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COME ON..FIX PVP ALREADY .. Empire wins 99% of Warfronts


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On Infinite Empire Server the warzones win /lose ratio (from what ive noticed) seems fairly balanced.


Tbh i think winning warzone depends ENTIRELY on how smart your fellow allies are or how coordinated they can be (surprisingly our server republic side can be VERY coordinated at times in the Ops chat).


Oh and the classes are mirrored in terms of DAMAGE output but they still need to be tweeked, there are obvious bugs which turn the pvp tide into the empire's favor (eg. the flashbang cooldown of Operative vs Scoundrel and BHs mortar strike to the Troopers mortar strike animation / time).

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The problem is that abilities don't activate until animations finish, and for some reason many of the republic abilities take longer then their empire equivalent. In WoW for instance, when you use several abilities in succesion the animations would finish immediately. In SWTOR the GCD is still 1 sec but animations may take up to 2.5 seconds. Also pressing anything during that small window will activate the GCD but not the ability(not until the previous animation has finished). Its a major problem that needs to be addressed. Heres a link to another thread with more info.




I also find it upsetting how bioware chooses to ignore this. Its a basic concept, controls. I hope this isn't just a very pretty cash grab.


yup. kind-of retarded. Overall it's a very small problem, but republic already faces less man power etc. Its a numbers/population game in the end, and the empire simply have more population which means extremely more likely better players.

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My server can not win warfronts.... its so demoralizing.... I would like to get my daily and weekly warfront wins but its impossible to win.... LOOK at the win/loss ration for each faction and tell us something is wrong... When you have people on the Empire side doing 4 times the damage as everyone else...


go to another server or get better...


With that being said, this game is very easy...

1) have a sorc that does the little things, takes cc's off of players, shields them, etc

2) have a healer

3) have a back up healer

4) have tanks shield healers and sorc

5) have people who do single player spike dps

6) have people who do aoe dps


7) play together, this means move with each other, help each other, make each other better, assist off each other, notice things that are going on, etc


8) create a gameplan


9) watch what the other team is doing... Kill their healer, it makes your dps much more potent... Time your cc's, etc


Read this... Every class has an ability that will ignore armor and you can get free shots off, those specials do a lot of damage and you do not have to worry much about heat, ammo, energy, etc. That is what you should spec.


Basically you can say what I just said in one simple online forum trolling phrase



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The main problems are exploits, bugs and lags. I played around 30 scenarios today and faced countless objective caps by hidden players and had to face 2s lag almost all the time. Plus a lot of morons on the republic side. Shame, really, but not the main problem.




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I do well enough on my Powertech BH, in PVP, and wanted to have a nosy at what the Republic side was like at PVP, so I rolled a Vanguard Trooper.


And oh my god, republic randoms on LoL (EU) cannot PvP to save their life. Don't defend cap points, don't focus fire people, seem to be completely oblivious as to whats going on around them, and don't even seem to know you can throw the huttball. Like literally, I said "throw the damn ball" in /ops and the guy replied "lol". I gave up on that server after a loss streak of 20 matches.


So I rolled on another server, cant remember the name offhand, again as Vanguard Trooper. Figured I wasn't loosing much, as it will only take me a couple of hours to do the 1-10 zones, if that. And what do you know, yet again, I discover that the Republic cannot PvP there either.


Why are these people rolling on PvP servers if they cannot for the life of them PvP? They all (well, 90%) seem to be acting like its their first PvP match, and run around in big blobs, obviously inevitably getting creamed by AoE, not to mention the empire actually going for the objectives.


So I give up for now. Its just not worth it, watching them running around like sheep was stressing me out, so I'm going back to my BH which I do perfectly adequately with, simply because the Empire on my server at least try and act as a team, and attempt for the objectives most of the time.


If anyone wants to suggest an EU PvP server where the Repiblic at least puts up a fight (50/50 wins, not 1/20 loss streaks) please do let me know! Don't just say "well I do ok at PvP on my server" and not say what server it is. Put your money where your mouth is, name your server, so I can roll on it an stomp some Sith!


If you made it this far, cheers for reading that semi-rant! :p

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My server can not win warfronts.... its so demoralizing.... I would like to get my daily and weekly warfront wins but its impossible to win.... LOOK at the win/loss ration for each faction and tell us something is wrong... When you have people on the Empire side doing 4 times the damage as everyone else...


This is not the case on Port of Nowhere...

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Yea my server has like a 90% loss rate for republic too. It really has nothing to do with pvp skill its strictly because their number of 50's always outnumbers us like 3:1 due to population imbalance. Most of the time your in a WG with like 4 level 20's vs a team full of 50's. Brackets would easily fix things but I guess bioware still thinks its a good idea to keep lvl 10's against 50's with full pvp gear.
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Empire tends to have more competent players in the average pug. However, any side with an organized squad of good players is going to crush the other team under their boots. Go form a squad, or even a guild with a couple of buddies who are decent at pvp, and focus on objectives.


The reason any faction, empire included, loses is because people instantly go after kills. You can exterminate the entire enemy team alone, but it all means nothing if you lose.


PvP does not need fixing. There is no "OP" class. You need to take matters into your own hands, learn the ins and outs of your class, and find better teammates than the average pug.

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You didn't complete your sentence. it should read, "COME ON..FIX PVP ALREADY .. Empire winss 99% of Warfronts I am in."


you good sir are the only constant in the equation. my guess is that you are part/most of the reason you lose.

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I have never one a battle as a republic. I don't know why and I don't think they need to be nerfed. BUT THERE IS ONE ULTIMATE THING THEY NEED TO CHANGE! BOLSTER DOES NOT ******* BOLSTER ANYTHING!! Its clearly unfair as the people I'm versing are stronger in their advance class. Have more spells and abilitties. And MONTHS OF EXPERIENCE. BOlster is absolute garbage and they should split the pvp every 10 lvls SO IT IS FAAAAAAIIIRRRRRR.
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I don't think the problem is that Republic players suck. The problem is that most servers are terribly unbalanced. Our server alone has about a 2:1 or 3:1 ratio from Empire to Republic.


It seems most people thought it would be "cooler" to be evil, and that they would avoid the popular crowd by joining what they thought would be the unpopular choice. They figured it would be cooler to be evil and bad.


Yet those people fail to realize that it seems that the evil side is the most popular and thus their attempt to be on the "less popular" side has failed.


Frankly, its become harder to be on the Republic side, and more challenging.


To some degree, this allows us Republic players to gloat in the fact that we take the vast majority of abuse and the fact that we are grossly outnumbered.


Yet it also sucks, because no one likes to lose as much as we are now forced to lose. You simply can't compete with the zergs of Empire that occurs in world PvP, nor in the massively organised zergs of Imperials in Warzones.


The solution is to organize ourselves, when you queue, queue with guildies, preferably in a group of 4 and take time to learn the tactics associated with your class and with the warzones.


But sadly, because we are outnumbered, this inevitably means that the Imperials have a jumpstart and a greater advantage when it comes to getting the top level armor and loot. Many of these Imperials are forced to face themselves in Huttball, and even organize themselves to where one side will purposely lose badly to give the other side more commendations, and switch this practice back and forth to gain more commendations for the other side.


Then you also have the cheap tactics on Illum where ******es will have 1 Republic players repair all the equipment, just so that the Imperial players can repair them and get their Dailys and Weeklys done.


Yes, much of the problem lays with the numbers imbalance. But a lot of the problem lays with some of the game mechanics and with the ability of Republic players to organize and attain better gear.


You can't avoid having ******es play this game, its going to happen, but measures ought to be taken by both Republic players and by Bioware to ensure that neither side can gain a significant advantage because they outnumber the other.


Kill the ******e's ability to create shortcuts and their ability to take advantage of the system. Put some mechanic into place that gives aid to either side if either side outnumbers the other. This could be a buff to commendation or valor gain, etc...

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My server can not win warfronts.... its so demoralizing.... I would like to get my daily and weekly warfront wins but its impossible to win.... LOOK at the win/loss ration for each faction and tell us something is wrong... When you have people on the Empire side doing 4 times the damage as everyone else...


I've lost countless games on Iron Citadel versus Republic teams. The Warzones themselves are balanced, if the players on one faction lack skill then that's their problem.

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My server can not win warfronts.... its so demoralizing.... I would like to get my daily and weekly warfront wins but its impossible to win.... LOOK at the win/loss ration for each faction and tell us something is wrong... When you have people on the Empire side doing 4 times the damage as everyone else...


I could come here and say the same for republic.. at least on my server. Dude its just some groups are better then others, this is something you need to pay attention to and get over



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Yes, nerf the entire empire team and buff the entire republic team. Ever care to think everyone complaining is just...bad? I win most games as republic so l2p and QQ more.


Whinyest forums ever.



You fail to understand what's going on. It's ain't skill, it's hours played and gear. Just like WOW. Just like Rift.


I am SO waiting for an alternative.

Edited by Laserstrike
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