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GTN poorely developed


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Is anyone else affected by the not so easy to use GTN? I mean, why isn't there a simple search field to begin with? Maybe I want to sell a specific item and only care to see whether there are any other sellers or what's the going rate. Why oh why to I have to go through half a dozen filters before hand?

BioWare, please make a note of this and patch it up.

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I believe the GTN needs at least two things, immediately.


1) Simple search: I shouldn't have to know that Xonolite comes from underworld trading to be able to find some. Right now I do; that's stupid.


2) Gear sort by slot: I want to find a medium armor helm for my companion. Why do I have to look through 37 pages of level-appropriate gear in other slots to find one? That's dumb.




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Is anyone else affected by the not so easy to use GTN? I mean, why isn't there a simple search field to begin with? Maybe I want to sell a specific item and only care to see whether there are any other sellers or what's the going rate. Why oh why to I have to go through half a dozen filters before hand?

BioWare, please make a note of this and patch it up.


It's actually very counter-intuitive, after fighting a lot with it, and losing, one of my guild mates told how to use it.


Choose the item 'category' from the first two dropboxes, hit search, then use the name field to refine it.


I think they did this to fraction the searches to parts of the GTN db and keep the search times low enough.


And yes, the two mandatory fields are a pain in the arse

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Why, for the love of god, do I have to search BEFORE I can filter by name? It's retarded. Then if I want to change the level range or category, I have to search again, re enter the text I was using, and then filter again.


I can see why they've done it - and I expect it's more to do with the memory overhead and processing required to display 300 pages of items than the query to retrieve them - but they're simply not thinking about how people are going to want to use the system.


Reset and search button are too close also. Too many times I've entered my search settings and misclicked reset by mistake.


I can't order results by price per unit. That means I'm paging back and forward through resources instead of doing 1 filter click and purchasing.


It really is a terrible system.

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In WoW I would play the economy a fair deal, as it was none too difficult to quickly learn market trends.


Here, however, the GTN is so...unintuitive, I guess would be the word. I avoid using it, because it's so clunky. A simple search feature would alleviate all problems - 'I have 'X', I wonder what the going rate is? Oh its 'Y'. I could sell it now or watch the market over the next few days and try to calculate peaks.'


I actually spent 5 minutes scrolling through pages to find a schematic I wanted to sell yesterday, only to find it was worthless. The time I wasted finding its market value was worth more than the item itself.


So, yes. +1 and /signed.

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Lot of valid points here.


and there's the matter of items being in wrong categories (for example underworld trading goods being in diplomacy (at least on french server).


Also :

* orange items should get their own category

* "usable by" filter is not working

* we need an auctioning sytem (with a buyout value), not only a sales/deposit system.

* search box with the ability to paste item name from inventory

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It is without a doubt the worst feature in the game although i do like the selling side of it, the buying side of it is almost un-usable without knowing specifically what you want and where it comes from.


Once the interface is fixed maybe people will finally stop posting crap at the default buyout value the GTN assigns.

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Still better then it was hopefully they continue to make it better.


Just to all the WoW folks just cause that is what you are used to doesn't make it the best lets give them a bit more time. We all know the GTN isn't great right now.


The point you should be taking is that if they closely copied what WoW had then it would be far better than what we have right now. The AH is far superior to the GTN just because of how easy it is to use. Shift-Click an item to insert it to the name field and search for it. Tabbable fields in the interface so you don't have to take your hands off your keyboard while inputting information to make a click on a mouse. Armor can be sorted by slot, not just classification (light, med, heavy).


My frustration is that the economy of a game can be just as compelling as the community and gameplay, and the GTN seriously hinders SWTOR's economy.


If another game has a better market interface than WoW then state which game that is so the devs can check out that game's interface. Don't just hate on the people coming over from WoW who see that this is obviously a broken feature in this game. The point is that WoW's market interface worked, and SWTOR needs to catch up in that department.

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Both search function and sort by armor slot were removed in beta.


Are you serious? They had it in and actually removed it? I can't even begin to imagine a reason for that beyond pure sadism.


Much like these forums, BW hates search functions.


Yes, that's another peeve of mine.



Also, seconded to the comment above about companions returning from missions and closing your search window. There are few things in this game quite as rage-inducing as that.

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Also, it looks like the AH does not work cross faction. Is that correct? If I post something as an Imperial I would expect a Republic player should be able to buy it. Otherwise I am losing half a server of potential customers.
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The point you should be taking is that if they closely copied what WoW had then it would be far better than what we have right now. The AH is far superior to the GTN just because of how easy it is to use. Shift-Click an item to insert it to the name field and search for it. Tabbable fields in the interface so you don't have to take your hands off your keyboard while inputting information to make a click on a mouse. Armor can be sorted by slot, not just classification (light, med, heavy).


My frustration is that the economy of a game can be just as compelling as the community and gameplay, and the GTN seriously hinders SWTOR's economy.


If another game has a better market interface than WoW then state which game that is so the devs can check out that game's interface. Don't just hate on the people coming over from WoW who see that this is obviously a broken feature in this game. The point is that WoW's market interface worked, and SWTOR needs to catch up in that department.



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Is anyone else affected by the not so easy to use GTN? I mean, why isn't there a simple search field to begin with? Maybe I want to sell a specific item and only care to see whether there are any other sellers or what's the going rate. Why oh why to I have to go through half a dozen filters before hand?

You only *have* to do two filters. The GTN being difficult to use for sellers is good for sellers willing to put in the time, since it creates a higher barrier to entry into the market.

One thing I can't seem to find are archaeological fragments -- what category are they in??

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You only *have* to do two filters. The GTN being difficult to use for sellers is good for sellers willing to put in the time, since it creates a higher barrier to entry into the market.

One thing I can't seem to find are archaeological fragments -- what category are they in??


That's not a good thing.


In an MMORPG when I'm trying to get rich, what I'm looking at is Return On Investment. 'Investment' is my personal time. 10 seconds to tell a companion to craft something. 30 seconds to list an item, etc. X minutes for a daily, or out gathering on a planet. All that matters is how many credits I make per minute of my time invested in the game. SWTOR adds an extra dimension to this in that I have a limited number of 'companion minutes' per day to use too, but these just limit what I craft and have no value beyond opportunity cost.


A difficult to use AH means fewer sellers, fewer buyers, longer to purchase mats, longer to list items, and so on. Whilst individual profits on items might be higher, the lower turnover and higher time taken to get the mats & list the item due to the crappy interface, means I'm making less credits per minute than I would with a nice, clean interface.


Getting twice the profit on an item does not help me if it takes me three times longer to list it, and they sell at half the rate.


So not a good thing.

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