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10 Good
  1. Improving gear.. and literally getting it for free.. because you are killing people not your level.. so that you can be FAR ahead when they are 50 Sounds fair to me
  2. Agreed! do NOT do ANYTHING cross-server - it ruins the server community
  3. Aww.. did baddie baddie level 50 run out of free kills of lowbies? QQ
  4. Thats what i was looking for.. thanks bud.
  5. You trade 30 Warzone Commendations at the vendor when you are about to begin a warzone.. and you get 10 Mercenary Commendations. I just have yet to find anything that needs them.
  6. God forbid someone on here answer a question instead of reading the QQ all damn day?
  7. What are they? Is it worth stocking up on them at lower levels for later? Thanks very much.
  8. Oh I do.. Yet, I am not 50 and i get rolled by the SAME group.
  9. But... premades should only be facing premades...
  10. Oh.. just to prove a point.. here is a 2nd round after I waited 20 minutes to queue again.. look familiar? http://img600.imageshack.us/img600/7938/screenshot2012010221363.jpg
  11. and its people like you whoa re turning every single game into something that doesnt want to be played by todays gamers.. not ******es like you. You're also the reason I didnt roll a PVP server..
  12. At least someone has a brain around here.
  13. Well, we actually tried.. we got 2 doors down.. thats actually imrpessive considering what we faced.. we were actually able to do it while getting 3-shotted by their operative.
  14. They had 4 50's wrecking everyone.. this is how it is ALL the time.. Republic i guess don't PVP?.. I have seen maybe one or 2 50's in a match on my side...
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