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So you wanted PvP, and you're still Imperial?


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Are you saying being on the side of good is boring?


How about in real life: are you on the side of good, or do you want to make the world a worse place for lots of people?


I think I can speak for Rincon when I say he wants to make the world a "worse place for lots of people."


I usually always play the good guy because it's the non-zerg faction. Even though I always hate everything about the faction, including the people. And I'm with Rincon, I played Repub for the last beta build and ran into so many bags of douche, it was ridiculous.


The Empire on my server has a lot of cool people that I've gamed with a lot over the years. Unfortunately, it's the zerg faction. *shrug*


I think I'm going to roll a Republic toon to World PvP with. o_O I refuse to zerg in world PvP. :(

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- The level-up quest line is like: imagine yourself as a whiny little pushover wussy, take 10 ambian, drink a bottle of NyQuil, then try to read War and Peace in one sitting.


What a ridiculous assessment. My Jedi Knight isn't a push-over in the least and whiny? Really? That makes me LOL. Everyone knows the dark side is the most emo faction in the history of factions. The light side is impartial and unemotional. They make calculated decisions for the greater good without passion or impulse. Whining is frowned upon; hence the reason it's not called the dark side.

Edited by Nanotech
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So I play all Imperial, I enjoy the stories I guess, although I have started skipping all the talking pretty much because it just takes to long. I have to say it seems like all the dark side choices are Save "X" or Kill "X". So pretty much i just kill everyone I come into contact with.


I have been PVPing almost solely on my 26 Operative, and although we do have a queue, its never too bad, yes we play alot of voidstar and huttball vs other imperials but I don't mind that at all. I personally love huttball, I pvp with a group from guild almost always and we hope for huttball because we own it almost every time.


Although I have noticed that people are slowly getting better and we have been able to pass to the randoms more and more often and even other people are getting the passing and stuff. I love huttball alot and if I played repblic and just got civil war all the time, I'll pass.

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i think the republic trooper quests are pretty good. You get betrayed and travel around the galaxy hunting down and killing your former squad mates one by one. Its lots of fun.


The jedi consular quests so far have been kinda like what you described so far though, a bit underwhelming.


dude, spoilers!


I can't believe it. I got spoilered in THE PVP SECTION

Edited by DaWaffle
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Funny how all you people whine why people didnt play Republic. Everyone is like "OMG COME REPUBLIC YOU GET TO PVP"


I get to PvP on both the realms I am on and I'm Empire. If you people cant see why Empire is the better side you have no hope. Illum is crap anyway. I only go there for win trading on my 50. So your whole Illum argument is fail.



There are no hard-core pvpers in their right mind that would play Empire. No player worth a damn wants to run with the zerg.

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Should have tried smuggler. Consular story is great as well. Every Imperial story I played had the cliche feel of a Dokken video. Not to mention I enjoy pvp and most imps only like to pvp when they have the numbers and then whine when they cant find anyone to fight.


Gold star for shoehorning a Dokken reference into the TOR forums.

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Ever wonder why there's so many games out like GTA or Assassins Creed etc... Because you can't do that stuff in real life and not go to prison/get killed.


Why do people think you have to be some immoral psychopath to want to be the bad guy in a video game?




- So, you would if the consequences weren't in place? That doesn't make you sound like a good person.


- When consequences of action get removed, people will show you who they really are. So, once moved to a "consequence-free-zone" and they opt for evil... well there you have it. That's who they really are at heart, their actions in real life are merely to avoid the consequences.

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I'm not sure it took a fortune teller to let us know which side was zerg and which side was buster.


What's your excuse? (see if we can't reform a zerg or two)


What about protoss? or terran?

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I think the republic trooper quests are pretty good. You get betrayed and travel around the galaxy hunting down and killing your former squad mates one by one. Its lots of fun.


The jedi consular quests so far have been kinda like what you described so far though, a bit underwhelming.


Yes gathering your own unique crack army to oppose the imperial invasion is sooooo boring.



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The responses to situations arent really interesting to me. As an agent i can agree with the empire be nonchalant about a situation or tell people. Im Intelligence so don't screw with me.


It is a bit of a reach some times but stranger things in spying have happened. I tried a few reps and i just couldnt get into the story or the VO responses. Though going around for revenge commando style might be fun so ill give that a try.

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I have only leveled 1 toon to 50 and it is my Jedi Guardian and you will be hard pressed to beat their story line to me.







Spoiler Ahead










I got to go hunt down every Darth in the dark council and kill them and then finish my story line by going and killing the immortal Emperor himself single handedly finish the story line from the Revan series and the Revan novel by being the savior of the republic.


That is pretty awesome to me.

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Or, you know, maybe your choice of empire was as deep and thought out as:



Hey <insert name of friend I was looking to play SWTOR with>, what faction is your character?


Ok, I'll make sure to roll Imperial when I make mine so we can play together.




Reading the forums this morning just makes me feel old.


Oh, and to the troll asking why anyone would willingly choose to play an evil or non-good character in a role playing game:


It may be because they would like to experience the other, or the taboo. Or they wanted to see what that story was like. Or the first time they got offered an ambiguous choice, they picked the choice that turned out to be "evil" and then decided to try and go that route from then on to see where the rabbit hole leads. Or maybe Bioware's view of morality doesn't jibe with the morality taught by their culture?


Most likely, though, you just need to get out more.

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This happens every game and it's never not funny.








Yo queues sukz in this game more open world pvp, we OWN that!

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This happens every game and it's never not funny.








Yo queues sukz in this game more open world pvp, we OWN that!


First valid argument for avoiding Empire I've seen in this thread. +1

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I picture the general chat in Imperial like so:


Hey anyone wanna watch Osama Bin Laden bio again it's soooo awesome!

Can't bro, I have to kill some babies, RL : (

No worries, use poison it's l33t


Looking for 50's only to make a premade group to trounce Republic

I am in, Sorc here.

I am in, Sorc here too

I am in Sorc here too

Great, lets take 5 minutes to troll the forums then invites go out! For Evil everywhere.

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There are no hard-core pvpers in their right mind that would play Empire. No player worth a damn wants to run with the zerg.


Where are all these hardcore players at? Exactly not on Republic thats for sure. All I hear is QQ from people like you. You picked republic now you're crying because your logic failed you? On most of the EU realms top pvpers and guilds are on Empire side. I dont know about the americans server. But honestly I couldnt care less about americans server.


Let me see.... Empire side gets better stories, better mirror skills, higher population = easier to find a guild/group for PvP/PvE and better looking armour. Now for your ego sake you will want to play Republic well that's great and all. But please stop crying that people arent playing Republic. Saying "hardcore" pvpers only play republic is such a stupid argument. But I guess that's your only defence left to justify you picking Republic?

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Yeah, really. I wonder about people who want to role play evil in these games. I wonder what they are like in real life, how they view others, what they aspire to.


In real life, I have been a city firefighter. I enjoyed saving people, making their lives better. I imagine lots of police enjoy protecting people from bad guys who want to hurt them.


Of course, I play a good guy in the game. It mirrors what I enjoy in life.


So, I wonder about people who choose to be evil in a game, and what the appeal is for them, and how it mirrors their real-life values or not.


First off,


Someone get this man a cookie.


Did I say man, I meant 12 year old boy. I can't believe anyone can be this naive and be apart of an inner city fire dpt.


I dealt with plenty of police and fire fighters and they've all had their rough spots and many of them aren't on the straight and narrow (if you catch my drift.)


Secondly, not every character on Imp is a villain, nor is everyone on republic a moral hero. The light/dark side options are there for a reason and at the end of the day, the guy you blasted was an NPC in a game...nothing more, nothing less.


So lay off the hateraide!

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There are no hard-core pvpers in their right mind that would play Empire. No player worth a damn wants to run with the zerg.


S1 - S4 Gladiator 2's and 3's.

Diamond SC2 1's and 2's

North American Quarter Finalist, 1st WoW Arena Tournament.

Murder Clan NA - AQ2


I rolled Empire to play with my friends.


Any other idiotic, self-important, generalizations you'd like to make?


You rolled Republic. Enjoy it. No need to lay your verbal ***** all over other people's choices.


Back under your bridge.

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The trooper story is amazing, and has a real epic feel to it.


Also trooper armor is some of the best in the game.


Also you get a huge gun, and awesome animations.


However the rest of the republic classes seems to have gotten the short end of the stick compared to imp.

Edited by Pokeytehpenguin
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This happens every game and it's never not funny.








Yo queues sukz in this game more open world pvp, we OWN that!


Except that:


1.) On the majority of PVP servers, Guardians DRASTICALLY outnumbered Defiant.


2.) WAR was just terrible and is, thus, a terrible example.

-----When I had a lapse in sanity and decided to go back to that P.O.S. game to see if it had improved, they had drastically reduced the number of servers and Destro was almost always outnumbered in the Lakes.


Fail conjecture is fail.



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Yeah, really. I wonder about people who want to role play evil in these games. I wonder what they are like in real life, how they view others, what they aspire to.


In real life, I have been a city firefighter. I enjoyed saving people, making their lives better. I imagine lots of police enjoy protecting people from bad guys who want to hurt them.


Of course, I play a good guy in the game. It mirrors what I enjoy in life.


So, I wonder about people who choose to be evil in a game, and what the appeal is for them, and how it mirrors their real-life values or not.


You obviously have no idea what roleplaying is. Or you do not possess the capacity to do so. Im not trying to be mean or put you down (i guess i am) but your statements made it sooo obvious. I roleplay a dark V sith jugg because it's fun and I get to be an evil sith force user (finally!!!)


It's awesome. Don't take it so seriously....



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