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Does anyone else enjoy Space Combat?


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I do at least the first 3 space combat missions on my two characters each day. I really enjoy them. The change of pace is great and I really like the mechanics of those battles. Escort, bring down certain fighters, destroy specific stuff on a space station. I tried the next one, but it seemed to just be a dodge boulders one, and that really didn't appeal to me. But, even with that said, I like space combat and the credits and XP you can get from them also.


Anyone else enjoy space combat?



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I think I will, once I figure out how to do it, but I've failed that first one 3 times. :(


There's right clicking, left clicking, dragging and holding and clicking (left? right?). I don't understand what is doing what, so I mash the buttons on my mouse and run out of rockets and the little shuttle thing always blows up with the end ship in site (at least, I assume that's what I'm trying to get to). There's little ships chasing it, and big ships with guns shooting at it, and I don't know what I should be worried about.


So I bet it's a lot of fun, and can't wait until light dawns on marble head. :o


Edit: Now, I use a big 46" TV as my monitor, and one thing I haven't tried is picking up the monitor and tilting it around, in case it was written by one of them there young whipper snappers in them pretty Apple commercials for that new fangled hib-a-mah-job pod tablet thing. It's pretty heavy though. :rolleyes:


Seriously, I hope I figure it out.

Edited by notebene
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I will admit when I first discovered it was more of a "mini-game" than an actual space combat simulator, I was a little disappointed.


That being said, it has really grown on me and I certainly enjoy doing the daily missions each day. The look of it is very vibrant at 1080p and the "linear" flight paths allow for some pretty exciting maneuvers and such. I understand the design decision all things considered and really like it, as long as I accept it as the mini-game it is.


I would like to perhaps see group space combat content. Not sure how PVP would be implemented, but having a mission that you could begin with a group and say choosing specific roles for each (dogfighter, bomber, wingman, etc.) and working together to cover each other and accomplish space missions would be exciting. I don't see them implementing a "free fly" system but being able to choose from a list of pre determined attack patterns or something would open the game up alot.

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I think I will, once I figure out how to do it, but I've failed that first one 3 times. :(


There's right clicking, left clicking, dragging and holding and clicking (left? right?). I don't understand what is doing what, so I mash the buttons on my mouse and run out of rockets and the little shuttle thing always blows up with the end ship in site (at least, I assume that's what I'm trying to get to). There's little ships chasing it, and big ships with guns shooting at it, and I don't know what I should be worried about.


So I bet it's a lot of fun, and can't wait until light dawns on marble head. :o


I can't tell if you are being sarcastic. It's really, really.....really really really simple. Maybe you aren't a gamer and are new to regular (read: non-MMO) game mechanics. This is pretty much the exact same thing as, say, Rebel Assault II. Here it is:


Left Mouse: Lasers

Right Mouse: Missiles (they lock on if you click them over something lockable, like a turret hard point or a fighter)


mouse moves your ship around on the screen, but if you are using it for aiming at things, you want to use the WASD keys to move your ship away from asteroids as they come by.


Oh...Spacebar: Barrel Role. Do one, for Starfox!


And as to what to do, the mission gives you a summary before you accept it. Do what it says. Reading is good.

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I think I will, once I figure out how to do it, but I've failed that first one 3 times. :(


There's right clicking, left clicking, dragging and holding and clicking (left? right?). I don't understand what is doing what, so I mash the buttons on my mouse and run out of rockets and the little shuttle thing always blows up with the end ship in site (at least, I assume that's what I'm trying to get to). There's little ships chasing it, and big ships with guns shooting at it, and I don't know what I should be worried about.


So I bet it's a lot of fun, and can't wait until light dawns on marble head. :o


Edit: Now, I use a big 46" TV as my monitor, and one thing I haven't tried is picking up the monitor and tilting it around, in case it was written by one of them there young whipper snappers in them pretty Apple commercials for that new fangled hib-a-mah-job pod tablet thing. It's pretty heavy though. :rolleyes:


Seriously, I hope I figure it out.


Step 1:


Go buy all the level 1 spaceship upgrades for your spaceship. You add them to your ship though the character interface on the tab at the bottom that says 'Ship'.


Step 2:


Here's a quick rundown: Left-click - your staple mash key. This takes down enemy fighters, turrets and soft targets. Right-click - it doesn't really feel like hold and release, just right click on a target, make sure it has a blue circle around it and release (happens so fast for me that it just feels like a right-click).


Step 3:


Practice, practice, practice.


Good luck.



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I enjoyed it a lot when I first unlocked it but i'm a little burnt out on it now but I did more than just the quests I would repeat them over and over and kind of burnt myself out even on the newer missions I got while i leveled but yeah it's a nice change of pace and some of the battles seem epic even if i think the rails are a bit silly at times.


to the guy who can't figure them out :)

Left click are your blasters they are unlimited, if you hold the button down it will shoot continuously.

Right click are your rockets, you should save these for the objectives or large turrets that are giving you problems (at least until you have upgrade to give you way more rockets than you need for your missions then go crazy)


To move around just move your pointer, no need to hold anything - dodge rocks! they hurt!


Spacebar (most important imo) does a barrel roll. This will make the baddies miss you more often and can be used as an ohcrap im about to hit that rock. if you roll while your pointer is to the left you roll to the left if you roll while your pointer is in front of you you just roll going straight.


Maybe that will help you out in those missions.

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I enjoy it. Space combat can get a little challenging if you don't know how it works. It was a quite a while before I realized that shields only recharge when you're NOT firing blasters. (Early on, it seemed it was best to just keep the left mouse button down the whole time.)


Once I got the power converter, I learned to keep it set to increase blaster damage until I need to let the shields recharge. Then switch it over, lay off the blasters for a few seconds and just use missiles if I need to take down enemy fighters.


Even with this strategy, the later missions (level 40 and up) can be a challenge. Expect to finish those missions as a flying ball of smoke and fire...if you live at all that is.


Here's hoping they're going to add performance ratings for the space missions. Hopefully more bonus objectives (Let us completely blow up cruisers and space stations!).

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It's a nice diversion when I get tired of questing or warzones (Not to mention a really good way to farm some experience and credits). It's purely an arcade game, but it's actually a good arcade game. Some of the missions are quite challenging and force you to use some strategy.


However, The game really does not to add an actual flight-sim expansion somewhere down the road.

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I've found it plays a bit like the old Afterburner arcade game. Stuff coming at you head-on, stuff flying past you from behind, and the more you take down as soon as it shows up, the less you have shooting at you a couple of seconds later. Anything with a yellow thrust exhaust is an enemy - zap it before it zaps you.


Not realistic space combat by any stretch of the imagination, but that's never been a major point of Star Wars.

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I can't tell if you are being sarcastic. It's really, really.....really really really simple. Maybe you aren't a gamer and are new to regular (read: non-MMO) game mechanics. This is pretty much the exact same thing as, say, Rebel Assault II. Here it is:


Left Mouse: Lasers

Right Mouse: Missiles (they lock on if you click them over something lockable, like a turret hard point or a fighter)


mouse moves your ship around on the screen, but if you are using it for aiming at things, you want to use the WASD keys to move your ship away from asteroids as they come by.


Oh...Spacebar: Barrel Role. Do one, for Starfox!


And as to what to do, the mission gives you a summary before you accept it. Do what it says. Reading is good.


Yes, I was (sadly) completely serious. I have played a 'lot' of video games over the years, PC based. All of my flight based games I've played with a joystick, and not a mouse (and Mechwarrior, of course...fun with force feedback!), so I don't have any experience playing any sort of flight based combat game using a mouse.


Being able to use WASD independent of using the mouse might be help for me, didn't know you could do that.


I'll have to read the mission more closely, maybe it'll tell me what I should be concentrating on, big ships or little ships.


Thanks :)

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