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Frustration and disappointment


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You're right, a £800 custom build with Intel Core i5 2500 3.3Ghz, 16GB Corsair DDR3 and 2GB ATI Radeon HD 6950 is pretty softcore...


This is what I'm looking at


AMD Phenom II x4 945 3.0Ghz OC'ed to 3.4Ghz

Nvidia 550 Ti (PNY OC'ed)

8 GB of G.Skill 1600 RAM DDR3

500 GB Seagate Barracuda (7200 RPM)


Never taken me more than 30 seconds to load, and that is at most. My machine isn't a beast either, but perhaps something is damaged? Maybe your connection is a bit slow?

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Maybe its the configuration or exact combination of hardware, but with my i5, 8 gb ram, and gtx 260 it has *never* taken over a minute to load any planet. Other people in my guild complain about loading times too, so I'm not sure. I just know I don't experience this.


It's just painful. Most times I'll hit the leave ship door and just go make coffee or something... compared to some of the other bugs and things it's a pretty minor annoyance though.

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Maybe your connection is a bit slow?


My connection is never more than about 90ms, usually closer to 40ms. I've never disconnected or visibly lagged from poor connection. Updates come down at about 1.5mb/s.


If it was something I could just fix on my side I would. I play 3 other MMO's and none of them are anywhere near as bad.

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I have to agree on the Companions...I am not sure if you are a female gamer I am on the light side and let me tell you what - the Companions for your option to romance are awful..


Lets see- I have a Consular and just dinged 30 the only guy I have to romance so far is a man who dresses like a clown, and is in love with a Holo recording ...I think I slept with him (no clue as to as for sure all I was doing was flirting then the screen went black then he dumped me for Holiday) I was like ***???


Corso Riggs- is the only other one and I am sorry but the Redneck thing is just not me but

what the heck its my only option...and he still has not said a word to me since he kissed me. who knows maybe hes in love with his gun and I will get dumped also ...


Now my husband who plays a Jedi he has the best companion Kira she is done really well I am tempted to roll a male next time just so I can have a good companion...


Bioware usually does so well with the companions but so far it reminds me of Dragon Age 2 companions and Mass Effect 2 ( for a female player)...Daoc2 they just did horrible with them and in Mass Effect 2 the romance options for females was god awful.. I got a Lizard man and Garrus and well the other guy but for like 10 levels all he said was 'Were good Shepard why push it " over and over and over...then I rolled a male and life was good ...


I think Bioware needs to hire women to make companions because so far they are all a big big let down! Just not for the romance but all of them need a revamp they are very dull and I have no want to level any of them.




Yes, my GF plays and hates the options she has not to mention the G rated end romance scans. The "PG rated" Bio Ware Mass Affect type thing she and I were anticipating.

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I've never once understood why people complain about loading screens.


It's like complaining the sun is too bright, or that you have to go to work that day.

I never had an issue with them, but it appears certain machine set ups have a huge problem with loading screens.


They seem to be aware of it but can't fix it, because it was a question that popped up continually in the beta surveys, "how was the load time?"


From reading and research I'm beginning to suspect the "Hero" engine was a huge mistake. I think it's only been used in one unsuccessful game. It seems to be very developer friendly with features like source control for world development, which as a software developer is a real cool feature, but it also looks like that as a end client gaming engine, it's an unmitigated disaster.


No high quality textures, bad performance, no AA support. When was the last time a game launched without AA support. That is a huge blunder right there.

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I have to log in to my character with a password. BREAKS IMMERSION.

I have to type to talk to people. BREAKS IMMERSION.

I have to go to the restroom often. BREAKS IMMERSION.

I equip gear by click on them. BREAKS IMMERSION.

I need to be a certain level to equip said gear. BREAKS IMMERSION.


Remember that time that you didn't say anything useful? Oh wait, that's now.

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I have a monster gaming rig and still up to 3 minute load times... it has very little to do with the PC.


P.S. 8 Gigs is not a lot of ram.


If it takes 3 minutes to load on your computer, then it's NOT a monster ;)

And p.s. 8 gb of ram is indeed alot of ram. I have 8 in my computer, and the most i have ever used at once, is about 7.3 and that was under heavy unpacking... 8gb is by far enough for this game.

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Seeing as Nar Shadda takes longer to load on my SSD than it takes to boot windows (22 seconds) I certainly agree with the OP.


not valid really...the ammount of data being read when loading Nar Shadda is substantially bigger then what windows needs to load when its booting ...

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Loading screens not necessary........


maybe you should code games lol


Being someone who has...


There are some serious problems behind the scenes that are making planetary loading screens longer then needed. Beyond that, though, there are not a ton of loading screens, but I think what might be offhandedly considered a 'loading screen' is the waste of time that getting on your ship is.


Bob wants to talk to you on the space station....fly/port to space port, run a mile thru the space port, run a mile across the hanger, get in your ship, wait for a long take off scene, then run all the way thru your ship, click on the map a couple of times, go thru 'fly thru space' cut scene, then end up where you are going, run back to the other side of the ship, click on the door...another cut scene of your ship now going close to your destination. You then run a mile across the hanger, then run a mile thru the space port, fly to location you are going...have 30sec conversation.......do that all over again to get back to the planet you were on.....*shoots self in head* Running around with the cut scenes for travel and the HUGE rooms for no reason gets a bit old.

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Being someone who has...


There are some serious problems behind the scenes that are making planetary loading screens longer then needed. Beyond that, though, there are not a ton of loading screens, but I think what might be offhandedly considered a 'loading screen' is the waste of time that getting on your ship is.


Bob wants to talk to you on the space station....fly/port to space port, run a mile thru the space port, run a mile across the hanger, get in your ship, wait for a long take off scene, then run all the way thru your ship, click on the map a couple of times, go thru 'fly thru space' cut scene, then end up where you are going, run back to the other side of the ship, click on the door...another cut scene of your ship now going close to your destination. You then run a mile across the hanger, then run a mile thru the space port, fly to location you are going...have 30sec conversation.......do that all over again to get back to the planet you were on.....*shoots self in head* Running around with the cut scenes for travel and the HUGE rooms for no reason gets a bit old.


This has certainly been an annoyance for me but hey, it's realistic!

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slow loading times has to do with comp speed and amount of ram... do you have 8 gigs ? if not yea its gonna load slow . dont blame the game for you're lack of pc



Always the answer isn't it? It's always the persons pc, well let me tell ya bubba, I got 8 gigs of ram, I got a 1 gig card, and it's still slow loading.................you people are what developers DON'T need.

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slow loading times has to do with comp speed and amount of ram... do you have 8 gigs ? if not yea its gonna load slow . dont blame the game for you're lack of pc


The game only uses 4 gigs of ram max.


it's the game, we've already gone over this too many times. Once you get past lvl 35 or so the loading times get worse and worse.


Never que a WF from Alderaan.

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Voice over is great … BUT: Again, a favorite of mine, but after level 20 ish it was same old answered to the point nothing was new. For a part of the game that obviously had focus and $$ invested they set it up to boar me after level 2-25 as all the answered were now on “heard that for the 10th time”. I mean they realy could have had these actors say the same thing 10 different ways then used an RNG/Random code to select 1 of many for the “same” type of response to make this interesting 1-50.



Tell me about it.

I'll gladly accept the "You can't play the auction house or else you get banned" nonsense if I never have to hear "I can do this in my sleep. Maybe I will/I'll sleepwalk through it.Maybe I will" or "Now you'll see how Havoc Squad gets things done" again.

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