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Best MMO PvP you ever played?


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Those little temporary alliances to team up on the over-populated realm were just priceless.


Correction: Breaking those little temporary alliances were just priceless.



That one Paladin who had the intestinal fortitude to run across the no-mans land and take the initial wave of nukes so the other melee could charge in and rip up a line of casters? All priceless memories.


The countdown to charge the milegate. "GOING IN 3 ... 2 ... 1 ... CHARGE!!"


Watching 100 players not move an inch. Hahahaha.



Oh yeah, and unlimited AOE targets. Specifically when there are 150 players attacking your keep, and you have 14 Thanes with nothing better to do than chaincast hammers from the sky (and laughing when 14 players chaincasting AOEs are not actually killing much, but it was awesome to watch).

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14 Thanes with nothing better to do than chaincast hammers from the sky (and laughing when 14 players chaincasting AOEs are not actually killing much, but it was awesome to watch).




spell effects were awesome in daoc, especially the aoe madness in zerg fights

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Some of these stories make me wish I were older and had known what MMOs were when these games came out. Nevertheless, Guild Wars was my favorite. Specifically, Alliance Battles. Most players thought they were the weakest link in pvp, but I found them the most fun. 12 Kurzicks versus 12 Luxons, and it was chaos amongst control points. For my friends and I, it was not only a hub for fun and experimentation, pushing the boundaries of what our characters could do with eight skills, but it was a sense of pride, of entitlement, of a fight to defeat our mortal enemies. Every time you saw enemies approaching your capture point, adrenaline rushed and you couldn't wait for the fight to erupt. Especially when both teams clashed at that one neutral point.


Yes, it was that ridiculously nerdy, and I loved every minute of it.

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Darkage of Camelot obviously, there hasn't been an MMO to rival that since. Massive diversity, incredible classes. Freedom of play (bioware could learn volumes off them) amazing pvp/pve dungeons "Darkness Falls"....was nothing wrong with it until TOA destroyed it. Sadly Daoc wouldn't take off today, far to much freedom an diversity in the game. Mythic didnt believe in mirror image classes, people were expected to learn their classes, an counteract others.
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The ONLY people who wouldn't name DAOC as the #1 pvp mmo, and no other game comes close, are those people who never played the game.


Seriously, its not even close. No other game has achieved so many levels of pvp (solo, small grps, full groups, zergs) harmoniously and each with their own community within the game as DAOC did. And the pvp also gave you a sense of realm pride and made you want to go fight, even without any fancy gear rewards or anything.


You had a place to shine for all skill levels, and yes it did take a bit of strategy and skill to actually play. I mean heck, if one little thing hit you, you couldnt cast if you were a healer or caster. I remember my first day of WoW which i played for 5 months after its release going omg i can cast with people hitting me, its like permenant MOC! :) no skills :)

Edited by Vylettes
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WAR probably. I missed the DAoC bus, so didn't get to play it. Aion wasn't too bad pre-2.0, but it quickly turned into a 1-3 shot PvP lag zerg fest where you didn't last much more then a few seconds in PvP almost 24/7. They also ruined world pvp with too many NPCs and inviable areas that catered to the botting Asian crowd. In 3.0 it will be PvE game for the most part, which is why I quit.
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Warhammer Online (first 3 months).


EVE fleet battles were pretty laggy, but the small skirmishes between individuals and gangs were amazing.


Darkfall's open pvp environ had a lot of potential. I was ultimately turned off by the dev team that addressed and tackled issues at snails pace.


SWG in the first three months of launch was a lot of fun. Flagged, world pvp was great and there was enough freedom for player driven content.


I enjoyed EQ I pvp on Rallos and later Vallon Zek. Even with the level restrictions that were ultimately implemented.


Warhammer had a fun system, that quickly became stale after about three months of play. There is only so much zone control back and forth I could participate in before it became stale.

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I'm beginning to wonder if all the people who say WoW has the best PVP actually ever played any other decent MMO with PVP in it. That being said, EVE is one of my favorites, I loved the rush I got from fighting in small scale skirmishes where there are actually severe penalties for dieing.
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