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    Grenoble, France
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    Snowboard, mmorpg
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    IT manager
  1. Le problème est que : 1. Vous ne communiquez pas les chiffres 2. vos affirmations vont à l'encontre du ressenti des joueurs ou de la réalité du terrain (hotel des ventes, flotte de la république, pvp matchmaking) 3. Vos solutions ne sont pas satisfaisantes Le résultat en est que de moins en moins de joueurs vous font confiance ou reste optimiste pour l'avenir du jeu. Vous n'attachez pas assez d'importance aux joueurs globalement et à leurs impressions : dans un mmo, c'est la foi que chacun à en l'avenir et la pérennité de la population qui détermine le succès du jeu. Malheureusement, vos solutions semble plus répondre à des chiffres non communiqués qu'aux retours utilisateurs, notre foi s’ébranle. A titre d'exemple vous avez mentionnés des "super/méga serveurs" et là on n'a le droit qu'à des transferts spécifiques à un faible nombre de monde, ce qui concrètement ressemble plus à de la poudre aux yeux qu'une réponse à un problème global.
  2. Space battle of course but done right (imho) : * ala X-wing Vs Tie Fighter * purpose for space combat. Some example of goals, 3 last ones being a reflection of what we have now on planets : - crafting and space trade roads for ship related crafting (pvp or pve). Each time you go on trade, you can choose the type of road (pve or pvp) with a risk of interception (if you're doing pve trade, you can be intercepted by republic/imperials/pirates and on pvp by other player / players). - a generalisation of the first example to all ressources : each planets will have their own ressources that can only transported between planets by cargo with a risk of interception. For that to work, trade network need to be specific to each planet with the exception of the GTN shared between capital planet and the main space station. That would open a whole new dimension to the game. Some players would specialize in harvesting, some in trading, some in piratery. - space operation (raid) identical to planetary ones but with endgame pve rewards. Here we can even imagine a mix of space and foot one : the first few bosses are space based with the second half of the operation taking place aboard a capital ship with ground bases bosses. - daily pve and pvp mission for some endgame parts - pvp battlefield with endgame pvp rewards.
  3. Lot of valid points here. and there's the matter of items being in wrong categories (for example underworld trading goods being in diplomacy (at least on french server). Also : * orange items should get their own category * "usable by" filter is not working * we need an auctioning sytem (with a buyout value), not only a sales/deposit system. * search box with the ability to paste item name from inventory
  4. Hi there, Done that recently for a friend with the same computer. basically you have two options : 1. you play at or under 1680*1050, an ATI Radeon HD 6670 will run the game smoothly without forced anti aliasing. 2. upgrade the PSU to a 80+ certified 600W Corsair/Coolermaster or equivalent and get yourself an ATI Radeon HD 6950 (ATI cards run better than Nvidia for swtor in the same price range). you should be under the 400$ mark. notice : do check the size of the card and make sure it fits in the inspiron. Some model with custom cooler/board may not fit. If you can i'd recommend getting the direct CUII model from Asus, great component and low noise level.
  5. I can't seems to access the vendors, they show on map but not in the world. Also where's the lift to the room ? Any help will be welcome i'd like to have my dancer !
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