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About the different lightsaber sounds


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Why is it so hard to find one that has a deeper sound like the ones in the movies and other Star Wars game, especially on ignition and shutdown? I find a lot are too "hissy" and high pitched. Some I've gotten from lvl 30+ flashpoints barely have more of a quick "thwomp" ignition sound and barely any hum.


I know this isn't all that important in the grand scheme of things but lightsabers are a really iconic thing in Star Wars and I've never heard ones that sounded like these, or if I did, they couldn't have deviated this much from the familiar movie sound as I've noticed it before.


It would be like Harley-Davidson motorcycles all of sudden sounding like Yamaha bikes. I don't know.


Does anyone know where I can get an orange quality main hand saber that sounds like the movie sabers?

Edited by kanezfan
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Yeah, my first one sounds just like what I consider "movie like".


However, even in the movies the sounds were somewhat different from scene to scene. Just watching Return of the Jedi the other day and the way Luke's sounded when he turned himself into Vader sounded much different than others in the movies (higher pitch). Or even his from other scenes.


Maybe i'm losing it. I guess i'd have to be to even pay attention to such things.

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In the game, it's based off the quality of the lightsaber. I actually didn't even notice the difference until I got my Champion Stalker Double-Bladed Lightsaber. Just comparing that one to my previous one, the sound became a bit higher pitched and more focused with the higher tier one.
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I agree. Started a thread earlier about this very thing, but for some odd reason I could not respond to the replies I was getting in there. I heard some really hair brained responses in there too. People acting as if there is no difference other than pitch with the sound of the lightsabers. The sounds are *nothing* like a lightsaber I ever heard, and it drives me nuts. I am stuck with the saber we get at level ten, because no other lightsaber has that original sound. I don't mind pitch changes, not one bit, but to completely change the sound all together is just uncalled for IMO.
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  • 1 month later...
Why is it so hard to find one that has a deeper sound like the ones in the movies and other Star Wars game, especially on ignition and shutdown? I find a lot are too "hissy" and high pitched. Some I've gotten from lvl 30+ flashpoints barely have more of a quick "thwomp" ignition sound and barely any hum.


I know this isn't all that important in the grand scheme of things but lightsabers are a really iconic thing in Star Wars and I've never heard ones that sounded like these, or if I did, they couldn't have deviated this much from the familiar movie sound as I've noticed it before.


It would be like Harley-Davidson motorcycles all of sudden sounding like Yamaha bikes. I don't know.


Does anyone know where I can get an orange quality main hand saber that sounds like the movie sabers?


this is exactly my frustration also.


I am still using my level 12 lightsabers and I am level 44 almost 45 now because i hate the hissing sound that seems to be on almost every lightsaber past level 15. I wish they would have had a variety of lightsaber sounds to choose from instead of mainly the hissing one.

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  • 4 months later...
I have similar guestion. I'm looking for very good looking lightsaber with classical RED color sound. I have one, given to me by Lord Zash but it has very basic looks. All I have found during my adventure sound like creaky windows or short circuit in an electrical socket . I've found one looking like that used by Darth Malgus in the trailers but it has ugly sound of Jedi blue lightsaber, not like it should. I would greatly appreciate the help.
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I think it adds flavor to the game, I dont want every lightsaber in the game sounding the same, and I dont mind them sounding different then they did in a 34 years old movie.


The problem is that it is very difficult to get one that you like the look and the sound.

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Yes, I have to say lightsaber sounds have been extremely disappointing in this game. As has been said previously, the one one that sounds like the movies is the first one you get (at least that I've gotten). I don't understand how you take one of most iconic sounds and turn it into something either unhearable or unrecognizable.
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  • 1 year later...

Good! More of these threads please :D. God the only sound that actually sounds good is as many of you have said already, the first lightsaber. The other sounds i don't even understand. There are many sounds from the movies that isn't in the game which could be included.

Customization is central to any RPG and the lightsaber sound is important as hell :D. Besides it makes sense as well, considering the fact that Jedi and Sith make their lightsabers...so why wouldn't they be able to modify it. It all makes sense now so come on start working on it Bioware people :).

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I've found and heard several types of sounds.


There is the ones that I call the "angry hummingbird" as they hum WAY TOO LOUD...while there are others that barely make a whisper.

I've had ones that ignite with barely a sound, ones that hiss (I rather like this sound as it reminds me of the duel in ep3 as their lightsabers hiss when they ignite them), and heard ones that sound more like a hum while igniting.


Another problem is...how do you pick an "iconic sound" for the lightsaber when the sound department of the movies (original trilogy and prequel trilogy) has already said they used different sounds for each character (so no, there was no universal lightsaber sound) and they used different sounds in different scenes despite it making no sense for the saber to just suddenly change, they did this so the saber sounds would fit in with music better.


What you view as iconic, others do not. This stems usually from which scene they choose to picture as iconic (read back, I already mentioned that they used different sounds in different scenes) and what WAY you watched the movie matters. Remastered VHS sounds different than remastered dvd, which sounds different from remastered bluray, which sounds different from ultraviolet digital edition. Yes, it has also been proven that people will hear a sound that sounds "like" what they "remember" and will forever alter that thing they see and think they hear to sound like what they "remember" it sounding like.


How do I know all those versions sound different? While watching movies I tend to have a sound program running so when I re-watch movies I can filter out sound to hear what is underneath (you would be amazed at some of the background things being said in Pacific Rim for example that is hidden by the pmary sound). With such a program, one can visually see what the sound looks like, change a pitch and it will look the same just be higher or lower in the indicator, the actual wave of the sound itself being changed means the sound itself is being changed. So really...all this focus on what you think is iconic...is more a what you think is iconic from your single favorite scene, your mind simply super-imposes that sound as much as it is able to if things are close enough.


Also, because it has to be said, most all the saber sounds from this game are sounds used in the movies for lightsabers taken directly from the Lucas Arts sound archives. This was talked about in the pre-launch information extravaganza. Yes, even that hiss is from the movies (the original trilogy in fact, it is from Luke's saber in Cloud City if memory serves).


However, yes...I wish they had more deeper sounding sabers without the annoyingly loud hum. Most that are deeper sounding on the draw and sheath also tend to have far too loud of a hum for my taste.

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I've found and heard several types of sounds.


There is the ones that I call the "angry hummingbird" as they hum WAY TOO LOUD...while there are others that barely make a whisper.

I've had ones that ignite with barely a sound, ones that hiss (I rather like this sound as it reminds me of the duel in ep3 as their lightsabers hiss when they ignite them), and heard ones that sound more like a hum while igniting.


Another problem is...how do you pick an "iconic sound" for the lightsaber when the sound department of the movies (original trilogy and prequel trilogy) has already said they used different sounds for each character (so no, there was no universal lightsaber sound) and they used different sounds in different scenes despite it making no sense for the saber to just suddenly change, they did this so the saber sounds would fit in with music better.


What you view as iconic, others do not. This stems usually from which scene they choose to picture as iconic (read back, I already mentioned that they used different sounds in different scenes) and what WAY you watched the movie matters. Remastered VHS sounds different than remastered dvd, which sounds different from remastered bluray, which sounds different from ultraviolet digital edition. Yes, it has also been proven that people will hear a sound that sounds "like" what they "remember" and will forever alter that thing they see and think they hear to sound like what they "remember" it sounding like.


How do I know all those versions sound different? While watching movies I tend to have a sound program running so when I re-watch movies I can filter out sound to hear what is underneath (you would be amazed at some of the background things being said in Pacific Rim for example that is hidden by the pmary sound). With such a program, one can visually see what the sound looks like, change a pitch and it will look the same just be higher or lower in the indicator, the actual wave of the sound itself being changed means the sound itself is being changed. So really...all this focus on what you think is iconic...is more a what you think is iconic from your single favorite scene, your mind simply super-imposes that sound as much as it is able to if things are close enough.


Also, because it has to be said, most all the saber sounds from this game are sounds used in the movies for lightsabers taken directly from the Lucas Arts sound archives. This was talked about in the pre-launch information extravaganza. Yes, even that hiss is from the movies (the original trilogy in fact, it is from Luke's saber in Cloud City if memory serves).


However, yes...I wish they had more deeper sounding sabers without the annoyingly loud hum. Most that are deeper sounding on the draw and sheath also tend to have far too loud of a hum for my taste.



Well...the point was it would be nice if you could customize your lightsaber sound. :confused:

At least be able to choose between a number of sounds.

Edited by OlofTheGreat
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