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I love space combat...


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After reading the countless threads about how crap it is I was actually bracing myself as i was loading it up for the first time. I really liked it though. I got to see my ship in the "flesh" for the first time. It is a good xp earner for when you feel like a change. Also I got a great "STAR WARSY" feel from it. I think I am the noly person that likes it though lol!
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Naw I thought they were fun too. In fact I just wish there were a lot more of them, one or more per level at least that you could run constantly for good xp.


I ended up using space combat a lot to avoid having to quest but there are big gaps where you don't get any xp for them except for a small amount for completing the dailies.

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It would be helpful to have had some instructions the very first time you go into space combat on how it worked. However after one failed run I did figure it out but it would have been nice to have a quick thing come up saying what the controls were just that one time.


I can't say I love them but I do them when I'm running low on credits and can't afford my training :D

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It would be helpful to have had some instructions the very first time you go into space combat on how it worked. However after one failed run I did figure it out but it would have been nice to have a quick thing come up saying what the controls were just that one time.


I can't say I love them but I do them when I'm running low on credits and can't afford my training :D


So you can actualy fail in space combat ? It's so simple and stupid that I can't imagine person who could not do this. I did failed twice on some mission because it was too hard... until I realize that I had warning that I need lvl 2 equipment on previous missions that I played etc and one I failed required GRADE 4 or something (don't remember) while I was still having GRADE 1 equipment.

I switch stuff and I win without being hit. What I just did was to move a mouse around screen and hit spacebar to roll (just because i'm bored with this missions, don't know if it helps).

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Space Combat's grown on me a little, it's kinda an occasional guilty pleasure now. But in my heart I'm still an old jaded X-Wing/Tie Fighter fan who keeps looking at the very expensive joysticks that are collecting dust on a shelf. Edited by Rilauven
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Agreed, the space missions are way more fun than I had expected from what I read/heard about it before launch.


I'm still longing for a full-fledged (and seperate) space game like SWG offered it with Jump to Lightspeed back in the day. Maybe one day BW will upgrade the space game to that level.


A man can dream... :)

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I liked it too until I reached the higher level missions which were literally copies of the earlier missions with harder mobs. The maps, spawns, everything, identical to earlier missions with an added bonus objective and tougher mobs.
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After reading the countless threads about how crap it is I was actually bracing myself as i was loading it up for the first time. I really liked it though. I got to see my ship in the "flesh" for the first time. It is a good xp earner for when you feel like a change. Also I got a great "STAR WARSY" feel from it. I think I am the noly person that likes it though lol!


Nah I freakin love it, Starfox is one of my favorite games and I get to get my Star Wars space fix with my Starfox game!!!

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Space Combat's grown on me a little, it's kinda an occasional guilty pleasure now. But in my heart I'm still an old jaded X-Wing/Tie Fighter fan who keeps looking at the very expensive joysticks that are collecting dust on a shelf.



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Flight sim games are not normally my cup of tea, but i like these, they are short and and a nice alternative to the rest of the stuff you do all day.


While i respect that others would like a better more improved space combat i hope that they add that to what we currently have in game and it not be an instead of, cos i would like these to stay if they do add a more involved flight sim for the other folks, as i probably wouldnt be interested in them lengthy flying games.

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Plenty of people like the space combat. It's a good mini-game. The people who want a flight simulator game are disappointed but it was never intended to be that.


This. It's not supposed to be a flight sim, space combat is supposed to be a minigame, a quick break from questing and whatnot. In that respect it does admirably.

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They are quite a fun way to make content easier.


I'm overleveled to death and I can blame nothing other than Space Battles (I've just got to Alderaan and am lvl 35 nearly lvl 36, fighting lvl 29 mobs lol)


My only gripe is that Republic and Empire Space missions are exactly the same (I'm only lvl 18 on my Bounty Hunter so that could change as higher levels but I see way its going to)

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As an 8 year SWG vet i finally have a Star Wars game with enjoyable space combat. Thats right, i hated the space psedo-sim of SWG.


JTL was the only good thing about SWG after the NGE happened.. I wish I had a 4th three letter acronym to throw in there. :D

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Here are my thoughts on space combat.


If you wanted a flight sim Star Wars game then SWG had it with JTL. If you want a Star Wars movie like experience space combat "mini game" then SWTOR is it. I was in SWG beta and played for quite some time afterwards. I loved JTL however it was like any other flight sim with Star Wars planes. The space combat in SWTOR has a great Star Wars feel to it for me and it is a refreshing break from running the story line to do the space missions.


Oh and thanks for the "SOE's Clone Wars browser mmo"! I will deffinately be checking it out to play at work :D

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