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Everything posted by happyguy

  1. I personally think they should along with a ton of other people because i made a thread like this except it goes into more detail with it. I think personally that if they were to put it in or a raid finder of some sort, it would help them stop the complaining of people who think the finding system is gay and maybe even boost the sales a bit because people who come from wow arent used to finding groups this way and most dont like it and people who its their first time are having trouble finding a friend to help them with a flashpoint or finding a group because no one wants to help you... i personally have gotten frusterated with this many times because i would literally sit there for an hour waiting for someone to whisper me and invite while having to spam the chat with LFG
  2. are u kidding me.... this is what bioware has become of suspending accounts for going to illum and looting containers that have credits in them is apparently against the rules...
  3. it depends on your computer my friend not how old it is... and i do have an expensive comp and meet over the recommended requirements so its not me...
  4. actully these would improve fps greatly... its just that super computers can run this game good im sorry but 75% of us dont own a super computer
  5. Hi i am just going to state a issue that nearly everyone has had experience with... Well everyone knows that FPS is a bad issue in this game and needs to get fixed right away but instead of complaining about it im going to suggest a few things bioware can do to fix this issue... All these issues have been discussed with some people and they do agree as well that this could affect the FPS drastically in making it better... I am going to state the steps in order from the best to the worst... 1) View/render distance- It would help ALOT if we can change the view/render distance because i have noticed that in this game you can see buildings from very far away.. and that is the main problem to the FPS issue... every game has it but this one and it would help alot to players who have the client lag issue. 2)Ground clutter- I have noticed that there is alot of ground clutter as well and this needs to have an option to reduce it... this can also affect the FPS drastically and this should def. be an option. I do realize that there is a "Reduce Grass quality" option but this only affects the grass and nothing else... so please,please make this happen. 3)Texture quality- I have noticed that changing the option of graphics from high to low does NOTHING to the texture qualtity... you can even see this if you were to go into the swtor files and look at the settings the graphics(texture) quality is the same no matter where you put it... for example if it was on high the quality would be at 1 but if it were at low it would still be at 1 so it makes basically no difference to change the quality. 4)Refresh rate options- Idk about you guys but for me and my whole guild (which has like 100 people in it) when we try to pick a better refresh rate we only have one option and that is 60... so there really isnt an option for that its just there to tease u... so i think that there should be more refresh rate options and finally ... 5)lighting options- beleive it or not but lighting does have a big affect on FPS. For example if you were to go into a battleground or something for a quest and you do lag... that is because of all the blasters going off and all the sparks and crap that makes you lag... like when i was watching a rocket go into the sky i was lagging because of all that fire is so bright that it makes me lag... that is about it... dont take this thread as me complaining i am just simply stating some things that may help out and what they help in lagging your game... thank you all for reading this and i hope that you all take concern in it . Edit- One more thing that i just discussed with my guild is that bioware can actully do to spend less money and increase the FPS for people and less ram requirement is what they actully do in movies... they will look at the frames in a part of the playing thing and use the old frames that stay the same in the next one while changeing the frames that change... to be more specific they would use old frames in a newer one so that it will require less ram to run and be alot cheaper to do and it will increase fps because you computer is actully doing less work to run the game... therefore increasing FPS so bioware i hope you read this because this can help you in the long run
  6. lol i agree who the hell disigned this crap and whoever did it.. fire there *** and get a good designer.. that has experience with dark things because this crap looks really gay... i went to a pvp vendor and i looked at the level 50 stuff and i was just likee ***.... so please go back to the drawing boards because this stuff really does look very very very stupid...
  7. i have never gotten a -219 but maybe a -100 a few times but i can predict what all my companions will like and what they wont liek because im sith usually companions like it when you do evil.. so i do evil and they like it so im guessing that since your republic im gussing u do good and they will like it and according to there tone when they talk you can tell if they are good or evil as well...
  8. nothing is actully suppose to kill u idk how you died but when i dced a few times ... i just stood there and when i came back i was where i left off and we continued our heroic/flashpoint
  9. I agree... i meet over the recomended requirements and i get really bad lag.. like 10-20 fps which is horrible in my aspect and i beleive that its not my end its the biowares end that is making all these people lag.. i have my graphics all the lowest it can go and its something the put in at launch too because in the beta i was running perfectly fine on STRESS TESTING ... i had like 50 fps in stress testing and then all of a sudden i go down to 10-20 *** happned there? its something you guys have put in and you need to fix it now because thousands of people are getting pissed off at you guys...
  10. i wouldnt say 6 months at the rate they are going at... alot of games do put out expansions like the first 2-3 months to tell ya the truth...
  11. I have been playing for a total of 1 day and like 10 hours and i am level 26... so obviously i really isnt hard to hit max level in this game because it only took me one day of gameplay to get half the max level... so yea its not hard to reach the max level even if im only half the max level i can get like 3 levels a day if i really tried... i have been doing that that past few days and yea it is pretty damn easy and i cant wait to get to a 50 because this story line is awesome and i do like every single side quest i even listen to the sidequests story lines because it is pretty interesting to me... i have seen posts where people think this game is gonna fail but i can tell when a game will fail or not... when there are over 1 million subscribers the first week the game wont fail... when there is over 24 million hours of gameplay the first week the game wont fail... when i can sit there at the comp all day because im on break... this game isnt going to fail because it is really hard for me to sit down and play a game all day that i dont like and im sure 90% of the people who play this game have been doing the same exact thing so this game overall is probably one of the best games i have ever played along with Skyrim,Fallout,and the COD games
  12. I agree i meet over the reccomended requirements of the game and i still get like 10 fps which is very bad... i have 4 gig memory and a great graphics card and this game is saying that my comp is bad? you kidding me my game runs WoW fine at like 50 fps and i run this game at 10 fps which i think is rediculous... i have tryed everything to reduce the lag too.. i even did that stupid shadow thing which didnt help at all to say the least and idk what it is but this game need to have its lag fixed because the only people not lagging is people meeting over the high requirements.... i have seen people in the forums who have met the high requirements and are getting 5 fps which is really stupid so i beleive something that bioware put in... is making the game lag like a (scensored word here).
  13. thats what im saying is that i hope in the future they do and if they do that curse accepts them so we can get some mods/add ons out there
  14. they should make it compatible with mods then...
  15. just because WoW is on the website doesnt mean its a competing product... for example Rift and WoW are competing products yet they are both on the website...
  16. thats the thing.. people make the mods for curse when it goes on it. Curse doesnt make the mods.. the gamers do and when this game goes on curse it would put mods into the game
  17. Hi i have been with mmos for a while and i have noticed that curse usually takes up the popular mmos (such as this one) and puts add ons into it... but i was just wondering why this game isnt compatible with it.. i think that putting this game on curse would allow alot of adds to be made without the game developers worrying about it.... i mean if this game were to go on curse.com im sure that it would have like 1000 adds the first day no doubt... so why not do it? I love curse i used it in WOW when i did play it and i have allways gotten good things from it so im just suggesting that you guys (the game developers) should put it in... if you do im sure me and a million other people will be happy If any of u are new to mmos and havent heard of curse i suggest you check it out and hope that bioware grants this game to be curse compatible because it would make the gamers and the game developers lifes alot easier
  18. I beleive we should have a group finder tool.. because it is really annoying sitting there trying to find a healer, dps, and a tank... everyone agrees that in this game it is very hard to find a healer in this game because star wars is about kicking *** not sitting back and constantly healing... but anyways.. a group finding tool would make life alot easier because the system we have now isnt very good... in this game its a bit hard to find a whole group of friends on the same level... and the same quest and such so a group finding tool would be good for maybe the heroic quests and the flashpoints because finding a group in this game is nearly impossible to find 3 people al diffrent specs... I enjoyed wows group finding system myself because i dont really care to talk to anyone during a flashpoint because u really dont even have the time to so what does it matter if you talk to them or not... having random people join each other i think is a great idea because 1) no one ever has the time to talk to each other during a flashpoint because your constantly being attacked and 2) Its hard to find friends in this game all in the same place anyways... its either while your offline they get higher than you or while there offline you get higher than them... its back and forth in this game and personally i havent met anyone really to be my friend (except a few people) that is at the same level and isnt so freaking annoying and childish.
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