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Princess Leia had a red lightsaber!


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So I'm playing a Pureblood Sith Marauder that's lightside - and I just realized that I won't be able to use red lightsabers anymore.


Wait... WHAT!? That's not how things work! Sith use red lightsabers because the crystals are manufactured, light side uses green and blue because making their own lightsaber is a huge part of what they are - as is finding their own crystal.


So now I'm stuck with my +1 fort red crystal, because for some reason I can still equip it.


Why was this design choice made? D:

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So I'm playing a Pureblood Sith Marauder that's lightside - and I just realized that I won't be able to use red lightsabers anymore.


Wait... WHAT!? That's not how things work! Sith use red lightsabers because the crystals are manufactured, light side uses green and blue because making their own lightsaber is a huge part of what they are - as is finding their own crystal.


So now I'm stuck with my +1 fort red crystal, because for some reason I can still equip it.


Why was this design choice made? D:


no she didnt


she had a ruby one

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So I'm playing a Pureblood Sith Marauder that's lightside - and I just realized that I won't be able to use red lightsabers anymore.


Wait... WHAT!? That's not how things work! Sith use red lightsabers because the crystals are manufactured, light side uses green and blue because making their own lightsaber is a huge part of what they are - as is finding their own crystal.


So now I'm stuck with my +1 fort red crystal, because for some reason I can still equip it.


Why was this design choice made? D:


You can get lightsabers with red crystals as mission rewards later on, that you can still equip as long as you don't pull the red crystal out that they come with. I know I've gotten them on my lightside 33 Sorc.


So you CAN keep playing with a red saber, but you'll have to work at it a little harder, and you won't be able to always have a state-of-the-art crystal, but you won't have to stick with your +1, either.

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So I'm playing a Pureblood Sith Marauder that's lightside - and I just realized that I won't be able to use red lightsabers anymore.


Wait... WHAT!? That's not how things work! Sith use red lightsabers because the crystals are manufactured, light side uses green and blue because making their own lightsaber is a huge part of what they are - as is finding their own crystal.


So now I'm stuck with my +1 fort red crystal, because for some reason I can still equip it.


Why was this design choice made? D:


I have a dark side Jedi Sentinel, specifically because I wanted to run with dual red "imperial style" (ie: the Darth Vader style hilts) light sabers. :D And companion Kira runs with a red double bladed as well.


It just feels like we do more damage with red light sabers. :p


My eye color and skin tone have already started to change though. :rolleyes:

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Ooh some decent news here! Thanks. So far, red and yellow or blue looks AWESOME.


pure blood - sith - lightside...thats just wrong...


I don't know, I'm fairly Lawful Good as a person, and I just made the "better long term" choices most of the time.


My justification is that he grew up hearing all about how the Empire rules through fear for the good of everyone. So he took the wrong (right) lesson out of that, and the long term goal is good.


Still bloodthirsty and hateful, but... for Good. :D


I know no one cares, but someone pointed it out :p

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I have an Inquis that is Light Side 1 at level 35. I basically make my choice for personal power or the good of the Empire. I don't really go with the killing for no reason, if something has a use still I take advantage of it. So I am still pretty evil just not in a complete blood thirsty way.


I am having the same problem though I can't choose between red or blue/green as my light saber color. Although a previous poster did point out how you can still get them. I will probably stay neutral till I can pick. There are a lot of little RPish perks for going light or dark so I feel like I will eventually need to pick.

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Yes, but Princess Leia was a politician. And as any sensible adult will tell you, politicians are the root of all evil.


Hence why her lightsaber was red.


"She's a politician and they are not to be trusted." Obi Wan Kenobi, episode 2 :p

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So I'm playing a Pureblood Sith Marauder that's lightside - and I just realized that I won't be able to use red lightsabers anymore.


Wait... WHAT!? That's not how things work! Sith use red lightsabers because the crystals are manufactured, light side uses green and blue because making their own lightsaber is a huge part of what they are - as is finding their own crystal.


So now I'm stuck with my +1 fort red crystal, because for some reason I can still equip it.


Why was this design choice made? D:


actually acording to G-canon she never had a lightsaber. Because acording to G-canon there is nothing after episode 6

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There's also nothing before Episode 1, which means this game doesn't exist. What's your point?


Not true. G-canon or George Canon is the highest level of Canon this includes the movies, novilizations of the movies, scripts and anything geroge Lucas says.


George Lucas has said there is no story after Return of the Jedi.


therefore nothing in the EU that happens after RotJ really happens.


He has stated that things take place before the prequels.

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Not true. G-canon or George Canon is the highest level of Canon this includes the movies, novilizations of the movies, scripts and anything geroge Lucas says.


George Lucas has said there is no story after Return of the Jedi.


therefore nothing in the EU that happens after RotJ really happens.


He has stated that things take place before the prequels.


This game isn't G-Canon, therefore reference to non G-Canon media is 100%legitimate. And anything before the prequels is the same level of canon as anything after the original trilogy.


For a perfect definition:


"G-canon is George Lucas Canon; the six Episodes and anything directly provided to Lucas Licensing by Lucas (including unpublished production notes from him or his production department that are never seen by the public). Elements originating with Lucas in the movie novelizations, reference books, and other sources are also G-canon, though anything created by the authors of those sources is C-canon. When the matter of changes between movie versions arises, the most recently released editions are deemed superior to older ones, as they correct mistakes, improve consistency between the two trilogies, and express Lucas's current vision of the Star Wars universe most closely. The deleted scenes included on the DVDs are also considered G-canon (when they're not in conflict with the movie)"


Source: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Canon


Finally, since you love G-Canon so much, I leave you with this:

Edited by Malderak
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Liea had 3 different colour lightsabers.....


RED (Ruby) what ever you want to call it



but her first one was YELLOW (AMBER, GOLD) what ever colour you want to argue over next.


any pictures with her and a green one are not included in the sw timline!




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