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COME ON..FIX PVP ALREADY .. Empire wins 99% of Warfronts


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My server can not win warfronts.... its so demoralizing.... I would like to get my daily and weekly warfront wins but its impossible to win.... LOOK at the win/loss ration for each faction and tell us something is wrong... When you have people on the Empire side doing 4 times the damage as everyone else...
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My server can not win warfronts.... its so demoralizing.... I would like to get my daily and weekly warfront wins but its impossible to win.... LOOK at the win/loss ration for each faction and tell us something is wrong... When you have people on the Empire side doing 4 times the damage as everyone else...


pvp is fine, bad players are bad players

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It just really depends on the server you're playing on. Ajunta Pall for example if you solo queue as the Republic you'll notice frequently that your team has a bunch of guys that are sub level 20 and the Imperial team has a bunch of guys above level 40.


I just chalk that up to more dedicated players on one side versus the other. Should even out once more folks on the Republic get to those higher levels. I haven't been in a single warzone that was a bunch of level 50's versus level 50's. So it's hard to call the problem balance.

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Everyone gets "Bolstered" in a WZ, Empire looks like they are getting more from being bolstered than the republic, this unbalance leads to the empire pvp getting champion gear long before the republic can and thats what im seeing now.
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Classes are mirrored...I'm not sure what you suggest they do to fix this.


Actually classes are not mirrored.






The gunslinger dirty kick roots the gunslinger using it, Sniper Debilitate does not root the sniper using it.


Trooper abilities can be interrupted (any attack) to completely prevent damage. This is not such a large issue for bounty hunters who can get the majority of damage off. This issue stems from trooper abilities only doing damage after the channel and BH abilities going off as they should. There are vids showing how it works for one compared to the other.


BW response in regards to these imbalances is that its low on the issue list.


Basically for now when it comes to mechanics (damage output, cooldown, skill usage)

agents > smugglers

BH > trooper


My main is sniper and I play a gunslinger for non hutball pvp and the gunslinger is basically a gimp sniper. However in reality who would you want as your long range support a random guy off the street or a sniper. :)


I read theres some issues for republic force users, but I didnt really look into it.

Edited by shadowAI
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Actually classes are not mirrored.



Actually they are, they all play the same.


Not one mirror class is better than the other.


Sag/Inq same


Vanguard/Merc same


Sent/Mar same


JK/JUGG same


Assassin/Shadow same


OP Concealment/Scoundrel Sawbones same.


Sniper/Gunslinger same


Different names, and a few moves do seem somewhat different, but at level 50 it's the mirror of the other class.


Not one has a advantage over the other, saying crap like that is talking BS.

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Classes are exactly mirrored, but there are tiny tiny tiny advantages for several Empire classes over their Republic counterpart. It's all in ability delay, not in damage or anything like that. Dirty Kick vs Debilitate, Full Auto vs Unload, Project vs Shock(?). All of the Empire abilities go off faster because of animation differences.


This is really a non-issue though in group PvP. It certainly isn't causing Empire to win more games or anything like that.


Play in a pre-made. That's the only solution. Playing in a full PuG is asking for trouble. The majority of players in warzones right now are absolutely terrible.

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Republic owns Alderaan on my server. An Empire pug can win if they're lucky enough to have objective oriented players, but I sit across the room from a BH that must have played Alderaan at least 20 times before getting a win. I, however, on an Empire character was part of several winning teams in that time frame, still Republic wins significantly more than not.


About Alderaan, it tends to be my least favorite BG. I get a point, I keep a point, my friend/s do the same, everyone else fights in the middle and it stays 2 points to 1 the whole game. That's how it goes for me pretty consistently as an Empire character. Unless another 2 or more persons have the same idea, then I'll let them hold the point and there's really nothing left for me to do with no teamwork from the rest of the team except offer myself up as a sacrifice to Republic medals over and over again. I get heals when I bring my own healer and that's it.


The other warzones aren't so hopeless, but Alderaan is. So I don't know what you're talking about the Empire wins 99%.

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This is really a non-issue though in group PvP. It certainly isn't causing Empire to win more games or anything like that.



It's people playing well, and others not able to deal with it.


Too much butthurt going around these parts.

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The problem is that abilities don't activate until animations finish, and for some reason many of the republic abilities take longer then their empire equivalent. In WoW for instance, when you use several abilities in succesion the animations would finish immediately. In SWTOR the GCD is still 1 sec but animations may take up to 2.5 seconds. Also pressing anything during that small window will activate the GCD but not the ability(not until the previous animation has finished). Its a major problem that needs to be addressed. Heres a link to another thread with more info.




I also find it upsetting how bioware chooses to ignore this. Its a basic concept, controls. I hope this isn't just a very pretty cash grab.

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This is hillarious.. Empire winning 99% of warzones dosnt mean there is a bug/problem, just means republic generally have to many carebears that don't know what the hell theyr doing in warzones, not to mention empire gets far more practice individually and at teamwork since they play vs each other more.
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This is hillarious.. Empire winning 99% of warzones dosnt mean there is a bug/problem, just means republic generally have to many carebears that don't know what the hell theyr doing in warzones, not to mention empire gets far more practice individually and at teamwork since they play vs each other more.


It's really just about who has more 50s and who cares more about grouping up and winning.


The Empire has WAY more players than the Republic, thus way more 50s.


If you're Q'ing solo then you're also asking for a loss.


Cmon rtards. Use some common sense.

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