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Starting to be a bit concerned, is this game TOO casual?


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I'm also abit concerned about end game, let's face it nearly all mmo's are about rushing to level cap then doing raids/dailies for best gear. The only mmo's that I personally even think about staying with long term are the ones which allow for social communities to build up.

I'm pretty sure that means this game needs a sandbox element, we need houses/ships to decorate (similar to SWG), customizable costumes, more of a focal point for people to meet up, oh and much better space combat.

Although i'm really loving the game and quests, it feels very much like a single player game. I can see lots leaving once they hit level cap unless the game gets more social.


But hey i'm sure Bioware arent stupid and have plans to bring more things in that'll help.

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So far lvl 47 Merc and this game is very easy. Tattooine heroics were very easy. you guys must be grouping with healers that dont heal or tanks that are dps specced cause this game has literally been a faceroll so far. Thats my OPINION and im sticking to it!
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I'm sorry OP, but casual isn't playing 8 hours a day


As for content, there's 7 other stories you haven't played.


Just for the sake of comparison, new raid content in WoW usually gets cleared within 2 weeks as well. Oh noez.

Edited by dargor-
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Were we playing the same flashpoint here? The bonus boss and the final boss are needlessly difficult. We had a working system for the final boss (drag him upstairs to the top platform, thus grouping the adds together for AoE.) but our healer was very underlevelled compared to the rest of us and we suffered for it.


One thing you should know. If you ever say anything is too hard on the internet five people will jump in and contradict you just to call you names. :rolleyes:


How we solved it was having our smugg off heal and making sure we had the proper stims and that everyone had medpacs regardless.


I hope that helps

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Thats just the thing mate, i am outside , all day actually, i work outside. I play 4-5 hours a night . lvl 40.... too casual ?


4-5 hours a night puts you at 28-35 hours per week on gaming, presuming you dont play anything else.


According to the American Bureau of Labor Statistics the average time spent by a 25-34 year old male playing computer games each week is around 4.5 hours (37 minutes per week day, 41 minutes per weekend).


I am not one to judge, as I often play way more than 35 hours a week, but you certainly aren't close to casual haha

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Yeah...so...most players still complain about getting 48,000 credits together by level 25 to get their speeder. I highly doubt the way you are geared is anything close to common, which does make things harder for people.


A quote used very often works well for this situation, its called L2P.

Seriously, making credits is easy. How are people having problems making credits?


O thats right, they dont like " grindy " mmo's where they take " time " to do things in. They would rather rush rush rush . Its people that rush rush rush that have no credits and cant afford that speeder.


I get a quest, i kill more then what i have to kill, then look around for any chests in the area, kill a few " tough " and " elite " mobs ( which drop more credits btw ), kill a few more mobs for good luck etc . Some call this grinding, i call it making ends meet!!


Moral of my story, i had enough credits to buy my speeder and start me out with gear, add crafting and finding what sells, making the blue version and putting it on trade market = win......


Cool story, i got plenty more.

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When Blizzard made WoW. They absolute mandate was the game was designed for the casual player. Including the 10 minute casual player.


The fact that your posting about this game being to Casual compared to games like WoW. Only says that your a WoW hardcore; which is already a casual game. You want something NOT designed for casual. Go play Vanguard or the original Ever Quest. Then go play WoW. you will find everything has the easy switch on.


As for ToR. It's pretty standard difficulty mostly. The Heroic areas and World bosses are great though. If you do them at the right levels rather than overpowering them.


Absolutely agree! Problem is many of todays "WoW Hardcore Elite" who are on these forums whining about SW were still eating milk and cookies and wearing diapers when Everquest was released. It really was hardcore.



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4-5 hours a night puts you at 28-35 hours per week on gaming, presuming you dont play anything else.


According to the American Bureau of Labor Statistics the average time spent by a 25-34 year old male playing computer games each week is around 4.5 hours (37 minutes per week day, 41 minutes per weekend).


I am not one to judge, as I often play way more than 35 hours a week, but you certainly aren't close to casual haha


Is this the type of mmo people want then these days?

Ones developed for people playing 45 minutes a day?


What about the other end of the spectrum, the poeple that have the time and want to play 30+ hours a week.


Wheres our mmo? Dont even dare say any of those old other crappy mmo titles .They are not AAA titles, they dont count. Wheres our AAA title? Thats right ,we dont get a AAA title . So we are forced to play ( and like, or quit ) these other AAA titles that are designed for weekend warriors. Worst part is, theres not a damned thing we can do about it.. Either like it, or stop playing our favourite genre forever..

Edited by darthjerro
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Had no issues with Taral V. Perhaps it's because I'm use to playing WoW and none of the boss mechanics are new?


No they broke parts of it in a new patch. It's still doable but you will have problems with CC and mobs constantly resetting. Crashes, lag, etc.


All since the last patch, its not you being special.

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Is this the type of mmo people want then these days?

Ones developed for people playing 45 minutes a day?


What about the other end of the spectrum, the poeple that have the time and want to play 30+ hours a week.


Wheres our mmo? Dont even dare say any of those old other crappy mmo titles .They are not AAA titles, they dont count. Wheres our AAA title? Thats right ,we dont get a AAA title . So we are forced to play ( and like, or quit ) these other AAA titles that are designed for weekend warriors. Worst part is, theres not a damned thing we can do about it.. Either like it, or stop playing our favourite genre forever..


Ummm did you know that your sig concerning the Bartle Test is actually based on all those "old crappy MMO titles" LMAO. Hey and having 0% socialising kinda makes me feel I know the sorta player you are! Go back to ya console.



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This game os in credibly easy. It has a great hook but no longevity. Ive tanked every fp under lvl .im lvl 47


Thank you, this is exactly what i meant.


Something easy that gets roflstomped within the first few months does not encourage people to come back to and keep playing.


What they need is a carrot on a stick.


Gear, items etc is the carrot, challenge is the stick.

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I can't get groups for heroic missions on Tattooine and Alderaan because they're killing even overlevelled "casual" players who don't do everything right. I've had 4 groups disband saying missions they were over-levelled for were "impossible" with full groups, healing, CCing, etc.


Wait, what?


Ive done all the Heroics, and even an Area 4 (on Alderaan), on every planet up to Taris with my 3 person group. Granted we have been leveling together since day 1 and are all on vent together, but none of the content so far has been exceedingly difficult. We have done all of these at appropriate levels and with only 3 live players (BH, SW, and IA).

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Ummm did you know that your sig concerning the Bartle Test is actually based on all those "old crappy MMO titles" LMAO. Hey and having 0% socialising kinda makes me feel I know the sorta player you are! Go back to ya console.




Theres onyl 1 console game i play, and i went out to buy a ps3 just to play it. Dark souls. Epic game i recomend to everyone that wants to get better at gaming.


about my sig, i dont like to talk about idle bs while i play games, i do that at work all day. Im here to kill and progress. gaming is not my social outlet, im sorry to say. I really dont care how your day was nor what you did all day. You just keep thse heals coming in and we wont have a problem:)

Edited by darthjerro
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When Blizzard made WoW. They absolute mandate was the game was designed for the casual player. Including the 10 minute casual player.


The fact that your posting about this game being to Casual compared to games like WoW. Only says that your a WoW hardcore; which is already a casual game. You want something NOT designed for casual. Go play Vanguard or the original Ever Quest. Then go play WoW. you will find everything has the easy switch on.


As for ToR. It's pretty standard difficulty mostly. The Heroic areas and World bosses are great though. If you do them at the right levels rather than overpowering them.


Actually, this didn't take place until midway through BC. The original mantra was "Raid or Die" and end-game was VERY casual UN-friendly. The idea of pugging a raid was completely foreign.

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Wait, what?


Ive done all the Heroics, and even an Area 4 (on Alderaan), on every planet up to Taris with my 3 person group. Granted we have been leveling together since day 1 and are all on vent together, but none of the content so far has been exceedingly difficult. We have done all of these at appropriate levels and with only 3 live players (BH, SW, and IA).


For some reason , no one believes the heroic quests are easy at the right level. Either the few of us that say they are easy are lying , or the general population of tor is just bad...

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Actually, this didn't take place until midway through BC. The original mantra was "Raid or Die" and end-game was VERY casual UN-friendly. The idea of pugging a raid was completely foreign.

Compare it to the titles it followed, and that's quite untrue. What Blizzard has done well enough is evolve to meet the needs of an aging playerbase. The kid who was 15 or 16 in 2004 likely doesn't have the same time to raid now that he, or she, is a college grad.


As someone who was 23 those seven years ago, I appreciated the casual aspect of vanilla WoW and appreciate things like LFR and LFD to a great degree now.

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The game is 3 weeks old. If you have over 30 hours play time (being extremely generous), you're not casual.


So and hour and a half a day isn't casual? Uh. Pretty sure that's the definition of casual, cowboy.


I've killed about 80% of the raid bosses on WoW when they came out/were relevant and raiding in WoW in "casual" terms is as follows:


Vanilla - Casual unfriendly, 40 people gathering and difficulty because of lack of abilities, newness, and some bugs.


TBC - The least casual friendly expansion, even with the reduction to 25man the content was devastatingly hard for the average player.


WOTLK - More approachable due to 10mans, Naxx and ToC were easy, but Ulduar and TFT were difficult. Not as difficult as previous expansions but still enough to not be a pushover. Hardmodes when implemented were a lot of fun, as were doing the crazy achievements.


Cata - Difficulty back up, casualness back down. It took waaay longer for people to kill the first set of raid bosses than it did in previous expansions. Still easy to organize raids because of 10man progression (which at this point was our only progression, easier to organize and more individual responsibility/effort than a 25.) This was personally my favorite expansion because of the revamping of talents and classes, and the changing of the game style.



SWTOR Unfortunately is way too easy. I mean, my guildmates don't even bring dedicated healers to flashpoints, as long as someone in the party can cast a healing spell they don't need to be spec'd for it and we'll roll our faces on the keyboard and crush the FP. From what I've seen Ops are going to be exactly the same. Press button get loot.


I don't want content to be harder so people can't do it and have fun. I want content to be harder so that I can actually enjoy playing it and put in full effort and bring out everything my character can do. And right now that's not the case.



As for the heroic quests, if it's not a 4man heroic I can easily do it with just my companion, as both a SS and a SJ. Even the 4man ones only take me and my guild mate who is leveling at the same pace as me, hell sometimes I can still 'solo' the 4man heroics with just companion.

Edited by Ahlin
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Too casual?


I think we need to define casual, yet again.


My husband and I have been playing casually (logged in a few hours here and there depending on our plans, sometimes a late night) since launch with a short break for some home renovations that took down our internet. My commando is 26, his sentinel is 24. I have one alt at level 11. He has no alts.


In our casual guild, we have only a handful of characters over 30, one nearing 40.


I'm sure alot of folks are probably thinking "you play a couple hours or so daily and you're only in the 20's on your highest toon?"


To me, casual means that every second of logged in time isn't actively spent DOING something to max xp or gear level. My husband spent several hours scouring the planets for datacrons and even more time leveling crafting. I spent alot of time getting lost in Coruscant and the Fleet, looking at companion gifts, and just chatting with guildies.


SWTOR isn't too casual. It's just right for its target demographic - the people who play Bioware RPGs, specifically KOTOR fans - who are now probably in their late 20's, early 30's or so, married, kids/pets, a mortgage, and family responsibilities who simply want to enjoy being in the game and not busy with household chores, rather than maxing out our xp/hr gain.

Edited by Chevrefoil
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It seems that all ToR has to offer, AGAIN, is a loot chase MMO. What is it about loot anyway?

Its like we're all Barbie-dress up fanatics.

I'm disappointed that I don't have anything else to look forward to in this game. Hit 50 and scrounge groups for what? A new belt with +2 better stats and some shiney new graphic.


Is this the best talented minds in the gaming industry can come up with? Talent? I don't think so..copy-cat? Yep, all the way through.


Getting tired of the same old same old with MMO's. Once the "Oooo, its Star Wars" fades off, what's left? Aliens instead of elves...mumbling short aliens instead of dwarves, and the never ending, "I just need one more piece of gear"......OCD play-style...




/thread and game.

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