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this is an mmo right?


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I have looked but I do not believe anyone has brought up the world'd first kills. a day is insurmountable. Any guild that got in after day one will have virtually no chance to compete with day one guilds.



"Everyone will eventually be able to get the same experience."- no no they will not. competition is so big for top end guilds that by doing this slow release as it were is taking away a dimension of mmo for hard core mmo guilds. it almost depresses me that you are robbing folks of content. point for idiocracy.


"People knew the timeline and the outcome when they preordered"- Maybe, however it does not detract from the fact that friends, and guilds are playing a mmo at differing times. let me just make sure we all get that. an mmo a genre dedicated to people playing together has segregated friends into not being able to play together unless let in on the same wave. if they would play together from different waves that means that the former invitee would have to wait for the later invitee... giving no reason for the former invitee to play. point idiocracy.


It has been pointed out but the PvP exploit is more beneficial to those who get to use it sooner

"WE will punish the people who are using this exploit accordingly." - will you? and how so? bans? if no bans then its nuts. hell give me two days with the exploit right now then ban me for a week. I will still have 2-3 chars at 50 when i get back, most people who level with out the exploit will be able to get maybe one char to 50... fair trade right? point idiocracy.


while we are on PvP let us reiterate the first point for PvP. How much more time will i need to spend getting rofl stomped by PvP-Tier1 geared ppl until i get to a gear lvl i can handle people? (no point as i really don't know this)


we KNOW the servers can handle more than your preorder base. you like the trickle idea and that is cool, but this is a little Willie Wonka letting 5 kids into an empty candy factory while the rest are hand stretched, pressed so hard against the gate our faces have gate marks on them.


* disclaimer this is in know way a QQ let me in post. the quotes do not represent the sayings of BW/EA but a reflection of the posters view of standard arguments presented by the aforementioned companies. blah blah blah

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I have looked but I do not believe anyone has brought up the world'd first kills. a day is insurmountable. Any guild that got in after day one will have virtually no chance to compete with day one guilds.



"Everyone will eventually be able to get the same experience."- no no they will not. competition is so big for top end guilds that by doing this slow release as it were is taking away a dimension of mmo for hard core mmo guilds. it almost depresses me that you are robbing folks of content. point for idiocracy.


"People knew the timeline and the outcome when they preordered"- Maybe, however it does not detract from the fact that friends, and guilds are playing a mmo at differing times. let me just make sure we all get that. an mmo a genre dedicated to people playing together has segregated friends into not being able to play together unless let in on the same wave. if they would play together from different waves that means that the former invitee would have to wait for the later invitee... giving no reason for the former invitee to play. point idiocracy.


It has been pointed out but the PvP exploit is more beneficial to those who get to use it sooner

"WE will punish the people who are using this exploit accordingly." - will you? and how so? bans? if no bans then its nuts. hell give me two days with the exploit right now then ban me for a week. I will still have 2-3 chars at 50 when i get back, most people who level with out the exploit will be able to get maybe one char to 50... fair trade right? point idiocracy.


while we are on PvP let us reiterate the first point for PvP. How much more time will i need to spend getting rofl stomped by PvP-Tier1 geared ppl until i get to a gear lvl i can handle people? (no point as i really don't know this)


we KNOW the servers can handle more than your preorder base. you like the trickle idea and that is cool, but this is a little Willie Wonka letting 5 kids into an empty candy factory while the rest are hand stretched, pressed so hard against the gate our faces have gate marks on them.


* disclaimer this is in know way a QQ let me in post. the quotes do not represent the sayings of BW/EA but a reflection of the posters view of standard arguments presented by the aforementioned companies. blah blah blah


we will all be able to compete very soon when we all start hitting 50.

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Your whole point is moot. Any top-end guild that would be competing for a world first kill would have had all their players pre-order on day one. If they didn't they're not a top-end guild. So they're all going to be on the same playing field.
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Your whole point is moot. Any top-end guild that would be competing for a world first kill would have had all their players pre-order on day one. If they didn't they're not a top-end guild. So they're all going to be on the same playing field.


Truth so simple it almost hurts...

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Your whole point is moot. Any top-end guild that would be competing for a world first kill would have had all their players pre-order on day one. If they didn't they're not a top-end guild. So they're all going to be on the same playing field.




That's only true if said guild knew they would all be moving over to this game on day one.


Either way 99.9% of the population has no chance of competing with world first type guilds in the first place, so the point is moot.


Players concerned with world first progression will likely power level past you even if they start DAYS after you. Don't worry about it.

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They'll be opening servers all through this time period. Hop on one with your guild first day, problem solved. (If there really even is a problem.)


World first is just that, a world first. A world first is necessarily a server first, but a server first is not necessarily a world first.

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It was stated long ago there will be no rewards for server/world firsts in swtor. They are counter to what the game is based around. The devs want people to enjoy the story and explore the world. A mad dash to 50 is not the main focus in the game so might as well take your time and enjoy the ride.
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That's only true if said guild knew they would all be moving over to this game on day one.


Either way 99.9% of the population has no chance of competing with world first type guilds in the first place, so the point is moot.


Players concerned with world first progression will likely power level past you even if they start DAYS after you. Don't worry about it.



By definition, progression is doing something FIRST. Please elaborate how this is possible when people get a huge headstart on you. I fully anticipate a lot of the 0-49 dungeons being cleared before i even am allowed to log on. Maybe even some of the lvl 50.


When you hit 50 with the first "wave" of powerlevers, you get a chance to raid/group with the hardcore people and get a chance to gain entry into progression guilds if you are not a part of one.


When that "wave" is staggered, the people who get in last miss this opportunity.

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I don't get this argument against early release staggering AT ALL. Heres why:


If it was a mass early release the Queues and servers would be overloaded and it would be impossible to get a hardcore guild on at the same time anyways. Everyone just jumping on and sitting in Queues all day may seem better because you are "in" the game but it just makes things more difficult for everyone.


Surely these "Hardcore" MMO players would know that during the releases of other MMO's the servers have been inconsistent, laggy and full. I don't see how that is better than a staggered release. I don't see how letting everyone in at once would make it easier to obtain world firsts and being the best guild.


If they let everyone in today there would be people on here complaining about how they didn't get a chance to be first in anything, or get the name they wanted, or down the first bosses BECAUSE THE QUEUES WERE 2 DAYS LONG AND THE SERVERS WERE TOO LAGGY


I dare someone to prove me wrong.

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Your whole point is moot. Any top-end guild that would be competing for a world first kill would have had all their players pre-order on day one. If they didn't they're not a top-end guild. So they're all going to be on the same playing field.




top end guilds expect more from a company, then this rubbish they have produced with staggering.

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Does it really matter who kills what first? There arent any achievements in this game yet.


I understand your point, but it just seems silly to worry about this now.


Do you think world/server firsts only started being tracked once WoW got achievements for them?


It doesn't matter if Bioware thinks it's relevant. The community interested in such things will keep track of it.

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I don't get this argument against early release staggering AT ALL. Heres why:


If it was a mass early release the Queues and servers would be overloaded and it would be impossible to get a hardcore guild on at the same time anyways. Everyone just jumping on and sitting in Queues all day may seem better because you are "in" the game but it just makes things more difficult for everyone.


Surely these "Hardcore" MMO players would know that during the releases of other MMO's the servers have been inconsistent, laggy and full. I don't see how that is better than a staggered release. I don't see how letting everyone in at once would make it easier to obtain world firsts and being the best guild.


If they let everyone in today there would be people on here complaining about how they didn't get a chance to be first in anything, or get the name they wanted, or down the first bosses BECAUSE THE QUEUES WERE 2 DAYS LONG AND THE SERVERS WERE TOO LAGGY


I dare someone to prove me wrong.








Poeple who play to PVP are being put at a huge disadvantage straight up, we will have weeks of being at a disadvantage due to this JOKE, they call a release.

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top end guilds expect more from a company, then this rubbish they have produced with staggering.


No, Shestin is absolutely right. If a guild was serious about getting server firsts in this game, KNOWING access would be staggered (and we all knew it would be), they sure as hell would have made sure they got people signed up on Day One. I'd even be willing to bet that many of them did.

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It was stated long ago there will be no rewards for server/world firsts in swtor. They are counter to what the game is based around. The devs want people to enjoy the story and explore the world. A mad dash to 50 is not the main focus in the game so might as well take your time and enjoy the ride.


and that is short sighted for the devs honestly. don't get me wrong i'm not a first killer but i like that aspect of the game. the devs put something in the game they want people to take advantage of, a great ride. then they put in this spacey bary thing. so they obviously want choice. they are taking away much of that choice by not caring about things like power guilds. 99.9% of the people won't be that guild but ost 80% or so will care, that's a big ball drop imo. but understanding that it's one the devs don't care about seems more like neglect

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Everyone just jumping on and sitting in Queues all day may seem better because you are "in" the game but it just makes things more difficult for everyone.


Psychological effects are an extremely powerful tool. Also when everyone is sitting in a que or getting lag... At least you are still in the game and can look at it. At the moment 80%+ of the playerbase doesn't even have the pretty scenery to occupy their enthusiasm.

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Your whole point is moot. Any top-end guild that would be competing for a world first kill would have had all their players pre-order on day one. If they didn't they're not a top-end guild. So they're all going to be on the same playing field.



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