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10 Good

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  1. This is exactly what I did not want, I hated it in WoW ( though the exploring in WoW is more ineterresting than in SWTOR, because of more open zones ). I want a mix of SWG crafting and exploration with WoW-style fluid gameplay and KotOR atmosphere. Bigger zones, less walls, open world random ( or not ) PvP, a bigger role for crafting, less zombies and what ever weird magic that doesn't make me feel like in Star Wars... No freaking dailies / token grind ! This is a ridiculously bad system that makes a game feel like a second job. Graphics, animations and voiceovers are really good imo, work on the rest, for now I don't feel at home in this game.
  2. PvP gear should be rewarded to the best, not to the most no life-esque. Bring it on with some Arena and PvP ladders.
  3. kraycobra

    5 PvP issues

    - No diminishing return. Stun durations are way too long, every class shouldn't have one to begin with, and resolve doesn't work... If 2 - 3 people throw their stuns on me at the same time, the one I'm taking should NOT last a full stun duration, their mistake for not timing their CCs well. - The kick to interupt a spell only prevents the target from casting the exact same spell... Completly useless, it should prevent the target from casting a spell from the same school or what ever. If I'm low life and kick a caster's spell to save my butt and finish him, he can just instantly cast an other spell, which is a joke. - The animations make the damage activation differ, this is completly ridiculous. On an assassin, by the time the backstab ability hits, the target has moved his back in an other direction already, therefor the hit won't land, and the animation will just stop halfway... Not mentioning the Sage Rock throw compared to the instant lightning damage from Sorcerers, or the smuggler kick in the balls that roots the guy for the duration of the animation... - Give us brackets for Vador's sake. 10 - 29 / 30 - 49 / 50 would be fine. - No reason to do any open world PvP ? Common this is Star Wars...
  4. I agree, there are WAY too many stuns in the game, 4 seconds is a lot, and we need diminishing return. Edit : while I'm at it, the kick ( spell cast interupt ) is a joke too in this game, because it completly sucks. It prevents casting the very same spell you interrupted only for 4 seconds... That's ridiculous, it doesn't even prevent from casting this spell school fof the duration, and every class has many heals / dps spells.
  5. [ 10 - 29 ], [ 30 - 49 ], [ 50 ] and everyone will be happy.
  6. Not ranting or anything here, server queues had to be expected. I'm just saying that it would be nice to get free migrations from the full servers to low population ones. Since I started playing the first day of early access, I had no idea the server I made my characters on would be full a week later. Now I can't play my Empire characters before midnight unless I wait 1 to 2 hours to get in. Which is quite annoying.
  7. Il serait judicieux de laisser aux joueurs avec des personnages sur les serveurs pleins le choix de migrer pour le lancement du jeu le 20 sur des serveurs moins peuplés. Personnellement j'ai créé mon main le 12, sur un serveur vide, maintenant je ne peux pas jouer car même à partir de 13h, jusqu’à 1h du matin, ce serveur à une file d'attente estimé à 1h... C'est assez frustrant.
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