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Best MMO PvP you ever played?


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Well after reading 20 pages of this thread I wish I had played Daoc.


In my experiences, regardless of the games fail. My vote goes to AoC by far.


For 3 Reasons:


1. FFA PvP with NO GUARDS when they introduced the hardcore server

2. Guilds were the factions and could attack each others' keeps.

3. Most of all the combat system! Most involved combat system ever. I don't think I will ever be completely satisfied with pvp again as long as combat is as simple as push a button and after a roll of the dice X might happen.


Skill really showed in AoC, at lvl 25 you could kill a 50. There was no automatic resist or dodge because of a lvl difference. I would still be there if the population was so small.


Too bad I missed out on Daoc, sounded like a good one.

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Another good thing with DaoC 3 realm system was that your couldnt communicate.


Todays mmos with pvp problem is that everyone is on the same side, so you get namecalling and crap afterwards.


That also created a "famous" status for some players, and every time "that" player from the other realms were out PvPing, everyone focused even more to take him/her out.


Also fights lasted for 20-30 secs per fight 1v1 and not 3 seconds like todays mmos.


Anyone remember people killing monsters to get "Albion head", then dropping the head on the floor before a fight against someone from ablion, pointing at the "Albion head" in the bag and then on the player :) players were creative

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having played almost every MMO from UO onwards, I would have to say that DAoC did it right from day one. It got a little biased towards buff bots at the end (OK, a lot of bias towards those with buff bots), but they still did it right! ;o)


I tried to go back to it recently and the UI just killed the experience, so not to sure I would recommend it now, but back in the day .. what a game! so much fun.

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For those of you that don't get the appeal of losing or looting loot post pvp, here are two perspectives to consider.


1) In a non risk game (like wow), if I am clearly going to die, for example by getting jumped by 3 people while I'm at half health, I'm probably just going to /dance and let them kill me. I won't try to run, fight back, or even salvage the situation. I play passively and take the fight out of their ganking, hoping to deny them the pleasure of a futile reaction. I'll take the minimal gear hit, and use the opportunity to sell or whatever and move on. I just don't care. Oh well, I'm getting ganked, le sigh. Boring. Have fun gankers, I'll get you next time. Oh noes a repair bill.... let me check my mailbox and auction house...


BUT, when I know I can lose gear that I worked to get, I all of a sudden care about the outcome of the fight. In that same situation in UO where I am probably going to get ganked, I use every tool at my disposal to claw, scratch, kill, flee, trick, or otherwise avoid getting ganked. I may or may not get away, but so help me Crom I try my damndest. Why? Because the loss is enough to make me try to self preserve and take the encounter seriously. It raises the emotional stakes of pvp, making it more of a adrenaline rush. Seriously, in example 1, there is no reaction, just sigh. In UO, I'd freak out and turn into a cornered badger fighting ferociously. That is more exciting, thus, more fun.


2) You could lose not only just minimal easy to get / craft leather armor, but as you've surely read, you could lose a house, boat, or castle that it took much effort to make. It makes you much more invested in your accomplishments and much more motivated to protect them. Thus, it is more engaging, and more fun.


Lastly, I know that getting looted sucks, and there are a lot of strong opinions on the matter, but going around calling everyone sadists or aroused by pixles isn't really constructive, appropriate, or true. Myself, I think gear is overrated. It is the gameplay experience that pulls me in, not the funny hat I ground hours to get that looks like every other player my level that has the same F'in hat. I'd much much rather have compelling and exciting gameplay than shiny loot. And for the record, I really prefer organized team based pvp to ganking people and looting their stuff. BUT, I totally see the appeal in a loot corpse system, and clearly, so do many others.





P.S. +10 for chest trapping, that took me back!


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For those of you that don't get the appeal of losing or looting loot post pvp, here are two perspectives to consider.


1) In a non risk game (like wow), if I am clearly going to die, for example by getting jumped by 3 people while I'm at half health, I'm probably just going to /dance and let them kill me. I won't try to run, fight back, or even salvage the situation. I play passively and take the fight out of their ganking, hoping to deny them the pleasure of a futile reaction. I'll take the minimal gear hit, and use the opportunity to sell or whatever and move on. I just don't care. Oh well, I'm getting ganked, le sigh. Boring. Have fun gankers, I'll get you next time. Oh noes a repair bill.... let me check my mailbox and auction house...


BUT, when I know I can lose gear that I worked to get, I all of a sudden care about the outcome of the fight. In that same situation in UO where I am probably going to get ganked, I use every tool at my disposal to claw, scratch, kill, flee, trick, or otherwise avoid getting ganked. I may or may not get away, but so help me Crom I try my damndest. Why? Because the loss is enough to make me try to self preserve and take the encounter seriously. It raises the emotional stakes of pvp, making it more of a adrenaline rush. Seriously, in example 1, there is no reaction, just sigh. In UO, I'd freak out and turn into a cornered badger fighting ferociously. That is more exciting, thus, more fun.


2) You could lose not only just minimal easy to get / craft leather armor, but as you've surely read, you could lose a house, boat, or castle that it took much effort to make. It makes you much more invested in your accomplishments and much more motivated to protect them. Thus, it is more engaging, and more fun.


Lastly, I know that getting looted sucks, and there are a lot of strong opinions on the matter, but going around calling everyone sadists or aroused by pixles isn't really constructive, appropriate, or true. Myself, I think gear is overrated. It is the gameplay experience that pulls me in, not the funny hat I ground hours to get that looks like every other player my level that has the same F'in hat. I'd much much rather have compelling and exciting gameplay than shiny loot. And for the record, I really prefer organized team based pvp to ganking people and looting their stuff. BUT, I totally see the appeal in a loot corpse system, and clearly, so do many others.





P.S. +10 for chest trapping, that took me back!



Either way it's moot, looting players will never be in a successful MMO.

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Runescape Safe-PVP(if you die you keep your hard earned items)

like capture the flag, resource warfront, regular battlefield 2 armies. any way too much i can't remember. i dont mind the graphics but the UI is so bad i want to put my head on a railroad :'(


dispise unsafe-pvp. (loose everything, bow, sword, armor plates, everything LOL)

basically a giant wilderness that is mostly empty expect for a few servers.

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Sadly, best MMO PvP award still goes to WoW. And yeah, I played UO, skipped DAOC (college, so sue me), I played EVE, I played Darkfall, etc.


Combat was responsive, classes were largely unique and very fun. Balance was atrocious, but then again look at SWTOR - tons of mirror classes and a bunch of copied abilities (everyone gets a 4 sec stun on 1 min CD) and balance is still atrocious. I've yet to see a game with a class that was as fun to play as a druid in WoW, or demanded that much skill. Nothing came even close so far.

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Yeah, I agree, full pvp loot seems to be the realm of the smaller, hardcore mmos nowadays. I don't expect that to change. But, in some cases, there have been, and I submit, could still be, servers with special rulesets for various mmo's. So, I wouldn't completely rule out full loot in all AAA MMO's from this point forward. It could happen with the right game. But, the way design is going, that's probably not too likely.


imo, games that make gear easy to get or less important open the door to full loot drops. But, mmos are very much loot centric nowadays, and no one wants to lose their ["omg I raided for 3 weeks to get this bracer" bracer].


Anyhow, full loot isn't really my preference, but my post was more a response to those who think enjoying full loot systems was driven simply by sadism of other players. Not to say it isn't in some cases, but not in all.




p.s. Since Planetside entered the ring, I'll have to give it a big nod of support as one of the most enjoyable "pvp type games" I'd love to see a fps style fantasy game similar to Planetside where players rode chimeras instead of Vanguards and shot fireballs instead of rockets.

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SWG and EQ2 Hands down for best open world pvp. (SWG BEFORE THEY RUINED IT) Both of these games had world pvp that anyone could take part in, and both had epic battles with like 40-50 people on each side. I specifically remember in SWG riding in a "minivan" with a few friends on our way to attack an Imperial outpost. This outpost being controlled by an Imperial guild. We were ambushed on the way by two dark jedi and destroyed... It was the most fun I ever had :D
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Not sure if this has been said but Lotro Monster play was pretty good. It was just one large zone that the Creeps (monsters) had with a few keeps and some objective points. The freeps (free people) would come to this zone to try and take over the zone for rewards (creeps would gain ranks and then better skills at higher ranks). Their were a lot of nights that 100 creeps vs 100 freeps (not all in the same spot) would happen and keeps sieges would last for hours some times. Man just talking about this has brought a smile to my face. Some nights were just pure chaos and excitement until the wee hours of the night but alas Turbine had no idea just how powerful monster play could be and neglected it. If a game has worth while pvp us pvpers will support it but turn your back on us and we will drop your game like a bad habit :).


In my opinion had Turbine actually spent more time developing monster play, Lotro may be one of the top pvp game today and the game may have never went free to play.

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DAoC ofcourse anyone who played it knows the deal as you can see.


i miss the small things in daoc like seeing who kills who in zones so you can actually tell whos getting ganked where and whos owning by ganking alot. Nowadays you cant tell whos good just all gear and no name spotlighting.


Also like many others said lack of games with 3 factions suck, also being able to communicate with the enemy blows.


you would think after seeing countless forums saying the same thing about daoc someone would actually try to take some hints on what to put into games

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World PVP: Tarren Mill/Southshore, Black rock mountain, Silithus, Outlands while leveling.

Battleground PVP: Alterac Valley was perfect. WSG and Arathi Basin also great.

Arena PVP: TBC & WOTLK 2v2 & 3v3.


Nothing will ever compare.

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Best - Eve Online

Before Capital ship spam


Worst - Wow

its really sad that alot of people that started with this game, actually think this was good pvp, yes it was a blast and the outdoor pvp was alot of fun, especially at the start, but it wasnt actually good pvp when you got down to the nitty gritty.

Edited by Rayvonuk
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Imo, the first MMO anyone played ist mostly like the best MMO to them. That said, it is pretty hard to be objective on a term like *Best PvP*


In like 11 years of playing MMO´s, I was able to play DAoC(10 years with minor breaks), Lineage2, Darkfall, WoW(3 years), Planetside, GW(1 year), AoC, Rift, some non (real) PvP Games like EQ2, DDO etc, and some F2P Games (some Asiagrinder ones like Silkroad and stuff) which imo mostly aren´t a real challenge to those, which are P2P (some of those still were pretty good howsoever).


Right now, I have to admit, DAoC was the best at RvR for me, while ofc being my first MMO...


And yea, I said *RvR*, not *PvP*, because imho RvR is the one thing, most ppl want PvP to be. I often wonder why in any MMO, there are 2 Factions/Realms/whatsoever, if PvP only relies on sitting in a city and waiting for a BG/WZ invite/port. It´s not like I´m pulling out that *Carebear* card, and I also do not like server types nor games, which don´t have safe spots.


But imo PvP, or RvR, call it as u like, needs a goal, a goal that does not only affect a single player (i.e. *farming* tokens for better gear etc), it has to affect anyone. If an enemy army attacks a major target of ur realm/faction, and it does not affect anyone, what´s the very reason to go there? In DAoC, the reason to join those *raids* or *defends* was called *relics*, which granted a +10% to magic or melee effectiveness (one relic of each kind for each realm, making it possible to gain a total of +30% melee and magic effectiveness, if a realm was able to gain every 6 relics).


And that was a reason for anyone, no matter if PvP or PvE player (aight, PvE only players were rare in daoc, as hands down, the DAoC PvE was and is crap) to join ín.


Tbh, all those scripted BG´s /WZ´s, with their rules and goals, are in fact, a nice feature, but nowadays, after that much games just copied those kind of PvP, and therefor dropped the open world PvP/RvR, for most ppl PvP is just another kind of farming. Some even refer it to be hard *work*. Not fun - work. And thats the point. What happens, if u got a Ranking of 3k+, while having every PvP item avaible... most ppl stop active PvP´ing, just roll for their *weekly 5 wins* and wait for new *content*.


Ofc, DAoC RvR was hard *work* in some moments to, like in those 20 minutes 8vs8 fights, which weren´t that rare with so much *elite* 8 mans (atleast on EU, never played on US servers, so dno about those) where u had an individual tactic for each group (and yea, i was part of those so called *elite grps* for much years, but honestly, i did meet way more nice *elite* players, than those arrogant and childish acting ones, everyone speaks of nowadays, altough, i hate the word *elite*).


But guess what? After hitting the cap realmrank of 11, 12, 13, those who were able to come that far, did not just quit RvR.. most just went on, without getting ANY BENEFIT out of it, except those nice fights and a feeling, which is kinda like doing a firstkill in PvE.... every time u beat an 8man which is on an equal footing, and also every time u win an 8vsX(Zerg).


And now tell me, which kind of game/PvP can beat a PvP system, which make players keep playing it, without any benefits? That is the goal, any PvP part in a game should try to obtain, nothing more, and nothing less.


Today, after 10 years of DAoC (i still got a live account, and every time i watch an old DAoC vid, like Dem Hibbies, NoSkill, Free RPS etc. it makes me go back to DAoC for some time) i would never tell anyone who started MMO´s in 2004 (with like WoW) or later, to start all over in DAoC.. imo noone will be able to realise its spirit, as DAoC definitly fails at things like UI, comfort functions, and on many other things, new generation MMO´s call *basic features*.


DAoC died, anyone know it, and it will however, be one of the biggest monuments, to remind dev´s and publishers about the fact, that PvP will never carry a game to the glory like WoW was able to gain. And games aren´t about passion, and love for the game anymore, its just about the cash - and everyone knows it. So, expecting a real PvP/RvR game in the near future, is blasphemic, as PvE gets in the most ppl a.k.a gets in the most cash.


I´m starting to think about SWTOR´s PvP beeing hard work right now... nuff said.


May atleast some force be with you,


Healin Hands

Edited by Healin
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