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2 weeks worth of credits wiped out in a mis-click


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I reached 50 yeaterday and when I went to my trainer was pleased to see a long list of trainable skills rather then the usual one or two you get in the previous levels. I just clicked accept for everything in the list. Switched to the force skills and started to click and accept only to realise I had no credits left. I had almost 400k so where did it all go.


It went on speeder pilot 3 which I hadn't even noticed. Not sure how much it cost but it must have been about 300k. There really should be a way to sell the skill back to your trainer if you make this mistake. I lost all the credits i had managed to accumulate in over 2 weeks play in one mis-click

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All I can say is that I'm truly sorry this happened to you because you won't be getting those credits back. I do the same thing, click right through my abilities to train them, because I'm not interested in knowing if the new rank of Project does 1% more damage or 1.1% damage than the last rank.


Ultimately, this is a failure of design, putting a massive money sink in the same easily mis-clickable window as your relatively cheap abilities.

Edited by LexiCazam
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I have done this with commendations and lost a whole bunch, you can't sell the item you accidently buy for commendations or even credits, I was in a slight rage.


I have done this too... but with the CE vendor. I thought I was clicking to preview the equipment on my character and ended up buying a pair or orange boots for 18k... :(


They need to put a confirmation selection box in.

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All I can say is that I'm truly sorry this happened to you because you won't be getting those credits back. I do the same thing, click right through my abilities to train them, because I'm not interested in knowing if the new rank of Project does 1% more damage or 1.1% damage than the last rank.


Ultimately, this is a failure of design, putting a massive money sink in the same easily mis-clickable window as your relatively cheap abilities.


quoted for the truth. Your own fault but most certainly a design flaw. I did it with a speeder, didn't see the level req (stupid) and bought it for 25k, sell back value was 2.5k no idea why but that sucks

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Whats worse? Blindly clicking new abilities and not even looking at what you get or hitting spacebar through every conversation?


Forever alone at lvl 50: your fault


Wasted your credits because you are too ignorant to pay attention: your fault


If it makes you feel better I misclicked on a conversation on one of my toons and now have 50 LS points...but guess what...my fault....



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I have done this too... but with the CE vendor. I thought I was clicking to preview the equipment on my character and ended up buying a pair or orange boots for 18k... :(


They need to put a confirmation selection box in.



I have done this more than once... and every time I curse my idiocy.


I don't think I want a confirmation box though, when I'm in a rush I want in and out fast not a bunch of pop ups. Maybe if they had like a shopping cart where I could cash out at the end of a transaction all at once. This would be like a confirmation but for all the items at once, if it did it every time I clicked on something I'd throw my keyboard at the screen. :eek:

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I think the point here is speeder skills cost WAY too much. It shouldnt wipe out every dime youve made to learn speeder skills. Insane how much it costs for only 10% increase.


It also prevents you from being knocked off. But that kinda comes back into the whole looking at what your doing thing.

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I think the point here is speeder skills cost WAY too much. It shouldnt wipe out every dime youve made to learn speeder skills. Insane how much it costs for only 10% increase.


There was a dev statement that higher skill also means lower chance to get thrown off by a random mob attack (ie it should take more hits), so 10% speed increase isn't the only thing you get.

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I've screwed up buying things too, it is kinda lame. I think buy-back on commendations is more important than skills, but that's just me. Run a few space missions, and you'll make it back in no time anyways. :-)
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I have done the same aswell in my eagerness to get my new skills, but to be honest i made the money back quite easy by doing warzones, the bonus quest lines, Belsavis and Ilum so not really a big issue in the end.


Just go do the nice bonus quest lines then you will be back in no time.

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I swear bioware must pay some of you to be so sycophantic. Losing massive amounts of credits on a misclick is sad. Everyone will misclick an item sooner or later. It is just bad game design by people who dont care.


It wasnt a misclick, the guy just clicked everything. He WILLFULLY clicked EVERY ability. Go ahead and hop in a car, drive down the road and dont pay attention and run through a red light and TRY to explain how it was the road or car designers fault...

Edited by Averran
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Speeder skill costs WAY too much.. I wanted to preview some commendation pants, miss-clicked and bought them. No way to sell back for commendations - my own fault. I cursed and damned the system - still my own fault. You effed up and just breezed through the skills without looking - sht happens and then you die - your own fault.
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It wasnt a misclick, the guy just clicked everything. He WILLFULLY clicked EVERY ability. Go ahead and hop in a car, drive down the road and dont pay attention and run through a red light and TRY to explain how it was the road or car designers fault...


no they should have not put it in with all the other skills. guess what other games like you know WoW have a completely different trainer for mount skills. works just fine in that game. when i go to my class trainer i am going for my class skills not my mount.

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Isn't it really weird tho, that the class trainer is the one to teach you how to ride a speeder bike? These skills really need their own NPC. Next to the speeder vendor would make a lot of sense, no?


AT THE VERY LEAST a confirmation box when you're about to spend a lot of credits?


Looking on the positive side of things, you didn't lose the money. You'll make money enough for those remaining skills soon enough, and you probably would have bought that speeder skill eventually anyway.

Edited by DashFiss
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Isn't it really weird tho, that the class trainer is the one to teach you how to ride a speeder bike? These skills really need their own NPC. Next to the speeder vendor would make a lot of sense, no?


Looking on the positive side of things, you didn't lose the money. You'll make money enough for those remaining skills soon enough, and you probably would have bought that speeder skill eventually anyway.



File a ticket, but really, everyone is eventually going to buy the top tier speeder. May as well do it right now.

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You need the skill for speeder driving anyways. The other skills only costs 900 creds a piece at lvl 50 so you can easely do some quests or flashpoints to get the money back.


I'm sorry it happend to you though, i've made the same mistake on vendors.

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Is it an error of design for such a huge cash sink to be available by your class trainer? Yeah, probably.


Is it something the devs should worry about at this time? No, not really.


All I can say is that it sucks to be the 2% outlier who had a trivial mental lapse.

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You need the skill for speeder driving anyways. The other skills only costs 900 creds a piece at lvl 50 so you can easely do some quests or flashpoints to get the money back.


I'm sorry it happend to you though, i've made the same mistake on vendors.


900 credits?

Mine were 10,000 - 15,000 each.

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