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Unwanted PVP flags during HOTH quests


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And if they're stealthed? Your 'solution' boils down to not using AoE abilities - period.


Yes, because on a PvE sever there are ALWAYS other players stalking you trying to grief. At all times. Without fail. Which OBVIOUSLY means you can't AOE in PvE quests...ever.


They're being jerks. Stop AOE'ing for a while and they'll leave.


Jeeze, some of you would have wet yourselves in UO....

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Yes, because on a PvE sever there are ALWAYS other players stalking you trying to grief. At all times. Without fail. Which OBVIOUSLY means you can't AOE in PvE quests...ever.


They're being jerks. Stop AOE'ing for a while and they'll leave.


Jeeze, some of you would have wet yourselves in UO....


Exagerate much? The point is you can never know if there are any or not, and this appears to be quite a prevalent problem. It should not be possible on a pve server. Read the Bioware description of pve server on the server select screen.


Oh and UO was so full of griefing and exploits that they had to change it and add Trammel because they lost so many people. And after the change, all we ever heard on the boards were complaints from the PKs that Felucca was completely empty. Geee, wonder why. The only people willing to play there were the PKs, griefers, and exploiters and where's the fun in having any real competition, eh?


Guess what. That's why there are pvp servers and pvp areas on the pve servers, and flagging. For the people who do want real competition. The people who don't get their jollies griefing people who don't want to play with them and trying to force them to play with them. Like little kids demanding mommie's attention and doing whatever it takes to get it.

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what is there to fix?


Attacking someone PVP flagged or healing someone flagged for PVP also auto-flags you.


This is how it works in almost EVERY MMO game.


Correct I do not understand what the OP is going on about. Plus even on PvE servers they are PvP areas.

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Correct I do not understand what the OP is going on about. Plus even on PvE servers they are PvP areas.


It is very easy to see what the OP is saying. I will try to explain it to you...he is playing on a "PVE" server and does not want to be worried about using his aoe skills and "accidently" flagging himself. This should not be happening on a PVE server...period. Sure if he ventures into a PVP zone and ignores the warning, then he is asking to get flagged. But that is not what he is experencing. Now do you understand?

Edited by Valkirus
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Yes, because on a PvE sever there are ALWAYS other players stalking you trying to grief. At all times. Without fail. Which OBVIOUSLY means you can't AOE in PvE quests...ever.


They're being jerks. Stop AOE'ing for a while and they'll leave.


Jeeze, some of you would have wet yourselves in UO....


Not aoeing ever doing quests on a PVE server? That is totally unacceptable and a failure on Bioware's part in coding for play on a PVE server. This needs to be fixed. It was a bad problem in WoW for a long time and we see it in TOR too? I was hoping TOR would be above this type of crap.

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Yeah that sounds like a bug to me. Your AOE shouldn't flag you on a PvE server, that needs to be fixed.


I rolled on a PvP server just because the idea of it was intriguing. I've been ganked a few times but never griefed. That's just an asinine style of play if you ask me.


The ganks are usually funny as I'll be merrily whacking away at a mob and suddenly there's a character that's spinning around and taking me down. I still haven't gotten used to the idea that it's another player. I'm like... when did these elites suddenly get sooo good!?!? And then I remember to look for Red and by that time it's too late.


I don't know about your server but I know if we find opposite faction camping anywhere or griefing other players an announcement on the global chat will usually scare up a sizable posse to take care of such matters. Campers don't like losing.

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Carebears are funny.


Alright Bioware you had your fun I guess you should fix PvE servers for Carebears. Or don't, these posts are fun.


People like you typically suck at real life so you are forced to gank people by exploiting game mechanics so you can feel good about how you are slightly better at video games than someone else. Great job!

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Yes, because on a PvE sever there are ALWAYS other players stalking you trying to grief. At all times. Without fail. Which OBVIOUSLY means you can't AOE in PvE quests...ever.


They're being jerks. Stop AOE'ing for a while and they'll leave.


Jeeze, some of you would have wet yourselves in UO....


I would never have PLAYED UO pre-trammel, because I read about it and knew it was a grief fest. So much of one that they HAD to roll out Trammel before EVERYONE quit.


I signed up for this game on the understanding that the definition of PvE server meaning that PvP was ALWAYS consensual only.


I expect to be able to play without having to worry about stunts like this.l

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PvP servers, and the people who play on them, are a million times superior to all the whiners on PvE.


Thank you for your introspective counterpoint to the issue at hand. You sound so mature and really really "kewl." /endsarcasm


Sorry to be rude, but if you think that this is just whining, then you must be one of those who think it's really funny to disrupt some elses game play.


As said elsewhere, how would you like a nice stealthed Champion to spawn on your head during a pvp fight on your superior pvp server, with you targetted when you're at half health? And all the while your opponents are still hitting you. That's a pretty good approximation of the inconvenience for us.

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Which means that it absolutely must be the same for SWTOR?


No, it doesn't. Bioware can change it if they choose to do so, whether or not they will remains to be seen.


Not only that, but the person you're responding to is inaccurate. Most quality MMOs have a flag that works correctly, preventing PvE abilities from affecting PvP players and flagging the user.

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Not only that, but the person you're responding to is inaccurate. Most quality MMOs have a flag that works correctly, preventing PvE abilities from affecting PvP players and flagging the user.




This a Known EXPLOIT of the flagging system thats almost as old as PvP/PvE flagging system that is used by Players for the sole purpose of griefing other players. The only people defending it are players that abuse the system or think everyone should be forced to play a PvP game (don't ask me why? I mean heck, they must think the world revolves around them or something).


Given all the Phasing/Instancing & Technology thats been developed you'd think a game that cost 100 million to develop would have something like working correctly when underbudgeted Indie games can.

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Not only that, but the person you're responding to is inaccurate. Most quality MMOs have a flag that works correctly, preventing PvE abilities from affecting PvP players and flagging the user.


Agreed. I can't help but wonder why they would leave it this way. I mean it's not like it was never brought up during beta. They can't possibly be unaware of it at this point. And they must surely have the ability to change if they wished to.


/sigh. Another day, another dime (less taxes), and still no response from BW on whether this is an intented "feature" and I should just hit "cancel" now, or if they're intending to at least look at the issue. Surely someone there must have had at least 2 minutes to spare to type a teensy little response in the last few weeks.

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I did so, was told it was 'working as intended'.


Please upload this to some photo sharing site so we can see it. This issue has been brought up many times as far back as my first beta invite (August). I have NEVER seen a dev comment yay or nay if this is intended or not.


HOWEVER...since every game forum I've ever been on (including this one) frowns upon posting exploits ( and specifically how to do them), and these threads aren't deleted, it is fairly safe to conclude that this is NOT an exploit. Cheesy? Yes. Exploit? No. Bug? Possibly.

Edited by ChicksDigHarleys
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I ran into the same thing on Hoth a few days ago. If you are republic and in republic territory you will not be flagged for PvP, however if an imperial enters republic territory they are auto-flagged. This makes it so they can't attack you unless you attack them first. The same thing happens the opposite way too. If you go into imp territory you get auto flagged but cannot attack any imps unless they decide to attack first. It's supposed to prevent base camping i guess and gives you the option to defend your factions territory, although its frustrating being in enemy territory and not being able to kill any imps.
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Agreed. I can't help but wonder why they would leave it this way. I mean it's not like it was never brought up during beta. They can't possibly be unaware of it at this point. And they must surely have the ability to change if they wished to.


/sigh. Another day, another dime (less taxes), and still no response from BW on whether this is an intented "feature" and I should just hit "cancel" now, or if they're intending to at least look at the issue. Surely someone there must have had at least 2 minutes to spare to type a teensy little response in the last few weeks.


Is this really that big of an issue? I mean, how often does it happen? Once or twice on your way to 50, or every day? I ask because I am on a PvP server and frankly, the amount of world PvP is astonishingly low. With all the instancing and sharding it is exceedingly rare to even SEE a player of the other faction. I can count the number of open world PvP encouters I have had so far on one hand. Are you saying there is more world PvP on PvE servers than actual PvP servers? If so, I need to re-roll...

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