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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Classic case of False Advertisement?


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Many players whose system specs far exceed the recommended (not required) settings for Star Wars: The Old Republic are still finding the game unplayable due to severely low FPS. I understand that marketing a game that has low system requirements means selling more copies. However, this is false advertisement in it's purest form:


False advertising or deceptive advertising is the use of false or misleading statements in advertising. As advertising has the potential to persuade people into commercial transactions that they might otherwise avoid, many governments around the world use regulations to control false, deceptive or misleading advertising. Truth refers to essentially the same concept, that customers have the right to know what they are buying, and that all necessary information should be on the label.


While I know that there is not a chance in hell at me getting my $90 back from this fraudulent selling practice, I do believe that there is enough evidence at this point to support the fact that Bioware is well aware that the label on their product is misleading, and false. At a bare minimum, Bioware should be forced to revise their current Minimum System Requirements, and Recommended System Requirements before continuing to knowingly sell a product that is essentially broken for those it is wrongfully marketed towards.


Let's be honest, how many of you would have purchased Star Wars: The Old Republic if you knew that your system was not even remotely close to being able to run the game with a playable FPS? I know that I certainly would not have, and only purchased the game due to the misleading / false minimum requirements, and recommended requirements.

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My system exceeds the recommended requirements and I have FPS issues too. My goal now is to just hit 50 (I'm at 26 right now) and maybe dabble in some end-game content for a bit. However, because of the poor performance I will quit next month if not this one.
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I spent less than $500 on my computer when I built it 3 years ago. I run everything at high.


It's not like bioware is ignoring the issue. Turn down your graphics if its that bad. . .


This is in no way false advertising though.

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I spent less than $500 on my computer when I built it 3 years ago. I run everything at high.


It's not like bioware is ignoring the issue. Turn down your graphics if its that bad. . .


This is in no way false advertising though.


Thats a lie.

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SWTOR run on a Pentium D with a Geforce 9200 or 9600.. I can't remember on Vista. Of course that's not my main PC, but with everything turned off I can run SWTOR around 30 fps on it.


Fortunately it's just an old PC and my main is an i7 that doesn't even blink at it turned on high.

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I spent less than $500 on my computer when I built it 3 years ago. I run everything at high.


It's not like bioware is ignoring the issue. Turn down your graphics if its that bad. . .


This is in no way false advertising though.


Lies and deceit!

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Problem with most pc games is that some hardware drivers will not be supported by the software. This would be false advertising if absolutely no one could run the game at the recommended specs or higher. Very interesting how you came up with the "many" statistic though.


How many times has THIS thread been restarted? Over 400K views, and 100K+ comments total so far.


How many separate threads have been made regarding this issue ? I would bet over a hundred thousand at least (google lists over 2,000,000 when I search SWTOR.com and FPS). There are countless Youtube videos up regarding this issue where user comments agree that the lag is unplayable. There are plenty of reputable game review websites un-biasedly stating that the majority of the player base simply cannot run this game due to it's horrendous, and inexplicable FPS.

Edited by RecondoJoe
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How many times has THIS thread been restarted? Over 400K views, and 100K+ comments total so far.


How many separate threads have been made regarding this issue ? I would bet over a hundred thousand at least (google lists over 2,000,000 when I search SWTOR.com and FPS). There are countless Youtube videos up regarding this issue where user comments agree that the lag is unplayable. There are plenty of reputable game review websites un-biasedly stating that the majority of the player base simply cannot run this game due to it's horrendous, and inexplicable FPS.

Majority of the player base? lol. You don't seem to get that bugs don't equal false advertisement.
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I agree... i meet over the recomended requirements and i get really bad lag.. like 10-20 fps which is horrible in my aspect and i beleive that its not my end its the biowares end that is making all these people lag.. i have my graphics all the lowest it can go and its something the put in at launch too because in the beta i was running perfectly fine on STRESS TESTING ... i had like 50 fps in stress testing and then all of a sudden i go down to 10-20 *** happned there? its something you guys have put in and you need to fix it now because thousands of people are getting pissed off at you guys...
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Majority of the player base? lol. You don't seem to get that bugs don't equal false advertisement.


Um when something is wrong with the engine, I think it is more than a little bug. Do not under play a real issue, just because things are fine on your end does not mean they are the same for others.

/kicks off mighty horse


Anyway OP if it is being sold by EA don’t trust a thing they say. Do your own (independent) research before buying a product. Uninformed people are as much at fault as the guilty company is.

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It's the engine


Really? Is that why people with similar rig builds, in fact sometimes almost identical rig builds can have two completely different experiences?


I've noticed people posting system specs almost identical to my own and they have big issues, I have none on max settings.


It's the engine huh?


I would bet the majority (Not all) of issues with FPS are from people forcing their AA on, there's a reason this game doesn't have an AA option. Because they are still working on it. So of course forcing it is going to cause issues.


I say this because when I first logged in to EGA I forced my AA on to max, I had **** for FPS, I set it to enhance and it's smooth sailing.



If it were the engine everyone would be having issues. Not just here and there.

Edited by HavenAE
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Um when something is wrong with the engine, I think it is more than a little bug. Do not under play a real issue, just because things are fine on your end does not mean they are the same for others.

/kicks off mighty horse


Anyway OP if it is being sold by EA don’t trust a thing they say. Do your own (independent) research before buying a product. Uninformed people are as much at fault as the guilty company is.

Never said there where not issues, hell I got that green beam of light issue as well as some shadow clipping in my game, but in no way is this false advertisement like the op is claiming it to be.
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1st rig (Laptop) Asus G73SW-TZ083V

2nd rig (Desktop) I7-920@3,9GHz, 8GB RAM CL7 1333, 2x ASUS 5870E6 CrossfireX @5040x1050


Both Windows 7 64bit


On both machine without shadow and bloom turned off 60-80FPS (laptop) and 80-100FPS (desktop) during "idle" vsync turned off, and it often happens, especially when smoke appears that they drop to 12-15 for some seconds. it also happens that it freezes a second or two when entering combat or having bigger fx....

if that is feature, then its a poor feature.


this engine needs to be optimized, not directly for my rigs, but for those with even weaker hardware...

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I spent less than $500 on my computer when I built it 3 years ago. I run everything at high.


It's not like bioware is ignoring the issue. Turn down your graphics if its that bad. . .


This is in no way false advertising though.


^ Blatantly lying. Don't listen to trolls.


I built my computer a couple weeks ago for BF3 and have the best of everything. I got GTX 580's SLI instead of 590's because I figure the 6xx series should be out soon and I'll just get the highest version of those in SLI when they come out.


Even with my system when I go in warzones the frame rate dips to unacceptable levels. It is definitely the game and not you. Anyone that says otherwise is trolling.

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your willing to spend $90 on a game, but only $40 bucks on your video card...


This explains your low FPS, go down to your local pc store and get your cheque book out.


Did you use the force to determine this? Because if so, you need to work on your skills. Running with Dual 2GB GDDR5 AMD Radeon™ HD 6950.

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Who in the world expects crossfire to work flawlessly? Performance issues are very common with crossfire across a whole swath of games. (same goes for SLI). A massive drop in performance is an extremely common occurrence with them, since sometimes it is impossible to spread the performance hit to both cards, and you will run at higher settings than the single card can handle, especially since that tends to coincide with the hardest scenes to render.


There are performance issues with this game at times, obviously, but even rigs below min spec in some ways can have success running the game. (This very computer I'm using, and have been playing with, is below min spec. It is 6 years old, was very cheap, and the only upgrade is a 4670). I'm having a blast.


If you have a system above recommended spec, and horrid performance, something is very wrong with the way you have set up your graphics options, or with your computer, excepting a specific incompatibility.


This thread is a farce.

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^ Blatantly lying. Don't listen to trolls.


I built my computer a couple weeks ago for BF3 and have the best of everything. I got GTX 580's SLI instead of 590's because I figure the 6xx series should be out soon and I'll just get the highest version of those in SLI when they come out.


Even with my system when I go in warzones the frame rate dips to unacceptable levels. It is definitely the game and not you. Anyone that says otherwise is trolling.


I spent around 800 on mine this year. brand new rig the only carry overs were hdds and optical drives. I run of max everything with zero issues. Am I lying too?

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