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PVP Lucky Dip Bags


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Battlemaster Gear Tokens have been converted into Battlemaster Commendations, which can be used to purchase any Battlemaster gear. This allows players to purchase any piece of gear instead of requiring them to purchase the piece indicated by the token.

Battlemaster Bags now contain Battlemaster Commendations instead of Battlemaster Gear Tokens. They still also contain Champion Commendations.



And we have a winner now patch notes addres 50% of the issues


Need this on champ bags and a valor requirement on the gear


This should be applied to the Champion tokens aswell. It would be incredibly stupid if they don't do this.

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So many people are misunderstanding the very basis of what lots of us are upset about.


It isn't that we don't want to grind for gear, thats fine...


We're upset about the fact that the grind is entirely based on RNG. For instance, I've now opened 16 battlemaster bags and have recieved only a relic from said bags. Another battlemaster I know who got valor 60 a day before me already has 5 peices (as of 2 days ago, probably has more now).


So what frustrates us is not that we have to grind for gear, its the fact that some people have to grind significantly less for it than others, and who gets gear fastest isn't about who is the best player or who puts the most time in, its about who the random number generator likes best, and nobody likes a system like that.


Reward skill, reward effort, don't reward dice rolls.

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I've opened 16 Champion bags since dinging 50 two days ago. I've got 3 unique champion pieces (last 2 pieces from last 2 bags) ... so ~5:1 ratio. Bottom line is that my commendations are worth more than players with a higher ratio, but less than players with a lower ratio - this is clearly unfair.


It amazes me that a supplier of a major MMO can make a mistake like this ... also amazes me that it got through the various test cycles. Were the beta testers not up to par? or did Bioware ignore them? I'd be interested to see a list of changes that made it into the retail release based on beta feedback.




Malane - 50 Sith Assassin - Bao-Dur (EU PvE)

Edited by SlayedzZ
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I've opened 16 Champion bags since dinging 50 two days ago. I've got 3 unique champion pieces (last 2 pieces from last 2 bags) ... so ~5:1 ratio. Bottom line is that my commendations are worth more than players with a higher ratio, but less than players with a lower ratio - this is clearly unfair.


It amazes me that a supplier of a major MMO can make a mistake like this ... also amazes me that it got through the various test cycles. Were the beta testers not up to par? or did Bioware ignore them? I'd be interested to see a list of changes that made it into the retail release based on beta feedback.




Malane - 50 Sith Assassin - Bao-Dur (EU PvE)


Or your 5:1 ratio is insignificant because it's just one example.

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Not even Aion had RNG when it came to getting your pvp gear, and that game had more RNG than most people will ever care to see in another game. Whoever designed this system is an idiot. Pvp gear should be a grind, not RNG dropped based.


PvP gear should be rewarded to the best, not to the most no life-esque. Bring it on with some Arena and PvP ladders.

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Or your 5:1 ratio is insignificant because it's just one example.


Everyone has a ratio, they just don't know it/haven't posted it ... it's the fact that there's a ratio at all that we're debating here ... so, yeah, it is significant.

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55 valor here, with only 3 pieces ... these level 20s in full set make me want to cry, RNG has never been nice to me no matter which game I play.


1) champ gear should be valor 50+ as battlemaster is 60+!

2) we should be able to trade perhaps 2-3 unassembled parts for one we ACTUALLY need... I have 5 pair of pants on myself and my companions and 4 more unassembled...

3) read 1

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Luckily for me, when I hit 50, I'll be rank 50 valor aswell ( been pvpin ever since ) and then it's just 10 more ranks till new patched battlemaster bags :D Ill be in full battlemaster before you know it , because with this new patch, its not based on luck but based on played time.


So yeah, in your face !


Oh by the way, guys, goodjob rushing to 50, getting from 1-50 valor at 50, and then getting nothing from champ bags. Exactly the reason why Im taking it slow, because it was bound to get fixed anyway.


You should know though, champ is only ''starter gear'' , to kill the time untill you reach 60 valor, where you get champ tokens and bm tokens . the random champ pieces from champ bags are just a bonus, its about the cent tokens.

Edited by Shredbull
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This system is by far the most ridiculously stupid one ever created.


A guildie of mine is widely known as the unluckiest person in the world, and has not received anything at all for 15 bags. While I've got 6 parts from total of 14 bags. An another guildie of mine received 4x set parts + weapon + implants + a relic in TWO days (+ he got lower robe 3 times).


In worst case scenario you could spend all your time in the laggy warzones, work your *ss off and receive nothing at all, while the others get full gear with almost no effort whatsoever. Jeez.



In worst case scenario you could spend all your time in the laggy warzones, work your *ss off and receive nothing at all, while the others get full gear with almost no effort whatsoever. Jeez.




work your *ss





Work? Work......... Rofl.

Edited by jawiiarean
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Luckily for me, when I hit 50, I'll be rank 50 valor aswell ( been pvpin ever since ) and then it's just 10 more ranks till new patched battlemaster bags :D Ill be in full battlemaster before you know it , because with this new patch, its not based on luck but based on played time.


So yeah, in your face !


Oh by the way, guys, goodjob rushing to 50, getting from 1-50 valor at 50, and then getting nothing from champ bags. Exactly the reason why Im taking it slow, because it was bound to get fixed anyway.


You should know though, champ is only ''starter gear'' , to kill the time untill you reach 60 valor, where you get champ tokens and bm tokens . the random champ pieces from champ bags are just a bonus, its about the cent tokens.


You realize that the difference between Champion gear and Centurion gear is significantly different than the minimal difference between Battlemaster and Champion gear... right ?

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I feel for the OP. This RNG system is retarded.


I unsubscribed, but the last day I played before classes (my intended stopping point) it gave me practically a full set. I realize this was dumb luck, of course, and the system needs to change.

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+1 to the whole RNG FAIL system.


Its a *********** joke. The gear should be based on your rank if they want there to be some kind of grind. RNG is just a slap in the face to people who've gotten 30+ bags only to have 3+ repeats of the same items, and then they look at a valor rank 10 avatar and they have almost a full set. That can be frustraing.


I'm going to unsub and uninstall, just because there is a disturbing lack of polish to the whole pvp system in general. And I need to spend my free time doing more constructive things other than getting "*** SLAPPED in the face by the RNG system."



I mean Illum was literally released in an unfinished state. Nuff said.

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Did you completely forget about the Centurion Commendations? You can buy PvP gear with those you know. Getting the champion gear is just a bonus based on luck.


If you don't have the time to grind for the gear you want then why should you keep playing? Good job unsubscribing. There have been plenty of posts like this already and it is clear that people are not understanding that they might ACTUALLY HAVE TO GRIND in an MMO. Shoking.


His point is he has grinded far more than others that have gotten full sets.



I had some luck early on got a lot of peices now at almost valor 50 I've gotten like 6 pairs of pants, 15 implants, a few chest pieces and a bunch of relics. My companions that can wear the gear have them now and I have offspec gear but I am still missing 4 pieces 2 of which are both of my weapons.



Centurion gear blows.

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I've been reading horror stories of 30+ bags and still no gear.


Here is what is wrong.


The champion gear is really good in pvp compared to anything you might have before you get it.


Some people hit level 50, do the daily and weekly quest. Open 5 or 6 bags and half their gear set.


I am up to 16 bags, with absolutely nothing. I've bought a pair of pants which seemed like a huge grind to get enough. Now, it really wouldn't be that bad. But when the guy next to me just got lucky, and now has 150% more hp than me, my attacks hardly hurt him, and he hits me for much much more. It really is mind numbingly frustrating.


Now, i know people are saying working as intended. But it is creating this huge gap in warzones and almost breaking it. I don't want it to be easy, i just hit 50 i shouldn't have a full set of gear. But hell, neither should the next guy. I'll give it a try for a few more days but its so frustrating that I am investing so much time just for another chance and have nothing to show so far.


Make it a grind, make it tough, but at least make it fair to players.


I am really worried about when ranked warzones come out. The people who got lucky with the champ gear will crush everyone in ranked matches and those who weren't lucky enough will not be able to compete.


The current system is terrible for serious pvp'ers. Put everyone on even ground PLEASE!

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Ive grinded plenty of games dozens of hours a day. And this game too. To buy one item with those commendations would take 20 bags, and you can get maybe 5-7 bags per day through grinding warzones plus 2 from dailies.


So in mayble 4 months ill have all the gear? When others get better gear all free with lucky dip.


This game doesnt reward any effort what so ever. Its pure luck based.


Hmm exactly how many dozens of hours per day? I hope at least three :p

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The RNG lucky dip bag system really is awful and I'd like to say that it sucks bawls, but I might get banned for that.


For all of you that have opened dozens of bags and got nothing but tokens, you have my sympathy and I really don't hope that I will find myself in this predicament too.

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