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2 weeks worth of credits wiped out in a mis-click


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You could always put in a petition in-game.


... wait for it ...











Yeah, anyways, good luck with that. This is what will happen to your "petition"...


- Five to fourteen days later, you'll get an auto-response from a CS bot that parsed your message, sends you some useless drivel, and "closes" your petition as "solved"


- Petition again, and five to fourteen days later....



I think you get the point. There are no CS "real people" employed by EA/BioWare to support this game. Just suck it up, have some fun for a few months, then flip EA the bird and come play Guild Wars 2 with the rest of us.

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I reached 50 yeaterday and when I went to my trainer was pleased to see a long list of trainable skills rather then the usual one or two you get in the previous levels. I just clicked accept for everything in the list. Switched to the force skills and started to click and accept only to realise I had no credits left. I had almost 400k so where did it all go.


It went on speeder pilot 3 which I hadn't even noticed. Not sure how much it cost but it must have been about 300k. There really should be a way to sell the skill back to your trainer if you make this mistake. I lost all the credits i had managed to accumulate in over 2 weeks play in one mis-click


Are you seriously complaining about you not reading?


When you complain to someone to protect you against your own ignorance/laziness it makes you look... well ignorant and lazy.


On the upside you can move super fast now.

Edited by gannonmoss
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Are you seriously complaining about you not reading?


When you complain to someone to protect you against your own ignorance/laziness it makes you look... well ignorant and lazy.


This. People are actually asking for Bioware to make everything idiot-proof.


A simple solution is for people to stop being idiots.

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"Do you want to click this? Yes or No"


"Okay but, seriously, do you REALLY want to click this? Yes or No"


"Just making sure if you actually want to do this. Yes or No"


" ... Really? Yes or No "


" Sigh, alright then. "


Even though that would be hilarious, how about you try to be smart instead of asking for Bioware to input ways to stop you from being dumb? Look at the price, look at your money, consider the worth and make a decision.


The only thing dumb here is your example.

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Obviously, the people in this thread that say "it's your fault" "pay attention!" and other things along that line have never been in business for themselves or have any concept about these things. Living your life with such a strictness can give you health problems! I swear!


There is ALWAYS a return policy! Can you imagine buying something in a store, willingly, and then getting it home and it doesn't suite you for one reason or the other, taking it back to the store and only getting 1% refund? Honestly?


Can you imagine going to a store to return something you bought with US Dollars and only received Monopoly money in return? You don't even receive store credit! You get a kind of money that you can't even use towards a repurchase.


There should be a grace period when you buy something, even if it is simply 30 minutes and never been equipped, that you can return for full price.


If this is too difficult for BW to code in, then a confirm box should be there.


There are too many ways to accidentally buy something you don't need or want. The items are set in a cumbersome order. If you try to click to view, it can purchase an item. If you want something with aim, the cunning one is right above or below and the mouse floats over the line and you click...


I'm sure BW has coders who can put these functions in the game very easily. For those who don't think they are necessary, don't use the sell-back option and lie in the bed you made and teach yourself the lesson of being "careful" all the time without any reprieve.


PS: For those of you who don't realize this, many threads were made in regard to this problem during BETA. Along with the UI problems, the GTM problems, and many other problems that make the game cumbersome and in some instances un-fun. They were ignored and nothing was done.

Edited by Appletaz
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I would like to see them disable the "Buy" script whenever you have Ctrl pressed since I'd be willing to wager that over 90% of people who buy things with that button held down are doing it by accident.


Yes you can say its idiocy or ignorance or whatever, but so is jaywalking. Doesn't mean you don't make crosswalks or traffic laws prohibiting striking a human body.


Some people need to stop QQing everything and actually acknowledge that sometimes its best to design the game to save people from their own dumb mistakes. I did this once myself, just so happened I did it to the most expensive piece in the vendor and it was for an item I couldnt use.


Sometimes good design is about saving us from ourselves.

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i did that in beta.. i was looking at a piece of armor i wanted to see how it looked on my character and i clicked the wrong mouse button and bought it... no way to sell it back unless i lose like 90% of the gold i just spend on accident.
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I would like to see them disable the "Buy" script whenever you have Ctrl pressed since I'd be willing to wager that over 90% of people who buy things with that button held down are doing it by accident.


Yes you can say its idiocy or ignorance or whatever, but so is jaywalking. Doesn't mean you don't make crosswalks or traffic laws prohibiting striking a human body.


Some people need to stop QQing everything and actually acknowledge that sometimes its best to design the game to save people from their own dumb mistakes. I did this once myself, just so happened I did it to the most expensive piece in the vendor and it was for an item I couldnt use.


Sometimes good design is about saving us from ourselves.


A good way to save you from yourself is to think before you act.

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It was a comedic exaggeration of a likely scenario. It is dumb in the sense that it is an exaggeration, yes.


I get it, it's funny but it's not a realistic representation at all.


My point is nobody's perfect 100% of the time, and it doesn't hurt to acknowledge that. One system I like in games is when it totals up all of your purchases as you click them, and you then have to click "Purchase" while viewing the total. Another simple solution is a limited buyback with a timer. Neither one of these should reduce anyone's ability to enjoy the game.

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Whats worse? Blindly clicking new abilities and not even looking at what you get or hitting spacebar through every conversation?


Forever alone at lvl 50: your fault


Wasted your credits because you are too ignorant to pay attention: your fault


If it makes you feel better I misclicked on a conversation on one of my toons and now have 50 LS points...but guess what...my fault....




^ Agreed


Stop being Lazy it takes like two seconds to look at the name and price as you click on ability. Regardless you knwo you'd of taken Speeder 3 Eventually Anyway so you merely lost your money early.


Read before you Buy...this is how you should do things in life but so few do..its like getting blamed for someone not reading the "do not test pens or you will have to purchase the pen" sign when you catch some lazy chick, her friends, or her daughter. They yell at you as if its your fault they dont fraking read.


Its not a design flaw its a User Flaw.

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Why is it so hard to just pay attention?


The dog is barking.

Someone is at the door.

I sneezed.

I got stung by a bee.

The baby is crying.

My wife is mad.

The rice is boiling over.


(or, as in the case of one Bioware dev, my stove is on fire). ;)


for example.

Edited by daemian
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I think the point here is speeder skills cost WAY too much. It shouldnt wipe out every dime youve made to learn speeder skills. Insane how much it costs for only 10% increase.


There has to be things in this game to spend your money on otherwise money becomes useless. Expensive things like speeder licensing are a good money sink.


The OP can feel better by the fact that he should have bought the licensing at some point anyway, the only real problem is that he bought it before he wanted, but it wasnt waste, he gets faster speed and access to cool new looking vehicles, in the long run, no credits were wasted.

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Attention is one thing, wrong information is another.

When you look at orange modable item in vendor window,

you are informed that 'ctrl-right click' let you see mod window and you will be able to see its mods.

Did you all know that 'ctrl-right click' buy item the same way as 'right click' does.

I didn't and spend all comodations on item I cannot use. I just wanted to look at its modes. Was it my fault or not ?

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Selling back skills because you bought a trained one? Wow...that would be a first. Never seen a game where you could unlearn class skills!


In general I'd rather see a separate Train/Buy button with the topmost item being selected by default. Shift+left click on an item should pop up a display asking you about the amount.

No more simple left/right-click buys.


I would also comment on ranks being an outdated concept really, the game should be capable of auto-scaling spells. Exception for special skills like speeder pilot although I'd rename them into something more fitting, like Junior Speeder Pilot, Expert Speeder Pilot etc.

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Attention is one thing, wrong information is another.

When you look at orange modable item in vendor window,

you are informed that 'ctrl-right click' let you see mod window and you will be able to see its mods.

Did you all know that 'ctrl-right click' buy item the same way as 'right click' does.

I didn't and spend all comodations on item I cannot use. I just wanted to look at its modes. Was it my fault or not ?


Actually, I think it's control-left-click to preview. ;) But that's beside the point.

Edited by daemian
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I've done that with commendations before, accidentally hit one of those purple boxes that are like 24 commendations......no way to sell it back = fml


Haven't had this kind of fail with training, but I understand what the OP is going through. I'm pretty selective with my training, always making sure to read the tooltip an see if its a skill I have a use for atm or not. Didn't even know there was a "skill all" type of button; guess I'll be even MORE careful now.

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I swear bioware must pay some of you to be so sycophantic. Losing massive amounts of credits on a misclick is sad. Everyone will misclick an item sooner or later. It is just bad game design by people who dont care.


As in real life, "Caveat emptor" (buyer beware) rules for most purchases. There is no requirement for a seller to refund you, after all you made the choice (for good or ill) to spend your money.


Next time, pay attention, read, watch what you are doing and above all learn from your mistakes and accept personal responsibility, in game and in life


Caveat emptor

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-insert standard canned response about how you fail at reading because there aren't dozens of ways to accidentally do something and I want to be a jerk on the forums-


-further, insert silly claim relating the game to real life and how everyone wants instant gratification and are lazy because I lack perspective and the ability to tell the difference between issues of importance and fun-


Am I doing it right guys?

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