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this is an mmo right?


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Wasn't the whole point of this game to be the journey to max level and not "world firsts". I'm sorry, but if you're looking for that playing experience then there's a fantastic option through a competing MMO that's been around for awhile. This is an mmoRPG (heavy emphasis on the RPG).
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the PvP thing is sad.


It's also false. Follow the developer tracker on the forums folks, it tells you all kinds of relevant information. For example, one of the last posts by SR states that nobody is even close to lvl 30 yet, even with the exploit.

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It's part of the mental illness that makes up 75% or more of the American population. Value as a human being is being defined as how much stuff you have, or as long as you have more stuff (including "firsts") than the guy next to you you must be a better person, have more value to society, be more worthy of whatever ill gotten gains you have (that's why people are proud of what they get from cheating, too).


It's pretty sad.. but there you have it.


If you are going to define having a "first" as a thing of value, Then i can say the same thing with kindness/charity/ect.


Why do people give to charity or random acts of kindness? It makes them happy, thus is can be reasoned that their reasons are selfish. They are trying to prove they are better than everyone else by being "more" generous or kind than other people. The counter to this argument is people who do said things but never brag or try to get people to notice what they do... But this is flawed, they do it for personal satisfaction.


There are many papers and texts about this debate, basically comes down to whether humans are intrinsically evil or good.


This theory applied to your post: You are making yourself feel better/superior by degrading other people (Americans in your example). You try to distance yourself from the fact that you are doing the very thing your condemning with phrases like "mental illness" and referring to society as them, as if you are not a part of society.

Edited by Xassifax
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Have you looked at the world recently. By definition, life and the process of evolution is about getting ahead of other people/species.


False. The American Culture breeds this mental deficiency because it helps drive consumerism which increases profits. There is nothing in nature that rewards greed, evolution isn't about being "better than everyone else" but is about adapting and surviving (and has nothing to do with social structures as they are unnatural across the broader state of nature). All this competition exists solely in Humans, not in any other species on the planet. In fact, virtually every other big brained species out there thrives on cooperation, not competition. Competition only enters into it when there's limited resources required for LIFE, not bragging rights.


There is a million examples of this... Grades in school or any ranking system. Politicians, people trying to get a promotion, athletic competitions, the list goes on. There is also a simple emotion called envy...


Envy only exists in humans. And it only exists in insecure people (aka: mentally weak or damaged).



Why would people completely turn on nature when playing a game?



More to the point, why do people turn against nature all the time, especially when it's detrimental to do so? Being proud of your achievements is "natural", being desperate to shove that in other people's faces, demanding to be able to brag about it to complete strangers, belies, again, mental disorders.


I will admit that in real life its not as extreme as in videogames sometimes, but you cant deny that the majority of societies in the world are based on this idea.


Actually, most advanced societies are NOT rooted in such things. America is.. some other consumerist nations are.. places where dysfunction is rampant and education and compassion and empathy are lacking.. but it is by FAR not the "normal construct for most societies".


If you do deny this, please explain why you are not a person living off the land with no contact with any sort of money. (if you are such a person, my apologies... how are you on the internet?)



You're offering a false dichotomy here. Living in a society that's sick doesn't mean you have to be sick yourself. Choosing to provide for yourself and your family, to be comfortable and take advantage of the technology that exists doesn't mean you have to also embrace all aspects of that society. It doesn't mean you have to be a braggart or tie your personal worth as a human being to baubles. I don't engage in rampant consumerism. I don't try to make others think I'm better than them by what I own. I'm not vain or a braggart. I go to work, earn my pay, pay my bills, and buy meager things to stay comfortable.. and I do it without caring what other people think of it or what they might think of my non-brand-name items I own. I live for me, and I don't care if you're impressed or not.


Of course.. I'm not dysfunctional like most people.

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Envy only exists in humans. And it only exists in insecure people (aka: mentally weak or damaged).




LOLOLOLOL. Dogs, whales, all chimps, dolphins, meercats, and MANY MANY other animals exhibit coveting and that is envy just in case you didn't know.

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If you are going to define having a "first" as a thing of value, Then i can say the same thing with kindness/charity/ect.


Why do people give to charity or random acts of kindness? It makes them happy, thus is can be reasoned that their reasons are selfish. They are trying to prove they are better than everyone else by being "more" generous or kind than other people. The counter to this argument is people who do said things but never brag or try to get people to notice what they do... But this is flawed, they do it for personal satisfaction.


There are many papers and texts about this debate, basically comes down to whether humans are intrinsically evil or good.


This theory applied to your post: You are making yourself feel better/superior by degrading other people (Americans in your example). You try to distance yourself from the fact that you are doing the very thing your condemning with phrases like "mental illness" and referring to society as them, as if you are not a part of society.


Personal satisfaction by helping others, making things better for other living creatures.. you equate that to bragging about being "first" in a game? I think you prove my point about the rest of my post. And yes, I'm part of "society", but I'm part of the "quietly help others to make their life better" (or, the 25% that isn't borderline clinical), I'm not part of the 75% that feels good by ******** on others.

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All this competition exists solely in Humans, not in any other species on the planet. In fact, virtually every other big brained species out there thrives on cooperation, not competition. Competition only enters into it when there's limited resources required for LIFE, not bragging rights.


Envy only exists in humans. And it only exists in insecure people (aka: mentally weak or damaged).



This is mainly because we are at the top of the food chain... In a sense, once a species has achieved that goal, the only thing that can threaten an individual of that species are other members of that species.


Also i'm 99% sure there have been case studies to prove envy in other species... I don't have a specific name of a paper on hand... but yea.


This is kinda getting off-topic. And people have been debating the essence of what we are for centuries... I can almost guarantee neither side will budge.

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I have looked but I do not believe anyone has brought up the world'd first kills. a day is insurmountable. Any guild that got in after day one will have virtually no chance to compete with day one guilds.



"Everyone will eventually be able to get the same experience."- no no they will not. competition is so big for top end guilds that by doing this slow release as it were is taking away a dimension of mmo for hard core mmo guilds. it almost depresses me that you are robbing folks of content. point for idiocracy.


"People knew the timeline and the outcome when they preordered"- Maybe, however it does not detract from the fact that friends, and guilds are playing a mmo at differing times. let me just make sure we all get that. an mmo a genre dedicated to people playing together has segregated friends into not being able to play together unless let in on the same wave. if they would play together from different waves that means that the former invitee would have to wait for the later invitee... giving no reason for the former invitee to play. point idiocracy.


It has been pointed out but the PvP exploit is more beneficial to those who get to use it sooner

"WE will punish the people who are using this exploit accordingly." - will you? and how so? bans? if no bans then its nuts. hell give me two days with the exploit right now then ban me for a week. I will still have 2-3 chars at 50 when i get back, most people who level with out the exploit will be able to get maybe one char to 50... fair trade right? point idiocracy.


while we are on PvP let us reiterate the first point for PvP. How much more time will i need to spend getting rofl stomped by PvP-Tier1 geared ppl until i get to a gear lvl i can handle people? (no point as i really don't know this)


we KNOW the servers can handle more than your preorder base. you like the trickle idea and that is cool, but this is a little Willie Wonka letting 5 kids into an empty candy factory while the rest are hand stretched, pressed so hard against the gate our faces have gate marks on them.


* disclaimer this is in know way a QQ let me in post. the quotes do not represent the sayings of BW/EA but a reflection of the posters view of standard arguments presented by the aforementioned companies. blah blah blah





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i love how top end guild is defined as a guild that has some meaningful achievement in some arbitrary game that will be long gone by the time you have 6 feet of dirt over your head.


a top end community doenst concern themselves with such insignificant and meaningless things as "First To Complete Operation X". it really is quite sad that such things are a measuring stick.

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LOLOLOLOL. Dogs, whales, all chimps, dolphins, meercats, and MANY MANY other animals exhibit coveting and that is envy just in case you didn't know.


Not to the same degree humans do.. they won't kill each other over such things. The kind of petty envy we're talking about in humans isn't the same in those species you talk about and is often tied to survival instinct (dogs fighting over bones, for example).


Given that animals in the wild don't go shopping and show off things they can afford to buy, strictly tying their value as beings to baubles, it's reasonable to say the kind of envy animals exhibit isn't on the same level as humans.

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Personal satisfaction by helping others, making things better for other living creatures.. you equate that to bragging about being "first" in a game? I think you prove my point about the rest of my post. And yes, I'm part of "society", but I'm part of the "quietly help others to make their life better" (or, the 25% that isn't borderline clinical), I'm not part of the 75% that feels good by ******** on others.


I was presenting another argument with the original assumptions you made. The fact that you disagree with it means you are disagreeing with your own argument.


Also i can define a guild as a society... When i get a server first it brings prestige to the guild as well as my character... thus i am helping a society.

(kinda a loose jump there, but the basic point remains.)

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