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Swg vs swotr


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Was it? really? I loved SWG and yes there is nostalgia but it had soooo many problems, before NGE, there was a reason they released NGE in the first place besides greed and wanting to emulate WoW.


Everyone I knowincluding me quit before CU, came back after and quit after the NGE again. Actual people playing the game was low, most player cities were empty ghost towns before NGE.


WHat was the endgame?either, grind for6+months to be a jedi OR ehm ORlet me think wait, OR pvp? I give up.


Yeah the reason... BALANCE... Which may as well have been a four letter curse word. The more they tried to balance it, the more they messed the game up... So much so that they had to have two major revamps, just to try and salvage it. Then came the coup de grace... adding Jedi. They were never intended for that (canon) timeframe, and even in the beginning, it was supposed to be so rare that you only HEARD of them... Not actually saw a flurry of glowsticks in every city.


Now with that being said- and having had 8 years experience in SWG, I can personally say that SWTOR has begun ON the right foot. By and large the classes (being mirrored) are more balanced than SWG ever was with all 32 professions.


The brilliance of SWG WAS the many professions and hybrid combos, but it also proved to be their undoing.


As far as TOR, the ONLY thing I really do not like, is of course space. As one of the beta testers for JTL, it meant a lot to me to help forge space flight in SWG. Seeing it in TOR is at best a mildly amusing diversion for me. I will still do it... but I do not have to like it.


Bottom line, the two games are different... with different goals, and mechanics. It really is apples to oranges.


Now that SWG is dead, I can only hope I am able to stick with TOR for 8 years or more... But we will all see what is to come in due time. It would be foolish to hope for the best aspects of SWG to be added here... Let Bioware do what they are doing, and continue to entertain us. This game has already proven it IS "Star Warsy and Iconic" enough for me.

Edited by Scandana
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SWG had some good ideas, but much of the game went terribly wrong.


I wouldn't mind seeing the bounty system from SWG implemented here.

For those of you who have never played it, if you are are killed by another player you have the option of putting up some of your money as a bounty. Then, bounty hunters could browse the bounties and hunt other players.


Oh yeah, and smugglers could remove bounties.


Too bad there is not a neutral faction in this game (where smugglers and bounty hunters belong)


Of course the space portion of SWG was my personal favorite thing about the game.



One thing that remained the same between the games, HK-47 can suck to fight...although I found him to be more difficult in SWG.



Oh, and the crafting portion of SWG was the best of any MMO to this day IMHO.

Edited by OriginSucks
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SWG was something interesting and and vastly huge... simplified stories and devs that knee jerked to every group of cry babies that felt the game required some work...


SWTOR is a very rich and interesting set of origin missions with great game play and tons of options... Not as big as SWG in sheer size at the moment, but so much more valuable to the overall franchise as it is telling the entire lore of SW.


I hope the TOR devs ignore the whinny WoW players and build for their true fan base, delivering an amazing experience and not catering to lazy players hanging out here cause WoW is just broken and waiting until GW2 drops... (will be glad to see you go).


SWTOR is awesome! I hope the content after level 50 continues to grow the experience!

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I got suspended for 1 month once for calling a wookie dirty furry animal while wearing full emp stormtrooper armor pretending to guard the starport... neither him nor the GM understood the word "roleplay" and took it as personal harrassment


I do miss myguilds cantina during that month when most played, afterwards it also became a ghost town, all pre nge.


I have one word.. S O E...


I got perma banned for telling a board mod he was a board Nazi and should relax.. i still lulz about it.

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That IS what sandbox means...a provided plain playing field where YOU make the fun.


Other people call it lazy game making especially when you combine it with the other things they did. Entire planet with randomly generated ground. No true X/Y axis leading to not only not being able to jump but being able to shoot THROUGH the ground/buildings...your mount coming to a COMPLETE stop if you happen to try to go over a teeny tiny little rock...lol. poor game making.


Ding +1. I even believe, it was advertised on the box that YOU create your own destiny.

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Ding +1. I even believe, it was advertised on the box that YOU create your own destiny.

My destiny was bol hutning parties on Dantooine with my TK Master toon and grinding out Force sensitivity by discovering locations on planets... Right before the punch to the gut that was the announcement of the NGE and the slow death to follow - a game advertised as "make your own destiny" suddenly turned into "make your own destiny... and everyone can be the same!". The game was fun because the community made the game fun. If it wasn't for the community, SWG would have died a lot sooner due to a lack of anything fun.


Either way, I love story, and I love Bioware, and I love Star Wars. This game is a win for me.

Edited by IMatricksI
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Over all i think SWG was better. After or pre NGE. Because SWG was an open sand box, SWTOR is a linear game. A few other reasons are:


1. Space was sooo much better in SWG, no possible argument against it

2. There was real crafting in SWG, complex and diverse (remember how you gatherd resourses? and engineerd creatures?)

3. The maps/planets were much more imaginative, convincing and varied. And you could interact with the landscape. Build a city on it! You could even go fishing!

4. There were very different ways to play, you could even be a entertainer.


The list goes on in detail.


I think SWTOR is better only in story and combat mechanics. I enjoy SWTOR but no way can i play it for years! 3 months of SWTOR is enough unless you want to do all the side quests over and over again as you roll out new charectors just for the story. SWTOR is a really good game but it's not an MMOG because there is not much to do after the story ends.

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let's see.


I am really bored of SWTOR RIGHT NOW with both side having a lvl 50 chr and starting a new one just repeat the exact same quests. Time played ...20 days roughly.


SWG. time played 6+ months roughly include 2 month i re-sub after NGE. At least i am not bored.


I think SWG is clearly the winner.


those who aren't bored as just people who didn't reach 50 on both side. Once you do...pretty sure you would throw your game out.

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Over all i think SWG was better. After or pre NGE. Because SWG was an open sand box, SWTOR is a linear game. A few other reasons are:


1. Space was sooo much better in SWG, no possible argument against it

2. There was real crafting in SWG, complex and diverse (remember how you gatherd resourses? and engineerd creatures?)

3. The maps/planets were much more imaginative, convincing and varied. And you could interact with the landscape. Build a city on it! You could even go fishing!

4. There were very different ways to play, you could even be a entertainer.


The list goes on in detail.


I think SWTOR is better only in story and combat mechanics. I enjoy SWTOR but no way can i play it for years! 3 months of SWTOR is enough unless you want to do all the side quests over and over again as you roll out new charectors just for the story. SWTOR is a really good game but it's not an MMOG because there is not much to do after the story ends.


I agree, SWG was my first MMO and I played it for 4 years. If it wasnt shut down, I would probably resubscribe again. It actually felt like Star Wars, this game...however feels like a cartoon, it feels like it lacks ambience...sound, and customibility.

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As many have said, you really can't compare. TOR is essentially a singleplayer game with co-op options. It's all about the personal story and that's it. It's just a singleplayer campaign.


SWG on the other hand had no set direction. You MADE your own story. You did what you wanted to do. It was the definition of free roam.


Personally, I much prefered SWG to TOR. The linear on-rails gameplay of tor is as fun as any other singleplayer game, but it loses it's luster after a while. Eventually you're gonna play all the class stories and then what? At least in SWG you had so many options available to you, even if you did use up all your points. SWG also had a lot of fun and unique things, TOR really just copies from wow on most everything. So there was that as well.


I'd absolutely kill for a SWG2 made with proper technologies and a decent budget. Imagine what they could have done with all the money that went towards voice acting in TOR. Prolly coulda implemented seemless transition between ground and space and other nifty features.

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Cant really compare the games, but I had more fun playing SWG.


Ideally mixing the games would make for epicness, SWG had some really awesome featurs, that no mmo have done ever since, crafting, player cities, player bounties, the initial skill setup instead of actuall classes was perfect imo, etc etc.



Where SWG failed badly, was the truckload of bugs that followed, and the dev team that completely ignored balance (95% dmg reduction gg) and bugs, and instead felt like screwing up things that actually worked ok.



I do honestly prefere sandbox games, which is why I prefered SWG, that beeing said, swtor is the best theme park game I have ever played, SWG did feel more like star wars though :X beeing the average joe did make it seem more "real" instead of beeing that special snowflake.... flanked by hundreds of other special snowflakes.

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