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This Screenshot speaks for itself.


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I am a level 34 Jedi who can't seem to win a single warzone.


This screenshot is how 95% of my matches end.




Please fix this.. the people who didn't spend time with their families over break get to wreck those who did for leveling faster?


Also, why am I always getting the same 50's on every match? I thought I am not supposed to be queued with Premades unless I am also a premade?


I grow tired.


EDIT: here is round 2 by the way - we scored 4 points this time and got in the last room... but look at the killing ratio.. AGAIN..


Edited by Tierya
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They had 4 50's wrecking everyone.. this is how it is ALL the time.. Republic i guess don't PVP?.. I have seen maybe one or 2 50's in a match on my side...


Could just be your server. On Space Slug it's the opposite, with Republic tearing up warzones. Empire owned face the first two weeks, but it seems we've completely forgotten how to PvP the last few days.

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Look at the objective scores, that explains a lot.



Your team saw four 50s and QQed the entire game, while a handful tried. That's what went wrong.


Well, we actually tried.. we got 2 doors down.. thats actually imrpessive considering what we faced.. we were actually able to do it while getting 3-shotted by their operative.

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I see one team doing lots of healing... the other not so much. I also don't see where the levels are visible, maybe I'm dumb.


It looks like the big difference is they had two healers, and everyone who could heal at all threw one out when needed.

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I am a level 34 Jedi who can't seem to win a single warzone.


This screenshot is how 95% of my matches end.




Please fix this.. the people who didn't spend time with their families over break get to wreck those who did for leveling faster?


Also, why am I always getting the same 50's on every match? I thought I am not supposed to be queued with Premades unless I am also a premade?


I grow tired.


yes. the people who spent more time playing the game making their characters better than yours will beat you. how does that not make sense? people like you is why every single game coming out is being driven into a toxic casual whinefest.

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yes. the people who spent more time playing the game making their characters better than yours will beat you. how does that not make sense? people like you is why every single game coming out is being driven into a toxic casual whinefest.


and its people like you whoa re turning every single game into something that doesnt want to be played by todays gamers.. not ******es like you.


You're also the reason I didnt roll a PVP server..

Edited by Tierya
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I am a level 34 Jedi who can't seem to win a single warzone.


This screenshot is how 95% of my matches end.




Please fix this.. the people who didn't spend time with their families over break get to wreck those who did for leveling faster?


Also, why am I always getting the same 50's on every match? I thought I am not supposed to be queued with Premades unless I am also a premade?


I grow tired.


EDIT: here is round 2 by the way - we scored 4 points this time and got in the last room... but look at the killing ratio.. AGAIN..



They was better. you was not, happens in the world.


I will name a few teams better in their sports,


Greenbay Packers.


Miami Heat.


Just some examples of humans being better in a team.


Happens in PvP mmo's also.

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You guys didn't even pull off ANYONE at over 100K damage? And only ONE person with barely a couple hundred in protection? ONE person trying to heal?


You got wrecked not because it was a premade with 50s. You got wrecked because your team fundamentally sucked face Even against a premade with 50s in gear you should be able to do SOMEthing.

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You're also the reason I didnt roll a PVP server..



This is why you have problems finding more players to pvp against. Most on your server are not concerned about pvp and are doing whatever it is that carebears do.


Roll on a pvp server and you will have more luck. I'm a casual gamer and I dont have that much of a problem

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yes. the people who spent more time playing the game making their characters better than yours will beat you. how does that not make sense? people like you is why every single game coming out is being driven into a toxic casual whinefest.


What a lot of crap, if the game had brackets this would not be an issue, every other mmo with instanced pvp has brackets with good reason. This was a silly amateurish design flaw that could so easily have been avoided when complained about during beta.


It's clear Bioware make single player rpg's given the very basic and obvious mistakes they have made with pvp, such as the lack of brackets, and the difference in activation times across "mirrored" classes from opposing sides. Then we have the lopsided CC, cc given to classes with ranged abilties but absent from pure melee, boy did they ever get that arse about face.


Despite incompetent claims to the contrary, boosting does not level the playing field. Boosting cannot make up for a lack of ability diversity in lower level players, boosting cannot make up for the fact higher levels have better PVP gear giving a larger boost to pvp dmg, resistance and healing, boosting cannot make up for the stats that only become available at meaningful levels later in game such as alacrity and surge.


Pvp instances are a farce, the current system was never going to work, boosting has never, and will never, work unless everything is adjusted to a level playing field, even in rift and war where they have wider brackets and boost, there is clear disparity between the highest and lowest players in a round.

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yes. the people who spent more time playing the game making their characters better than yours will beat you. how does that not make sense? people like you is why every single game coming out is being driven into a toxic casual whinefest.


This statement is hilarious, you are blaming the biggest player base the casual player, for ruining a game. HELLO!!!

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They was better. you was not, happens in the world.


I will name a few teams better in their sports,


Greenbay Packers.


Miami Heat.


Just some examples of humans being better in a team.


Happens in PvP mmo's also.

These are pugs, not handpicked teams with millions of dollars to pay and train the best players, you nub.

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These are pugs, not handpicked teams with millions of dollars to pay and train the best players, you nub.


Pugs are roll of the dice players.


Premades is what most face when pugging.


Therefore people cry when they get roflstomped by organized better players and teams.


Like I said happens in the real world, happens in mmo's.


Want some more metaphoric phrases?

Edited by Caeliux
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Pugs are roll of the dice players.


Premades is what most face when pugging.


Therefore people cry when they get roflstomped by organized better players and teams.


Like I said happens in the real world, happens in mmo's.


Want some more metaphoric phrases?


But... premades should only be facing premades...

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