.


Please do not hesitate to contact us again if there is anything further we can help you with.


Galactic Support is our specialty...



Protocol Droid U3-M6 (aka Kat)

Star Wars: The Old Republic Customer Service


added SS:




Note: not my original post but this really needs to be clarified (for obvious reasons). credit dewbacca

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tbh, it might just be a troll, i'd like to see an official statement about that


x2... if that's the case I'm just cancelling now. I'm not investing in something I can't place on hold for a bit if needed. I'm not jumping the gun, but if this is proved correct this will be my last day. :mad:

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that has to be a lie or a mistake or taken out of context. many people have life circumstances that force them to cancel a sub for a while. they plan on re-subbing later. if bioware wiped your account and deleted all your characters no one would ever come back.


it's absurd

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x2... if that's the case I'm just cancelling now. I'm not investing in something I can't place on hold for a bit if needed. I'm not jumping the gun, but if this is proved correct this will be my last day. :mad:


It doesn't say you can't do that, does it? Personally, I'd like to be able to actually cancel my account, which you can't do in most MMOs, rather than just cancel my subscription.


Without knowing what this guy asked, it's really hard to figure out what the answer means. I find it awfully suspicious that the OP left that part out.

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that has to be a lie or a mistake or taken out of context. many people have life circumstances that force them to cancel a sub for a while. they plan on re-subbing later. if bioware wiped your account and deleted all your characters no one would ever come back.


it's absurd


^This.^ It has to be a troll. No dev would be that dumb in this day-and-age.

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This is unbelievable and will greatly harm SWTOR in the long run if it is true.



MANY people like to cancel their subscription after having had played the game for awhile and decide to resubscribe when an expansion or lots of new content hit the game.



And they want to use their same account after resubscribing.....



If anything, this is what will kill SWTOR if it is true.

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go back and read the full post and you should have your answer. bad wording i agree but the op was asking what happens to his ce items, which are probably gone forever, same with founders pricing for lotro, founders pricing for rift, etc etc etc. the account wont be gone forever, just wont be able to play it and the ce stuff will probably dissapear is what i took it to mean.


dotn know why they would do that personally, its their business decision, not mine but i dont think the account will be gone forever as in can never get it back.


they need to rewrite their protocol droids, as well as the sith inquistor droid.

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Why would you call this person a troll? Do you actually think that this isn't an extremely serious issue?


Because the idea is so ridiculous that it can't be real.


Yes, by unsubbing to the game they're going to remove all incentive to try and win you back. That's a great business move :rolleyes:

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Probably the rep gave the wrong answer, no MMO developer is that bloody stupid.


You delete peoples characters (e.g. their hard work) and they just won't come back, I can tell you now I wouldn't, in fact on the rare occaision in the past that my character has vanished I've never gone back.


Spend far too much time playing these games just to do it all again.

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that has to be a lie or a mistake or taken out of context. many people have life circumstances that force them to cancel a sub for a while. they plan on re-subbing later. if bioware wiped your account and deleted all your characters no one would ever come back.


it's absurd


Knowing EA, if the money made from players never unsubscribing for fear of losing their account outweighs the amount of money lost to players who never return to the game they would enforce this in a heartbeat.


However, I can't imagine this being even close to the case in practice - which is the real reason I think this is a troll.

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